Thursday, January 06, 2005

Hello.... hmm..... my blog seems kind of crappy now.... had been a long time since I have a decent entry.... wad typing all crap for the past few times.... and also.... I think people no longer visit my blog liao.... Kind of quiet here.... partly because I got no content ba....
BUt really.... life these days really very boring.... so I also have nothing much to type about.....

But for today... shall share with you people about something I saw on the first day to school. I was aboard the train.... then there is this 2 indian man who walk in and stood in front of me.... I noticed that one of the guy was extremely skinny. the other had a nondescript face ( duno use correct word or not :S ) ..... so yar.... didn't bother about them.... then after a while.... I notice something weird about the skinny guy.... he kept swaying and swaying....... cos I was sitting down.... my direct view was at his hip... well... I didn't bother much.... until I start to notice that his hand were also very 'ah gua' .... then I felt that something is wrong with the guy liao..... So I looked up..... and almost puked..... the two guys were talking..... then the skinny guy use his hand to tease the other's chin..... Sick man!!!! so okay.... I know they are likely to be a gay couple liao.....
I have nothing against gays.... but I dun like 'Ah gua' !!!!! Its very disgusting!!!!!

so yar.... first day of school morning already met with such incident liao.... wonder how would the rest of the year be....

I think this year will be a tabulent one.... ( is that a correct word again... :S ) cos.... so many things happened at the start of the year.... the tsunami and stuffs..... At first I thought 'da nan bu shi bi you hou fu' but now.... dun think so.... we haven't get over the 'nan' yet... so the 'fu' won't come anytime soon.....
But still Hope for the best this year :)

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