Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Reply to Kerling :

"life is not solely abt oneself. cos everyone meant something to others. we shld feel depressed but nv to give up"

Hmm.... I agree with you. Life is not only about yourself. Everyone means something to others.

But... I have this idea of the differences between giving up and letting go.

Giving up is like. you are dissappointed with life. You feel that life is no longer meaningful. That you have no value in this world anymore....

But letting go is like..... you underestand that it is your time to go already. The one cycle of life has already ended for you. You are not dissappointed with life, but just understanding what it is. E.g. you can be very happy with your life, but when its time for you to go, you would leave. You would let go. Its more positive and peaceful compared to giving up.

Therefore, hmm..... that brings me to another question. When you are terminally ill, or have disablilties. ANd you decided to end your life. Are you giving up? or letting go?

Do you think that you no longer have any future therefore you give up.

Or. do you think that this cycle of life has ended for you. And you let go?

Well.... after some thoughts..... I think yup... my previous view point ( previous entry) has been changed. I will not try to end my life when I find that I am disabled. Cos that is not counted as giving up. Your life cycle hasn't ended yet. There can still be a future if you try hard enough.

But if I am terminally ill. Or going to die soon. I would choose to let myself die. I won't continue taking the medcine or using machines to prolong my life because there is really no more future for me. I guess that is letting go. When I am ill and can have almost zero chance of recovering. WHy would I cling on to life? I will let go.... I will not take any medication or plug myself to some machines and cling on to life. I would spend the remaining time usefully and leave this world when my time is up...... I think this is called letting go.....

Whahaha..... well I'm starting to crap alot again :S Hope it makes sense. Cos its 10.41 now... I am really really very tired and sleepy. I only saw his msg at around 10.15 when I finish my earlier entry.... but I will feel uneasy if I don't reply now :S haha.... so yar... hope I make sense. :) If not... i will try to improve on it the next time I come online :)
OKay... bye~

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