Friday, January 21, 2005

Hello :D Its 11.07 now :)

Eh.... haha.... think I should stop starting my entry like this :S Cos I had a hard time trying to track my previous post. Cos.... they only show the first sentence from each entry. So when I was trying to find my previous entry.... I had to open each entry one by one to look at the next few sentence :S

Anyway... went shopping for new year clothes today :) Heard quite some good comments about queensway shopping center so decided to check it out :) So yar.... took the MRT to queenstown. Alighted then went to the bus stop. But.... I duno which bus to take!!! lol.... then I look around... and saw a group of young people dressed up like they are going shopping like that. Then I guess... they should be going to the place I'm heading for ba.... cos I think there arn't any other place around that area. Then yar.... the some bus arrived and I see not many people boarding. Then waited and waited... finally a bus came... and everyone stood up and crowd around the entrance. Then I thought to myself.... that must be the one I need to take. :P So yar... took the gamble and boarded the bus..... and I was right :D haha.... after a few stops... everyone starts to alight..... then I also follow suit :P Haha.... and then I reached my destination. Went into the shopping center..... wow.... IT WAS SO DAMN CROWDED!!! haha..... walk around for a while.... then went out..... cos its impossible to get anything with that kind of crowd :S .... I decided to walk elsewhere first until about 5 or 6 pm when everyone was going for lunch before I go back in there.
so yar.... left the place and went to IKEA :) which was nearby...... IKEA was also very crowded..... Then walk around.... then saw an interesting thing. There was this TV that caught my attention.... cos you know.... the TV there on display are mostly fake. But this one was real.... and guess what really caught my attention..... The video they were playing was.... " How to watch television " LOL..... haha..... so yar.... I stop and watch the video..... there was quite some tips for making your television viewing more confortable. Like the distance between you and the TV.... how do you guage. Then video suggest that..... you hold up your fist toward the TV.... your fist should cover the screen of the TV..... I thought that was quite interesting cos what I knew was that we must stay away from the screen from duno how much distance.... haha..... then.... yar.... stayed there quite a while......

After that.... went to anchor point to walk around.... was looking for a music store to look at some CDs..... but they only have a Poh Kim there which sells VCDs .... felt abit thirsty so went to 7-11 to get some drinks. Then I got 'Bu Shuang' drink.... first time drinking it although it was introduced quite some time ago..... It is like milky soda water..... Not too bad.... better then plain soda water cos the milk smoothen the taste :)
So yar.... after walking around enjoying the air con..... its about 5 already.... so I went back into the shopping center. This time round it was better..... but still very crowded.... but heck..... I'll just join in the crowd :D .... Bought 3 T-shirts 1 shirt and 1 cargo pants..... Haha.... the price there was rather low compared to those bought in town.

Haha.... Then went into this shop. 'Gen apparel' The service there quite nice.... the person there very good at sales. haha..... I went into the shop. at first was looking at a t shirt only..... then after I decided on the T shirt..... the person there ask me to get a long pants as well.... then I said okay...... so he choose one for me.... I tried it on and found it rather nice.... so I took it..... then after that hor..... the person ask me to look for a matching shirt :S.... haha.... then he took one out.... I see also not bad... tried it on.... then also bought it :S LOL.... haha..... Well... maybe some people will say that I am a 'victim' of sales. But.... I'm happy to be a victim :D Haha.... cos the person is really nice :) You know.... sometime people such as me... whom dun have fashion sense..... walk into a shop.... and duno what to buy..... but that person explains things to me..... he told me what type of clothes are fashionable. Whats the fashion trend in color. What occasion can I wear the clothes..... he really fill me with lots of information..... and thats very important for people whom dun have even a single idea on fashion. Most importantly..... I can see the effort he tried to melt this ice-berg (me) .... You know I sometimes can really freeze up and become very cold to people. I dun smile and I dun speak..... but this person tried to make me talk.... you know.... just now actually I dun really feel like smiling.... but I kind of feel bad if I don't smile. cos I appreciate the effort. So in the end.... I smiled :D And that smile stayed on my face for the rest of the day.... When I go into other shops.... I dun feel such friendliness.... I guess the service industry really need such people around :)

So yar... before I left the shop. The person asked me to help promote his shop and gave me a name card. If you are those people like me... whom needs someone to guide you on fashion, like friendly service, dun mind having to buy 3 pieces instead of a intended 1 . Heres the shop for you :)
" Gen apparel 1 queensway shopping center #02-40A "

After I bought my things... I left to meet up with the rest of my family at bugis for dinner..... but we didn't eat there in the end cos it was too crowded!!!! It seems that the whole singapore is out shopping :S .....

Guess thats all for today :) Bye~ and have a nice day tmr :)

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