Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Just finished my econs project... spent a lot of time on it.... very difficult to find information... so yar.... my night gone like that liao... Today was erm... not too bad.... lessons as usual.... nothing special.... Had CCA exibition today.... but our club dun need to do anything :P haha.... so I could go home at 1.30 already... but well... stayed back a while to chat with those who need to stay back for CCA.... nothing to do at home anyway.... So yar... as usual talk cock.... Until... It started to rain!!!! -.- Then I can't go home liao.... not cannot lar... very troublesome... after they gone for their CCA, I loiter around the school a while.... after some time, it seems that the rain become lighter liao... so I decided to go home.... Then come home... sleep... very tired these days.... having insomia... so at night very alert, but afternoon very tired... so yar.... a while later ate dinner and started on the project already....

Nothing much happen today....

Btw.... the older color scheme looks better meh? ... haha... Eh... I dun feel so leh... haha.... nvm... I'll stick to this for a while.... very soon I will get sick of it and change the whole layout again :S haha....

K lar... nothing much for today.... tmr would be a long day.... having PE too :) haha.... So long nv have PE le.... I getting fatter!!! lol.... Haven't been watching my diet closely.... and haven't been exercising too...

Oh... i read this article that is about losing weight.... It says that dieting can only bring down your weight to a certain level... after that you will reach a plateau.... which I am at now!!! haha... my weight isn't going down anymore.... then it says that only by exercising to gain more muscles, can the extra (duno wad unhealthy thing lar, forgot liao :S ) be absorbed muscles.... Hmm.... haha... time to gain muscles :D haha... but :S duno can succeed or not... haha... I always do thing "shan fen zhong re du" initially very excited then keep doing, but after a while sian liao then stop doing -.-

NVM... HECK... haha.... as long as I'm not too fat can liao :P

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

:) Haha... today was erm... first day of school :S haha... actually no lar.... its the start of lessons for term 2... had been having test for the past week, so lesson only start today.... as usual..... with each start of the term, our time table would change again..... but they only give out the new timetable like yesterday.... but we didn't to school yesterday cos no exams for us... so we didn;t know wad lessons we are having.... So yar... after morning assembly, we were like lost sheeps.... duno where to go.... but we are not alone... haha... there are also some classes still loitering around the parade square.... then after a while, everything was settled, we got our new timetable and started our first lesson for the term... The new time table nothing much has changed lar... But 1 maths tutorial was moved to monday!!! That means I will have to spent the weekends preparing tutorials liao.... -.- previously when maths tutorial starts only on wednesday... I can slack throughout the weekends then do my maths tutorials on tuesday.....

Anyway... so yar... had our lessons... then our lessons end at 12 -.- Cos after that is student dialoge and PC/Ct period, but for today the teachers had some meeting, then at 5 we having a econs extra lesson.... So in between we have a total of 5 hrs of break!!! SO yar... we spent the first hr doing some maths..... after that the second hr loitering around north point.... 3rd hr eating at BK .... the next 2 hrs.... On our way home!!! LOL... we decided to pon the econs extra lesson.... Cos yar... still have to wait so long, and I doubt that we can learn much during the extra lesson... firstly.... the teacher sux..... secondly... I had lack of sleep.... so I would probably be sleeping 80% of the lecture away... so yar... might as well not go....

So yar... went home... on the train I smsed mr leong... cos having a cca exibition tmr, so I asked him if he need help.... and guess the first word in his reply.... Slack. LOL haha... So nice to have joined this CCA :P

Reached home, wash up.... then watch sponge bob square pants the movie I borrowed from Andy.... haha.... it was supposed to be funny lar.... but somehow, when you watch it alone.... the kind of atmosphere is not there.... but still some parts made me burst out laughing :P

There is this little guy named Patrick Star ( sponge bob's buddy ) .... interesting character.... I was just wondering.... how nice would it be to live our lives like that :) Being blur blur... then life would be without stress :)

K lar... thats all for today... bye~ :)

Monday, March 28, 2005

Haiz.... not in the mood to do homework.... so sian.... did a bit of maths today.... nothing much.... so bored... Tmr will be a long day... haiz.... but duno why... although I may complain about it.... but actually I like it.... Its much better than staying at home doing nothing... That reminds me of a chinese compre passage I've done....

It talks about how we make ourselves so busy everyday to make us feel important. We feel that something is wrong if we are too free... For example, you come home with homework everyday.... but one day when you have no homework, you will feel weird, then you start worrying that you might have missed out something....

Haiz... duno wad to say lar.... just don't feel very good these days....

Shall end off here... bye~

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Yay!!! haha.... a new look for my blog again :D:D:D Whahaha... It now has a more tranquil look :) Cos yar.... wasn't very happy with the previous color scheme.... it seemed to have lacked something.... wans't quite right to be used as a blog template.... So yar.... I went to do RESEARCH on colors... haha.... really put in the effort hur~ :P Haha.... yar... after some searching and learning.... I found that this shade of blue gives bit of a moon light feeling.... Then just nice I have this beautiful picture of a night sky.... So yar... decided to use night as a color scheme for my blog.... Furthermore, I think most people would come and visit my blog at night ba.... so this color kind of matches the surrounding :) Oh... I've also focused on one main color... cos yar... think I used too much color last time liao.... so it looks a bit unprofessional.... Haha... so yar... really love this color scheme compared to the previous one..... haha.... Anyway... I got plans to further improve my main page.... it looks kind of plain.... But haiz.... due to my impatience and lack of idea.... I can't come up with anything nice but also can't wait to upload this new design.... so yar.... this is still UNDER CONSRTUCTION..... haha.... guess my construction will never be completed :P Maybe when the next phase of construction begins... you will see a completely new layout again.... cos I'm tired of this liao :P haha....

Anyway.... spent a lot of time on this thing.... Been trying out things and always fails.... haiz... so yar... in the end still get back the same thing.... so yar.... the weekends is gone just like that....

Anyway.... was reading the newspaper and found something interesting.... You know the escalators at takashimya shopping center ( Ngee An City ) .... they have this standalone door near it right?... a door without wall... You know what is it for? Duno is I slow or wad... I just found out recently from the newspaper...

It is part of fire safety... when a fire breaks out, shutters will come down all around the escalator to stop the fire from spreading to other levels.... so the doors are to be used when the shutters are down and there are people who need to escape.... Kind of cool right :P Haha.... like those sci-fi shows.....

K lar.... thats all for today :) Bye~

Friday, March 25, 2005

:) Just came back from a family gathering. Went to my uncle's house at around noon... went there for lunch... and later dinner.... the food was not too bad :) haha... but I ate very unhealthly today :S haha.... had like 2 cups full of ice-cream... 1 whole packet of potato chips + a big bit of pringles (spelling abit weird, duno correct or not :S ) ... Then laksa with coconut milk for lunch.... + a bit of braised pig trottle..... Wahaha.... think there's gonna be a new layer of fats around my tummy tmr..... haiz..... duno when then I can get rid of it.... hope the army can do the trick :P Actually my friend had this very positive thinking about the army..... He kind of plump, and he is trying to maintain this plumpness... with his weight, he said would get a slacking position in the army.... And also... he hope that he would still lose weight in the army :) haha... He treats it as a free sliming programme.... he said other people have to pay to get such programmes, but we get it free + free food and accomodation too.... haha... was like totally -.- when I heard this.... cos I thought almost every fat people and people like me would hate the army... Is he trying to make himself feel better? Or does he really look forward to the army..... there is this faint line between cheating yourself, and really feeling good about it....

Anyway.... yar... spent the day at my uncle's house.... Then my uncles, my aunt and my dad (the 3 brother + 1 sister) start to talk.... they would talk about anything under the sun..... I like to listen to them talk, especially about current affairs... HAha.... its more interersting than reading the forum page or the news analysis on the newspaper.... haha.... they know a lot of things.... especially about the government and how things work in singapore..... So yar.... I'll just sit there... listen to them talk.... I guess its a nice thing that I got chance to listen to such conversation.... cos it really helps build up my knowledge base and this is especially important now cos of GP. I only have moderate english skills, but the reason I do well in GP ( hao lian abit :P I am in the top 8% for GP during promos :P ) is because I take in a lot of information about things happening around us.... I seldom really formulate my own stand.... Its often based on whatever information I hear.... Thats why, if I dun have these avenue to get information, I might not have a stand, and can't write a GP essay properly.... So I am glad that I have these kind of people around.... Not only them...... even in my class there are such conversation going on too.... If you listen carefully, the conversation between Andy and kerling... its really interesting as they have very unique viewpoints on things that happen... Last time still got Mdn chan ( my chinese teacher ) ....

K lar... thats all for today :) Just updated my warcraft this morning, so I'll go have a game or two :) okie.... thats all for today :) Have a nice weekend ahead :D

Thursday, March 24, 2005

见鬼 10+1

:P haha.... haiz... in the morning already 见鬼..... The maths paper is DAMN DIFFICULT!!!! Don't think I will be able to pass this time.... I like for almost every questions do only the first part nia.... the rest all DUNO HOW TO DO!!! The approximation.... I DO UNTIL THE 12th interation!!! before I got a constant.... and duno this constant correct or not :S 2 marks only leh.... waste so much time.... then for almost every question.... do first part.... duno.... leave blank.... skip.... so my paper is full of blanks.... kind of waste paper hur....

anyway.... after that went to eat at M.... then eng jin is telling me about the recent comotion about the BMI.... If you didn't know.... they changed the BMI value to a higher value cos singaporeans got more fats compared to the american of the same BMI.... Then he is pondering whether izzit our PW that made them change it :P Haha.... cos yar... our project work last year, we did on improving BMI..... and now.... they made changes to BMI already!!!! haha... the timing just nice lor.... cos the result of the PW is going to be out soon.... so perhaps they just finished marking out project :P haha.... Wah.... if really is caused by us... then woho!!! sure get A liao.... HAHA....

So after that went to watch 见鬼10.... actually didn't want to watch it at first.... cos I thought this kind of movie not nice one lor... Make until very gruelsome and bloody to scare people.... like this, to me is not scary.... its disgusting..... But nvm.... still went ahead to watch it... and I nv regret :D haha.... the show was quite nice :) very funny :D haha.... the right movie to watch after the maths test -.- haha..... they cracked a lot of jokes throughout the show :D Very lame ones too.... So yar... after laughing and laughing... the trauma from the maths test is gone :D haha.... feel abit better now....

btw... see who sold us the tickets :)

Yes :D haha... its xiang long :) haha... though he left yj already... we still get to see him quite often... cos he lives in yishun :D haha....

K lar... thats all for now :) Bye~

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

I give up......

I give up on maths liao.... really cannot continue anymore..... nothing make sense..... everything is just numbers and numbers.... alphabets and alphabets.... I can't take it anymore..... I HATE MATHS.....

It seems that I do maths based on a set of method MEMORISED.... I dun understand anything.... but I just follow the method and I'll get things right.... but it seems that I can't do this anymore.... especially in this kind of big exams.... cos there are too much thing and methods to memorise!!!! During those mini test where we get tested on 1 topic.... I can still do it cos I just need to gather all the methods of dealing with question.... so when I see something familiar.... thats the way to do it.... But for major exams.... there are too many topic already..... and for each topic there are many methods to do it.... so in total there are KNN-ly HUGE AMOUNT OF INFORMATION TO BE STORED!!! My mind can't take it.... I cannot do memory work.... and sometimes, when the question twist abit.... I can't answer already. Cos it dosen't match any of the methods that I know.... then I can think of a new method cos I dun understand it.... Its not that I dun want to understand it.... its impossible to understand.....

Haiz... so yar.... I've tried to study lar.... I really tried.... I tried to do 10 yr series questions already.... and had been having headaches for the whole day cos I keep duno how to solve questions.... I guess.... thats already my limit at this point of time..... even if I try to do more, I'll still have problem doing it.... and nothing will go into my mind.... This kind of thing cannot be done in a day one.... So yar.... based of what I know, I will do whatever I can for the test tmr.... don't have much expectation for it.... would be happy enough if I can pass the test.... so yar.... I'll stop doing the ten year series for today le.... but will still continuing studying the tutorials.... cos during tutorials, I got take down some useful notes and hints about solving questions.... hope that will come in useful tmr.....

I guess for maths... the best way to study would be doing group study.... cos when you are stuck with a question.... YOU ARE STUCK.... no matter how hard you try YOU ARE STILL STUCK.... cos you may have forgotten about a method or miss out something.... or you DIDN"T EVEN KNOW IT EXIST in the first place... so yar... when we do group studying.... we could help each other out.... So hmm..... maybe will try it for the next exam :) haha.... but have to find people who are willing to study with me first lar....

Hmm.... so yar.... must try to relax my mind now.... cannot feel too stress up.... otherwise its going to make things worst..... Must try to tell meself that... I've gone tru the tutorials already... whatever that has to be learn, I've learned it already.... Its now whether I can dig it up from my mind for tmr's test..... so if I feel too stress up.... I might not be able to find anything from the depths of my mind.... so must relax..... Everything will come naturally.... " chuan dao qiao tou zhi ran zhi " I've did what I can.... and thats good enough for tmr.... but will have to try harder next time :)

okie... so that all for now.... I go watch TV now :P haha... first step to clearing my mind.... after that will try to study a little bit more before going to bed and tmr's test :) Okie..... haha.... in about less than a day... the block test will be over and the start of a 4 day break :) Okie... bye~

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Just before I began writing this entry... a thought struck me and I went to googles to search for something...

I have this sudden thought of looking for a phobia of being lonely.... so I went to googles and did a search.... surprisingly... there are quite a number of phobias dealing with being alone.....

Eremophobia- Fear of being oneself or of loneliness.
Autophobia- Fear of being alone or of oneself.
Isolophobia- Fear of solitude, being alone.
Monophobia- Fear of solitude or being alone.

I guess the first kind of phobia refers to being lonely.... no one to talk to or be with....

the next two refers to being alone... eg... trapped in a life or something.....

The last one, is about anything that is alone, single... eg... a single paper clip..... not just applying to yourself being alone....

Can't imagine how to person would live his/her life with the 4th phobia.... you get scared because you only see one thing on its own.....

As for the second and third one.... I guess its quite common lar... actually not really common, but we hear more of it as compared to the others....

Then the first one... I kind of have it :S haha.... not the very serious kind.... but I dun like being alone.... I get headaches when I am alone.... but in reality.... I'm alone most of the time... sad hur.... thats why I hate holidays.... when I'm alone.... and especially when I have nothing to do... I will get a terrible headache.... my mind need to be constantly thinking.... my mind loves to work.... I guess I spend all of my time awake thinking...... even sometimes you see that I dun speak or am stoning.... I am still thinking.... And I think that I enjoy thinking so much that I enjoyed having physics exams.... That is the time when I can force my mind to think a lot at a very short time.... Cos physics is a subject where you can link a lot of things together... a lot is based on the things we see everyday.... so I like trying to link everything together..... Today is a very good example.... you know even though I lost a lot of marks ( paper was real difficult) but I am still happy :D During the 2 1/2 hrs.... my mind became very light... the feeling is great.... if you have read the previous post.... I mentioned that I've been kind of moody for the past few days.... been troubled by some things.... but today.... during the 2 1/2 hrs.... everything is gone from my mind.... I guess its kind of like taking drugs.... I forget all the things and concentrate on doing the paper.... and after the paper.... i feel slightly better than the previous day :) See... my length of post had also increased :P haha.... cos the past few days am not in the mood to write anything.... My insomia is also caused by thinking too much.... every night I would like spent a hr thinking before I can get to sleep.... so even though I go to bed at 10.... I only go into slumber at 11.... Often I will need to force to blank my mind cos its really getting too late.... I've to like... you know when you close your eyes.... you see blank..... so I have to force my mind to focus on the blank.... and not think about anything else... then after a while... my mind will be cleared of all the thoughts and I truly begin sleeping..... If I don't do it.... I guess I can stay up all night thinking about things and forget about sleeping.....

Anyway.... its already 10.30 now.... have to go off le..... gonna sleep early today even though no school tmr.... cos I need to study the whole day tmr..... I haven't touch anything on maths so tmr is the last day I can study and thursday is the exam liao.... So I'll be doing wad I did for O lvls... study from morning till night.... for one entire day.... then after that... SONG LIAO :D haha.... cos friday is a public holiday..... then weekends.... and monday a break again cos exams still going on :D A total of 4 day break :D haha.... So yar..... hope that will give my the motivation to go tru tmr's last minute crash course :D

okie... thats all for today :) Bye~

Monday, March 21, 2005

:) Its me again :D haha... well today was erm... very tiring... had 2 test today.... GP and econs.... both was alright.... but... not too good.... hope I can make it :) Anyway... can see that everyone wasn't in the mood to study econs, in between the 2 test there is a 3 hrs break... then we talk cock throughout. though got the notes in our hands and 'studying' I doubt anything much went in....

Haiz... actually... nothing much to write about lar... yesterday had trouble sleeping... thought about a lot of things.... one of them were that soon I won't be able to write anymore entries already... after this year would be going for NS.... so won't have many chance to write.... then after NS would proceed to university liao.... so perhaps will no longer write.... then after that will be working liao... then start a family... so I guess won't be writing anymore... so maybe this year would be the last year I will be blogging... and my blog will be closing down after that....
Time really flies, one year is very short... soon... I will be writing my last entry already....

haiz.... shall end here ba..... Duno why, kind of moody these few days.... been thinking alot....

Sunday, March 20, 2005

oOoo.... it seems that everyone is worrying about econs... haha....
can see that chou chun and kevin are putting it up in their nicks... then andy also saying he die liao.... kerling complaining that there is too much to study.... and me myself have not studied enough... haha.... ECONS IS A NIGHTMARE!!!! LOL duno why we all chose this subject in the first place... haiz..... K lar... gd luck everyone :D
It sunday liao :) the last day of the holidays.... another few more months ahead before the next long break :) Hmm... was trying to study econs today.... but duno got register anything or not.... really worried about this round of block test... really didn't prepare enough for it... So I pray lar.... hope that things will go just fine... dun really expect good result this time, perhaps a average or something slightly higher will do.... but I still hope that I will get good result lar.... oh well... can't don much anyway.... too late to do anything now.... at most can only try to push myself abit harder.... but duno why really not in the mood to study leh.... I know A lvls is getting nearer and nearer but I just dun feel the pressure.... I hopoe that by the june holidays this kind of slack feeling will be gone and I start to really study... otherwise I'll sure die during the exams....

Haiz... anyway.... dun really feel very well these few days.... kind of feel that something is missing from my life... There is something that everyone else has, but I just lack of.... there is this empty space in my life waiting for someone to fill it up... haiz...

ANyway.... gd luck to all everyone for the exams :)

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Sian sian, sian sian sian..... Haiz.... did a summary for physics in preparation for the block test.... Think I am going to do very badly for it.... haven't been studying enough.... Its like study 5 mins break 1 hr.... Haiz... hope I can make it pass this block test...

Anyway... nothing much to talk about today.... so well... bye~ Weekends coming... enjoy :)

Friday, March 18, 2005

Argh!!!!!!!!! SO BORING!!!!! .... wanted to study but.... I do one question then sian tiao liao.... haiz.....

Thursday, March 17, 2005

:) Its thursday night already!!!! Tmr would be friday.... the last day of the holiday liao.... Haiz....
But actually also not too bad lar :P haha.... hoping to start school anyway.... so boring......

Well... today was clearing up lots of things in my room.... my notes and worksheets that is overflowing in my cupboard and the newpapers that are piling up.... Well.. the notes and worsheets nothing much to talk about lar... but... hehe.... the newspapers :P Was reading the newspaper when I saw this photograph.... haha... I seldom read the sports section... cos I got no interest in it.... so I just briefly see tru, see the pictures.... Then this picture caught my eye :P Haha.... the expression on the people's face is so funny!!! Haha.... I immediately have this picture (below) in my mind :P

LOL.... haha.... hope you people get a nice laugh :D Laughing is good for your body :P OKie... thats all for today.... stay happy always :D bye~

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Argh!!!! I disfigured my MP3 player!!!!!!

Went to buy a spray paint this afternoon the paint my MP3 player .... then yar... bought black color.... Sprayed it.... When it dried I already didn't like it... it is too glossy and too thick.... but.... well.... still acceptable..... but after that.... I accidentally scratched it and found that the whole layer of paint can just be peeled off!!!! That is really bad.... cos even if it can be peeled off... there will still be some parts that will be stuck!!! Ar!!!!!!! I bought the wrong type of paint.... I've noticed that it was acrylic spray paint but it didn't come to mind at that time. That it means the paint can be peeled of later!!!! I've had experience using acrylic paint but I just didn't think of the consequences!!!! So yar.... peeled off the paint there are still patches of black markings on it.... So I decided to use thinner to get rid of the black paint.... But I forgot that my casing was plastic and plastic would MELT in thinner!!!! So I happily soak the casing in thinner... at first very happy to see the black paint comming off.... Then after a while.... when I wask off the thinner.... I find that my casing actually MELTED!!!!!!! I was like WTF!!!!!! AR!!!!!!!!!! There is no way I could make it back liao.... Regretted wanting to have a new coat of paint.... Argh!!!! Now I have a disfigured casing... Can't hang it outside my bag liao!!!! :'(

Haiz... still so happy about fixing my MP3 player yesterday.... then today.... I disfigured it!!!! Why can't I get things right? I kind of like always have this ideal thoughts that can't be realised in reality.... It happened a lot of time already...... Everytime I think of something.... It is always very beautiful, very perfect.... but when I actually do it... It turns out LIKE SHIT!!! I have great ideas... but if I can't turn them into reality.... Whats the use??? That this incident for example.... you know how much time I spend thinking of a design for my Mp3? Then eventually I came up with this wonderful design.... but.... now that my MP3 player become like this.... What Can I do? I duno why everything seems to perfect and simple in my mind, but when I actually do it.... It becomes so different..... haiz....

But the thing is that.... even though I always mess up things.... I'll always try to save it -.- I am not going to give up on my MP3 player just like this.... I am going to search for ways that will make it better..... I believe that one day.... I will make things right....

So yar... for those whom want to see how my Mp3 player looks like... click below.... It looks as if it was dug out from a rubbish bin....

haiz.... so sad....

ANyway.... think today is the last day I can slack liao... got to start studying for my block test.... Can't afford to waste anymore time....

K lar... thats all... bye :)

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

YAY!!! Haha.... so proud of myself today :D

Went to seek help to repair my MP3 player today..... My MP3 player was spoilt about 1 month ago.... there is sound coming out only from the right earphone.... So I assume that there is a problem with the earphone jack.... Then this afternoon I went to those electronics shop to see whether they got repair services or not....

I intended to go sim lim tower to get it fixed.... got recommended to.... but my grandma say clementi got 1 shop so I decided to drop by clementi to see if they can fixed it first.... so yar... went into the shop. the shopowner say cannot be fixed. She say very hard to fix cos it is embedded in all the circuitory (duno got this word or not -.-) .... even if can fix, it is not work it cos the workmanship is expensive.... After that I left the shop..... haiz..... but I did not give up.... so I went down to sim lim tower.... but.... I think that is not the right place.... the place does wholesale of electronics parts.... where got repair? Then after that went home lor....

But when I reach home.... thinking that my MP3 player no hope liao so I decided to fix it myself :P no harm trying, afterall what else could go wrong? So I open up the casing.... at first it seems that there is nothing wrong.... then I plug in my earphone.... AR HA!! I notice that the connection to the circuit board was disconnected :D I went to find a piece of cotton, cut a small piece out.... and slot it in between the casing and the connection to keep the connection down onto the circuit board.... And guess wad.... IT IS FIXED!!!! Haha.... So SIMPLE!!!!!... haha... the shopowner at clementi fake me sia.... But actually... luckily she nv help me fix.... later she also open up, put a cotton in then charge me $10 I -.- sia....

so well :D my MP3 player is back to normal again :D haha.... so with a new beginning. I would also like to have a new look for my MP3 player :D The paint is starting to come off liao... so I'll buy a can of spray paint and personalise my MP3 player :D haha... Designer stuff leh :P

K lar... thats all for now... bye :D

Monday, March 14, 2005

okie :D Haha.... had a great day today :) Went to school in the morning for physics.... was late fro 15 mins :P haha... then had 2 hrs straight of physics before a short break and another 1 more hour.... but by the end of the 2nd hour, my mind already very saturated liao.... can't absorb anymore.... so I day dreamed for the rest of the 1 hr -.- Haha.... Then got lame joke from kerling as usual..... we were talking about yawning... Cos we yawn when we are lack of oxygen... THen kerling say that you know why the fish keep opening and closing their mouth? Cos under water not enough oxygen.... so the fish keeps yawning!! LOL.....
Anyway.... I took quite some pictures today :D haha.... so I shall write my entry with pictures :D
So after the lesson.... we got to play with some toys :P haha.... the teachers actually bought a hotwheels set and modified it for experiment :D haha They use it to teach circular motion and electricity.... From the picture below you can see a variable resistor and a huge 6V lab battery... haha... that controls the velocity of the car so with the resitor, it can control the voltage supplied :) I think yjc physics teachers are a bunch of great people :D haha.... they spent quite a sum of money buying lots of toy :P Not too long ago they showed us a prank lighter that will shock a person when it is press. It makes use of a capacitor to make the voltage strong enough.... So yar.... and capacitance is a topic we just studied :)

Then yar... after that went for out art lesson which is painting the classroom.... duno who started calling it a art lesson... haha....

we went for lunch at a coffeeshop behind the school.... me kerling elgin and andy too the long way out (back gate closed) ... but because eng jin and senmin got held up in class we were already outside the side gate when they are ready to come out... But we didn't want to waste time so we asked them to jump over the fence :P haha.... so here are the 2 guys on top of the fence -.-

Must be a very trilling experience for sen min... haha... cos he looks like a first timer :P

Okie... so yar... after lunch we went to paint the classroom :) haha.... had lots of fun :D See below :D

Andy the Zouk Lover :P haha....

then halfway we went out of paint so ms lim went out to buy some more.... meanwhile we started to have mini games in class... haha.... soccer, basketballs :P

Kerling hanging up the basketball net :P

But got something that happened which is quite unfortunate lar... Cos we were listening to the radio.... then there is this dedication service by perfect 10... So I thought maybe I could give everyone a surprise... haha.... I send a msg ( Happy painting 209 ).... But... they suddenly go and switch station!!! I was like -.- .... wanted to give them a surprise but... haiz.... forget it lar.... cos if I tell them I dedicated something then it would spoil the fun liao.... Guess I have really no fate with 209..... Just a simple thing like this also cannot make it.... haiz.....

Then yar.... after that still got a lot of fun things... but my phone went out of battery!!!!! So no more pics liao..... -.- Anyway.... after that when arranging back the table.... we made it into the shape of 2 0 9 :D Then after that we took the ground sheet ( not camping that type, just a big sheet of plastic bag) tape it to the small empty paint container and made it into a parachute :D haha.... we took it up to the second floor to release it :D haha.... dun dare to go higher later cannot work the kill someone :S haha..... But it worked :D haha.... so FUN!!!! it was really beautiful cos the ground sheet was really big.... :D

Then after that go home liao lor.... nothing much.....

okay... lets talk about something else.... While uploading the pictures from my phone.... I also cleared some pictures in it :)

Okay... this is something interesting that I took :D

haha.... was a evening at yishun MRT station... then I notice the interesting patterns on the wall made by the people standing on the platform :) Cool hur :D

Okay.... thats all for today :) Bye!

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Yo! its another sunday night :) Though its holiday tmr, we still have to go school for physics... so sian.... still need to do tutorials.... want to slack also cannot..... but luckily dun have to wake up too early.... :)

Haiz.... actually today also nothing much to write about lar.... was intended to go IT show with kerling.... but then duno why he went himself -.- So yar... I was left at home the whole day.....

Still playing around with my new toy :D haha... that reminds me of something I read "The difference between a boy and a man is the price of their toy" Haha.... though it isn't really expensive compared to wad other man are playing with, even kids these days get more expensive toys than me.... I over heard a dad saying to his child whom is playing with his gameboy.... Something about getting him a palmtop when he get good results next time.... I never had a single game console, and this kid is getting a palmtop? Haiz.... kids these days are really so fortunate....

Still having the handshake problem... trying very hard to steady my hands.... very worried that I can't take pictures of people moving cos I will end up with blurred images.... Haven't got a chance to test it yet... but I pray that it won't happen.... This camera dosen't have any image stablising function... so I am just thinking.... there is this new model coming up with the same thing as mine with only just 1mp more... and it cost about $650.... I wonder wads the point of having such high resolution when you can't even take a sharp image properly....

Hmm... actually nothing much lar.... see ya.... bye! Have a nice week ahead :D

Saturday, March 12, 2005

yay!!! Finally got my Olympus mju mini digital camera :D haaha..... Simply love it :D

Okay... well.... went to the IT show around 6.... Suntec City is SUPER JAM PACK!!! It seems as though the whole of singapore is there!!! You know the bridge when you come up from city link to go to suntec.... there was a human jam there.... I had to make a detour via marina square to get to the other entrance of suntec..... Super scary sia.... From marina square you can see the bridge... I was like 'WTF.... really so much people ar!!!!' Even along city link... the shops are doing a roaring business..... There are so many people in the shops!!!! I think the retail sector is going to have lots of growth this year.... So many singaporeans are spending and powering the economy!!!!

Actually.... after I bought the camera... I still thinking to myself... Do I really need it? $500 to me is not a small sum of money.... Haha... then I start to use econs to make myself feel that it is good to spend :P haha.... Cos yar... the econs theory says that we need to spend so that there are injection into the circular flow of money.... if not I save the money I will be withdrawing it from the circular flow.... So yar... when I spent money, with injection, the aggragate expenditure will rise, this will eventually lead to rise in national income and economic growth.... then got economic growth... my parents will get more bonuses, then I will get more money to spent next time :P If not, when I save, I will be taking money out of the circular flow... then eventually, my parent will earn less and I get to spent less.... -.-

Anyway.... still happy that I got my camera lar :) The functions wise are quite nice :D Only that the hand-shake resistance is not that strong.... so I sometime get blurred images due to handshake.... But nvm... I think the photosize compensate for it :S haha... cos when the photos are sized down the blurring is gone :D
Oh.. so here's a sample of a photo taken by this camera :D I can't put more cos the photos are really huge.... I got some that can go up to 2.8mb!!! The following is already 800+ kb liao :S

Okay... so here it is :)

I guess a night shot can show how powerful a camera is... :) So yar... this is it :D Well... its not too bad in my opinion, could still be better... but... I think its worth the money lar... $500 is considered quite low for a 4 m.p. camera liao....

oKay... then during the show went to look for MZ who's working there for starhub :) haha.... Long time no see him liao.... He got a new handphone!!! the soney ericsson one... the one with the swivel face and the mega pixel camera.... Cool sia... :D then yar... talk a little.... then I went off liao.... the place is really too crowded sia...

especially at the creative MASSIVE booth.... its really MASSIVE!!!! Think creative is really spending big bucks to promote its mp3 player.... I am so tempted to buy.... but haiz... no money sia... and I also got the tiny 128mb player liao.... haiz... but nvm... I am still very proud of my i-bead player :D Haha... the function rocks man!!!! I just found a very useful function recently :P haha.... a few night ago, I had trouble sleeping.... Then I suddenly remembered that my MP3 player has a sleep timer function :D Then I set the countdown timer to 30 mins and lie in bed.... so after listening for 20 minutes... my mind kind of relaxed liao.... so I just went to sleep.... I dun have to bother switching off the player cos it automatically shut off after 30 minutes :D Cool right :D I bet i-pod and zen micro can't do that :P Haha.... I-bead is unbeatable :D

I will still go down to the IT show again tmr with kerling and andy :) haha... Juz tag along lor... cos today went also nv get to see anything... I just went in.... and squeeze all the way to the olympus booth, bought my camera after playing around with it for some time.... then sqeeze all the way to starhub booth to say hi to mz.... then squeeze all the way to creative booth to check whether their prices is inclusive of GST or not.... then thats all.... -.- so yar... hope I can get to see more tmr... I notice that the LCD monitors are SO CHEAP THIS TIme!!! The price that was previously for 15inch is now for 17 inch!!!! I wan!!!!! haha.... maybe I wait a few while more.... when the 19 inch becomes the price of an 15 inch... I am gonna get it!!!!! haha....

Okay... so today was quite a nice day lar... except for something that happened.... really spoilt my day... but well.... got overr it already now... so dun want to talk about it anymore.

Thats all for today :) Bye~

Friday, March 11, 2005

Yay!!! the start of the 1 week holidays :) Finally can get to catch up with my sleep :D Hmm.... okie... shall write about wad happen today :)

OKie... today lessons end at 12!!! Then we have to wait for 3 hrs before the chinese translation course starts.... The lesson end super early cos, we usually have a 2 hr break before maths.... but the teachers have some meeting... so the lesson was cancelled.... Haiz... so yar slacked around the school for 3 hrs... spent the first part of it in LT4.... played the piano.... the computer.... the microphone.... the projector and the visualiser.... haha.... the visualiser very powerful sia.... can zoom on the face of the person all the way at the back of the lecture :D haha.... then played around with the functions.... So user friendly sia.... can get it right the first time..... but duno why teachers, especially econs teacher duno how to operate it!!! Haiz.....
Then oh yar... haha... also played around with the projector screen.... haha..... you know the Super Sunday? Last time they got this game where the person is to act out some words then the other person in the team would try to guess what word it is.... then there will be this screen that comes down slowly... so the person acting would have to go lower and lower.... Haha... then cos the projection screen is mechenical one? ( duno wad to call it ) So yar.... it moves down automatically.... then kerling started to imitate the game.... haha... so funny. :D
Then after that went to the basketball court watch people play basketball.... haiz.... so sian... I duno how to appreciate it so I just spend the time there listening to 93.3 .... wah... they play those super slow songs like the "dang wo men zai yi ci, by wang ling rou' ..... Under the super hot weather and this kind of slow music really make you want to sleep sia.... So I rested my eyes....
Then finally time was up liao.... we had to go for the tanslation course.... we having a proficiency test today after the lecture.... but cos there is some people whom have to leave the school early... our test was brought forward to before the lecture.... Bad move sia... cos after the test.... everyone zao liao!!! Who would still stay behind for the lecture??? They should only let those going off earlier take the test first instead of everyone.... But well... we benefit from this mistake lar :P haha... cos we are able to zao home earlier.... so shouldn't complain so much :P

Anyway..... guess wad.... remember the dumb ( disablilty in speech ) old man I write about not oo long ago? I SAW HIM AGAIN!!!! Cos me, sen min and kerling boarded the train.... the two of them went in first and saw seats beside the old man so they went to sit there.... there was actually 3 seats. but the old man initially placed his bag on one.... so there is only 2 seats avaliable.... so I thought nvm, I will just stand.... cos I dun want to be his next victim -.- But... when I move closer, the old man actually took away his bag and offered me the seat. I was rather reluctant but had no choice but to sit... because, if I dun, he may think that I dispise him and pick up a fight with me..... So yar... I sat down... nothing happened.... after a while..... at woodlands a lot of people got out, and also a lot boarded.... then there is this indian family who happen to sit right in front of us.... Things started to go abit wrong from then.... I am so afraid that the same thing would happen again.... The old man started growling.... ( cos he can't speak, so can only make sound ) and make actions of like folding up his sleeves.... his eyes locked on the family in front of us..... Then it finally came to light that this old man is really a racist.... Before the indian family came in, the cabin was all chinese.... so nothing actually happen. But now this indian family came.... the old man start to react in this manner..... On, I knew I would be relatively safe... cos I am a chinese..... but I start to worry for the indian family across liao.... But so lucky that the family was so occupied with their own things that they didn't notice the old man and have eye contact with him.... If they do ar... the old man wouls surely accuse the indian family for staring at him lor..... This went on until the old man alighted at the next stop which is marsiling.... The same stop where the indian man last time alighted.... So my previous comment that the Old man actually followed the indian guy out is actually not true, the old man lives there I think.... So yar.... after he left everything was back to normal.... The indian family had gone tru it unharmed.... Scary sia... to have such people in the society....

K lar... shall end it off here... bye :) Have a nice weekend ahead :D

Thursday, March 10, 2005

:) Its thursday :D yay!!! Haha.... the last 2nd day of the week before the school holidays!!!! Haha.... and also.... IT show starts today :D Went to check out online if there is any olympus mju mini promotion... and there is :D haha.... so happy.... its going for $499 with I think 2 128mb sd card and pouch and mini tripod.... :) Quite a nice offer :D haha.... so I think I'm gonna get it :D Had been wanting a camera for very long liao... and I'm finally gonna get it :D
Okie... anyway today was erm a very long day.... Had GP test.... sian ar... screwed up my essay.... When doing the draft for it, I counted the number of paragraphs wrongly.... I counted my comclusion and intro as part of the body!!! Then haiz.... when I write half-way I notice that my body very short.... then I realise that I counted wrongly... so I stop and tried to squeeze more points out of my head.... but haiz... I can't!!! I have know that in the first place I wouldn't choose this question!!! but now too late.... I've already did almost 1/2 of the essay liao... and time is running out.... so haiz.... arga arga came up with a few more points and ended my essay..... In the end... this is the shortest essay I've ever written in an exam.... only 1 piece of paper..... and there are cancellations all over the place so I scared I might not even make pass the minimum amount of words.... So with the rest of my remaining time.... knowing that I can't get anymore content marks... I start to edit my language.... hoping to compensate my lost marks.... so with more editing.... my paper is super untidy.... -.- Just hope that ms lim won't kill me -.-

After that went for PE, then have maths extra lessons at 5.... then haha.... Andys (both of them ) and kerling was laming and cracking racist jokes throughout the lecture -.- Haha... I can't put the racist jokes up here.... but theres one lame one that I would like to mention :D

haha.... so the maths teacher was like praising this student.... he finished his tutorial even before the lecture started, so he asked the teacher if he could skip the lecture since he already know how to do.... but he still came for the lecture....
So andys and kerling was like poking fun about him... saying like he no life.... and all the things he did, showing how obsessed with maths he is..... Then... haha.... then they started to say that he see the maths book then horny liao.... Haha.... He read maths book like reading porn magazines :p .... Then the best part is.... He use the maths book to masturbate!!! LOL.... We were all laughing like crazy.... :D

K lar... thats all for today :) HAve to finish up my econs essay and go and watch 1/2 fate liao :D Bye~

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

:D time for another entry :D haha.... didn't blog yesterday cos was busy with homework.... Haiz.... I hate tuesday nights.... always got so much things to do.... so little time.... Okay.... so shall write about what happened yesterday :)

Hmm... yesterday was fine.... had PE.... and I finally PASSED MY 2.4km run!!! :D :D :D Haha.... so happy :D I just managed to pass by 2 seconds :P haha.... with a timing of 12.28..... actually.... if not for the PE teacher shouting out the timing when I was finishing.... I would not have make it.... Cos I was like about 100m away from the finishing line, then the teacher was like " Quick, boon kiat! 12mins and 10 seconds..... " I was like hur! WTF.... then I pia with all my remaining breaths and cross the finishing line in the nick of time.... Scary sia.... If he nv tell me the timing... All my hardwork running all the other 5 rounds would have gone to waste..... Hmm.... so yar.... very proud of myself :D haha... maybe to others 12.28 timing would mean nothing to you.... but for a person whom is not as fit as others.... it great :) Haha.... but it was hell for the 12 minutes.... The first 3 rounds was alright.... but on the 4th round.... I kind of cannot take it already... I found that its not my legs that are unable to go further, its my breathing.... my breaths cannot keep up with my pace.... So I was really gasping for air for the remaining rounds... I was panting like mad.... But I put my will power to the test :) I kept telling myself.... if I stop now.... all my hardwork will be wasted.... so yar.... and I was like screaming to myself :S haha.... cos on the 5th and last rounds.... the track is rather space out already.... those whom are fast almost finish already.... then those whom are slow are quite far away too.... like across the field.... leaving a few average people like me struggling.... and these people are spread quite evenly across the track.... SO yar.... there are times where there won't be people around me.... Thats the time when I start shouting to myself... haha.... then when I get near people.... I stop.... and try to pass them.... after that I start shouting again..... :D Shouting really helps me to forget about everything.... my tireness.... and make me carry on running.... :D
Then after the run.... I am still panting very badly.... it took me very long to recover back to normal breathing.... So yar... because I was panting like crazy and its really loud..... so I sat at one corner away from the other people.... haha.... dun want to scare them away seeing me in this condition :S .....

K lar... thats about it for yesterday.... So yar... today was the dreadful wednesday.... didn't managed to finish everything yesterday..... sp got punished today -.- made to stand throughout the lesson for physics... SIAN AR!!!! Then today no IT club so get to go home early :) But...actually coming home early also not much difference lar :P haha... so I still slept the afternoon away.... didn't get much things done.... but... still got some sleep lar :P
Anyway... nothing much lar...

Shall end it off here :D

Just a note :D I got an idea how to make the navigation bar le :D haha... will be doing on that soon :D As for the mainpage design..... will put it on hold till I get good inspiration ba :D

Okie... thats all for today... bye~ Its the mid week liao :D 2 more days to the weekend :D yay!!! haha..... see ya :)

Monday, March 07, 2005

I'm back :D haha.... Hmm.... well... it kinds of feel like a sunday today :P haha... cos today was a holiday and tmr is school day :)

Today went out with kerling and Andy to catch a movie.... We watch Hitch.... Cos yar.... there we were choosing from 2 movies lar... one was a series of unfortunate events the other was hitch. Andy was quite neutral, kerling was more towards series of unfortunate events, me towards hitch.... So yar... I kept asking him to watch hitch :S Haha... thinking of it now it kind of embarassing.... I acted so childishly :S You know.... Kind of have this 'I want, I want' attitude.... so pai say now :S ..... Hmm.... must control myself next time -.- The movie was well... quite average.... Then there was this irritating guy in the cinema... His laughter is like so -.- then not funny also laugh... I was like -.-'''
Then after that walked around orchard.... talking... saying bad things about school, about people.... about also everything.... haha... thats typical of andy lar.... seldom do nice things come out of his mouth :P
Anyway.... the mood this afternoon was rather sian lar.... duno why.... maybe cos of me? .... Haha... cos I'm always like a wooden block -.- no reaction one.... so yar....

Think thats all for today lar... Haiz... nothing much... so sian... its already past 10 now.... I miss my 9 pm show again!!! Was doing GP essay just now.... Haiz.... kind of like watch one day, miss one day, then watch one day again.... Just like the title, I only have 1/2 fate with it -.-
K lar.... shall stop here now :) Bye~ Tmr will be a long day for me.... Hope that it will be a long great day :D
:D Added something more pleasing to the eye as the main page, in replacement to the coming soon :P Haha..... the coming soon very irritating :P Well... The rest of the things are still under construction lar :P So yar.... have to wait a while more :D but I think this should be able to hold a while :P Maybe next weekend I will do something more :D

Anyway.... if you are wondering.... Why am I here in the morning blogging.... Haha.... cos yar... our school did very well for the A lvls. So we got a day off :D Yay!!!! yar... here I am :D

Want to share with you people something I read in the TIME magazine.

It about the science of happiness.

Here's an interesting fact that I found :D

" But therer's more than bonding going on when we tickle. There's learning too. It's no coincidence that the parts of the body that are most ticklish are also the most vulnerable- stomach, the throat, and the groin region where the femoral artery lies. Best to learn early that when those areas get touched, you pull away or tuck in your chin."

Cool hur :D So people, must take care of those parts hor :) When you all tickle, dun poke! Cos it hurts and there are vulnerable parts there.

" Of course, we've all been told that money can't buy happiness. Yet we don't act as though we listen. Millions of us spend more time and energy persuing the things money can buy than engaging in activities that create real fulfilment, like cultivating friendships, helping others and developing a spiritual sense. We behave as though happiness is one wave of a credit away."

Hmm... I agree with this statement... We always hear money can't get you everything.... but then why are we still trying so hard to grab money? But I guess there has to be a balance lar. We must also spent some time to gain mental wealth amist trying to gain money.... That can also apply to us :D haha.... we must also spent some time playing other than studying :P haha....

" Money dosen't guarentee happiness, in part because of a phenomenon that sociologist call reference anxiety. ccording to that thinking, most people judge their possesions in comparision with other's. Our soaring reference anxiety is a product of the widening gap in income distribution. In other words, the rich are getting richer faster, and the rest are none too happy about it. "

I think I am a very serious victim of this reference anxiety.... Oh no!!! Haha... cos I always have this uncontrollable urge to get what other people have -.- I have unlimited wants... all because other people have unlimited resources!!!! LOL.... Hmmm...... cannot ar... must try to control myself... otherwise I won't be happy :S Are you guys also a victim? Must control hur :D Lets break through this curse together :D

" Paradoxically, it is the very increase in money- which creates the wealth so visible in today's society- that triggers dissactifaction."

Yar.... but wad can we do? Ask everyone to quit their job? I think the economy is getting out of control now.... We can't stop it.... you imagine, one day we stop doing all the trading stuffs.... we will be doomed!!! So now the economy is actually controlling us!!! We have to slog like hell to earn a living and keep the economy going.... -.-

" But we are all so conditioned to think that there's something wrong if we don't make more money each year, high standard of living may, paradoxically, have become an impediment to happiness. "

Yar... if I dun get better results next time.... there's also something wrong :S Haha....

" Too many in the developed world have made materialism and the cycle of work and spend their principal goals. then they wonder why they don't feel happy."

Cool... I love this sentence :D Is materialism and the cycle of work and spend your principle goals too? Are you happy? For me.... well... its not actually a goal lar... but its part of our lives now.... You know... who dun have to but the things they want.... if they want to buy things... they will have to work.... it very hard to get out of this cycle unless you can crub your greed..... your unlimited wants.... Otherwise.... well.... only have to live with it :)

OKay.... thats all for now :D Hope you people get a bit enlightened :D haha... Well... although me might be enlightened, we can't really do much about it lar... Just spent more time with family and friends :)
And I wish everyone a happy week ahead :D Bye~
Yay!!!! My new design is finally up :D haha.... although still incomplete :P I doubt that it will be completed anytime soon cos there is still TONS of things to do.... Also I've been running low on ideas these few days.... so yar.... have to slowly wait :P haha.... but I'll try to finish the main page asap... cos thats wad you all will be seeing everytime wad... can't make you always see the coming soon sign right :P Actually I wanted to wait till the main page is finished before loading it up... but hehe.... can't wait that long.... I've already spent like more than a week doing it :S .... So by the time I finish the whole site, I will already have lost interest in it -.-
Anyway.... just this alone is tough.... especially the HTML part... I'm actually a noob in HTML.... so I encountered LOTS of problems.... Spent like 2 hrs trying to solve it.... And its finally solved haha.... otherwise you wun be seeing this.
Anyway.... very tired liao... spent all my energy on getting this thing to work.... Will write more tmr :) bye~

Friday, March 04, 2005

:D Its the end of the week already :D YAY!!!! haha.... Okay.... lets start this entry with wad has happened yesterday :) was too tired to blog yesterday :D

OKay.... yesterday went to the parliment for learning journey :D haha.... then yar, there was a seating in progress.... so everything was rather strict :) Cannot make too much noise..... Hmm... the security very high there.... Talking about security..... Some kukoo go and try to be funny -.- Cos because we left our bags in school, can't bring them there anyway.... So I think this guy also left his IC and EZlink in school. Then we need to exchange our pass for a visitor pass. Cos some people bring both IC and Ezlink. So he lend his Ezlink to the guy whom didn't bring anything.... Well.... they got pass as there was a large group of us so they didn't have time to check individually.... so yar... we are in the building... then I think they started scanning the pass.... and found out about this matter. This made the gurad very angry and scolded us.... Haiz.... I think this really spoil our school's reputation.... we as JC student shouldn't have done this kind of thing. Cos its a criminal offense.
K lar.... forget about the bad part. Now lets go on to something funny :D haha... cos you know when entering the chamber, we are supposed to bow to the speaker of parliment. Haha.... so when we are showed into the room, we didn't know what to expect, duno where the speaker is sitting or even who is the speaker... So yar... the first time we entered the room.... The door way was rather narrow so we couldn't see wads inside. Then we all follow the person in front and start to bow...... and we bowed too early.... There's this guy sitting beside the walkway look at us with a "Why are you bowing at me face!!" Haha... We bowed too early and it seems that we are bowing to the wrong person!!! LOL..... So pai say :S Haha... but when we leave, we know liao... so we bowed at the correct person this time :P
Anyway... the chamber is COOL :D haha.... very orderly and quiet.... Then while we were there I think the Minister of defense was speaking.... Then there seemed to be some joke and the other mps were laughing.... But I catch no ball... haha.... Then found something quite interesting, there is this countdown clock on the wall, so every people has only a limited time to speak, like about 2-3 mins for the people who are commenting.... Haha... they can't really speak for as long as they like :)
So yar, after the visit to the parliment.... we headed for the career fair at suntec in the drizzle!!!
-.- The career fair is more like an education fair..... all the stalls are mostly universities from local and abroad..... So yar... walk around and took a look at some courses they offer..... Nothing much actually....
Then yar... after that go home liao......

Then today... haiz.... quite sian for the first part of the day.... After that went for the translation course. Our chinese AO result will only be given out at 4.45..... But when its 4.45, the teacher postponed it to 5.30 cos the course is still on going!!!! We are already so anxious about the result and you want us to wait somemore!!! So yar.... the lecture was rather restless for the rest of the time.... actually we were already very restless... but we be came even worst.
Anyway..... we got our result back at 5.30..... I got a B3!!! -.- but I'm not really feeling happy.... duno why...... So on the form I indicated that I wanted to retake at the end of the year, then my teacher said.. " Har? Dun waste your time lar" .... Then.... haiz.... so I didn't retake lor.... cos I guess because I got a merit for Oral, It would not be easy it I want to get A2. So yar.... Haiz... I think I got B3 cos I screwed up my oral lor..... Haiz.... can only blame myself for not preparing for it.... I nv practice before it lor.... so during the oral, I stutter alot, cos I am unfamiliar with the environment. But anyway... am feeling much better now.... cos of a reason which I cannot say it here :S haha.... it might offend someone -.- So yar.... I'm alright now :D

K lar... thats all for now :) Bye~

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Yay!!!! Haha.... just when I thought that I got nothing much to post ( previous entry) I found this :D haha... while visiting a online forum ... I saw that my secondary school did very well this year :D haha.... so proud of it :) Here's a extract from straits time :D

"Of the 228 Express stream students at the school, 91 per cent qualified for junior college with aggregate scores of 20 and below, compared with 81 per cent last year. Among Normal stream students, 90 per cent qualified for junior college or polytechnic studies, compared with 44 per cent last year.",5562,303176,00.html

cool hur :D haha..... 91% is like only 1 in every 10 student got over 20 points :O Which is very little.... it seems like getting about 15 points these days is very very common..... Are we getting so smart that cambridge cannot keep up with us :P haha.... which means the test paper are relatively easier? haha..... Anyway.... very happy that my school is doing well :D haha.... cos it was like the standard has been dropping ever since my batch joined the school.... but now, things are looking up again :D haha.... CWSS ROX MAN :D
:) The toughest day of the week is coming to an end soon :) Yay! Haha... can slack for another week before its wednesday again :P

Got our yearbook today :D haha.... It kind of resembles the CWSS 2004 one..... White as the base color, then all the photos are in little polariod photos, but this is slightly better :)
Anyway.... just like wad kevin said.... the school is so small that we appear so many times in the book haha.... cos during secondary school, we only appear once, which is in our class photo -.-

Today also saw a article on yj in the newspaper. YJ is actually offering Business diploma for our students!!! Haha.... a 2 in one combi, where we get a A lvl cert + a diploma..... Although the idea is cool, the way they do it isn't :S .... there are a total of 8 modules for the course and they will only cover 2 modules before A lvls, after A lvls, they have to come back to complete the remaining 6 -.- ...... So wads the point? You still have to spent extra time after the A lvl to study.....

On to the next topic.... haha..... keep changing topic today :S nothing much to write about anyway :P Okay... well.... just watch the 9pm show on channel 8, then got this line that caught my attention. "When you all were young, you all got question will come ask me, now that you all know everything, when I ask you, you all ignore me" Something like that lar, can't remember the exact words. Hmm... so yar.... why are we so ungrateful? When we are young. our parents will try to answer every question we post, but when we grow older, we tend to like... " Aiya, so troublesome, go figure out yourself lar. " So yar.... are you people like that? Must reflect on yourself ar..... For me... well... I do sometimes.... but I'll try to help as much as I can lar....

Haiz.... actually..... not in the mood to blog today.... cos no content to write -.- So yar... shall end it here for now :) bye~

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Haiz... kind of abit messy now.... Channel 8 screwed up my timetable!!! Well... it has been a practise for me to after dinner, watch TV from 7 to 8 while the food in my body digest abit..... then after that do work from 8 to 10, then play a while computer, before going to sleep.....
But now.... they like put all the nice shows at 9... then I have to start work immediately after dinner..... end before 9 to catch the show.... But... its very hard to concentrate with a full stomach -____- ........ And somemore, previously, when I can't finish my work, I can continuously work OT from 10 onwards. But now I hvae to stop work half-way at 9 to watch TV, then come back to work at 10..... then when you rest, you dun feel like working anymore..... then work becomes a chore -_______- ..... Haiz.... so now still trying to find a way to solve this problem..... if you all got any suggestions, feel free to tell me :D
Anyway.... today was just another normal day.... I hate tuesday!!!! Cos got physic and maths tutorial tmr.... -___-, then always nv do tutorial until last minute, so have a hard time coping with it on wednesday.... but other than that, the days are kind of slack :D
So yar.... just did my maths tutorial..... haiz... actually is not really doing my maths tutorial.... I'm re-doing my maths tutorial.... cos of some events that happened for the past few days.... I have no choice but to resort to copying my homework.... so in the end didn't understand the topic at all.... And cos the topic is going to end tmr, if I dun faster catch up.... I will fail the mini test badly :S So yar.... spent the whole night just now trying to understand everything. Then thats why I miss out today's episode of the 9 o'clock show!!! So I'm alreadying complaining about it at the very start of the tutorial :P haha.....
Well thats all for today lar... :)

Just a notice :) ... The revamping of my site has been delayed due to the lack of ideas :S .... I made the pictures which is the easy part.... But I have no idea how to animate or wad animation effects to be added in..... Was staring at a blank stage in macromedia flash this afternoon and duno what to put inside it.... So yar..... you wun get to see more of litbud before I can get some inspiration on how to animate my site :D

OKay. Bye :D tmr is the mid day of the week liao :D Faster do what you want to do and make thi week a fruitful one :D