Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Hmm.... time really passes by very fast... only did a few maths question and its already 9.50 now.

Well.... today had the first IT club session. Then.... hmm... I tried to be friendly lar, mix around with people. But hor.... I scared I overdid it. Cos yar.... I was usually the shy shy type. Then cos today got new comers I tried to talk more. But you know.... when I start to talk more and more..... I get more and more carried away...... then I will speak louder and louder. And things start to go beyond control..... Argh.... I intented to leave a good impression, but I scared I didn't..... Sometimes I really would like to have a video camera recording down whatever I do..... then when there is a need to, I can rewind the tape and look at myself. you know.... cos normally you can't really see youself. So what ever action you do. You won't be able to know how it look like. Maybe you know. when doing that action you feel quite normal and natural. But when others look at it, it may be disgusting. Or no need for other to look at it. When you yourself look at it. You may find it disgusting as well. So yar...... hope that I can have a chance to look at myself and evaluate myself. You know..... to observe and comment on other people is so easy. but when you want to look at yourself, it isn't. Cos you can't see yourself clearly.... You look up straight. You can see everything in front of you, if its unblocked, you can see miles and miles away. But.... can you see your own feet? can you see the shoe you are wearing. Can you see the mud you have on your shoe. You can see so far ahead. But yet. you can't see the thing nearer to you. So yar..... hope that I will have a chance to bend down my head. To look at the things right under myself.

Hmm... another thing..... I finally knew how little I know about flash action scripting already..... Cos yar... me and another friend decided to revamp the school website. So yar.... the teacher showed us the .fla file for the website...... and OMG.... I see one whole page of action script that I dun understand!!!! LOL.... then the teacher slowly break down the parts of the script and explain.... Haha..... I finally realise how powerful flash is. No wonder this software is so successful. With scripting right.... you can actually 'talk' to the computer..... and anything would be possible if you can communicate. So yar..... I want to learn the action script. and come up with a little Singlish to action script dictionary for myself. SO next time when I need to do anything. I can just 'talk' to the computer with the help of this dictionary :P

Haha..... well thats all for today. Had a tiring day... spent like almost the whole day in school. So yar.... gonna go and sleep now :D Bye~ And.... tmr is the last day of this week liao :D:D:D So yup.... people..... bear with it for anther day and we will have 3 days of break :D:D:D:D:D BYe~

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