Thursday, March 10, 2005

:) Its thursday :D yay!!! Haha.... the last 2nd day of the week before the school holidays!!!! Haha.... and also.... IT show starts today :D Went to check out online if there is any olympus mju mini promotion... and there is :D haha.... so happy.... its going for $499 with I think 2 128mb sd card and pouch and mini tripod.... :) Quite a nice offer :D haha.... so I think I'm gonna get it :D Had been wanting a camera for very long liao... and I'm finally gonna get it :D
Okie... anyway today was erm a very long day.... Had GP test.... sian ar... screwed up my essay.... When doing the draft for it, I counted the number of paragraphs wrongly.... I counted my comclusion and intro as part of the body!!! Then haiz.... when I write half-way I notice that my body very short.... then I realise that I counted wrongly... so I stop and tried to squeeze more points out of my head.... but haiz... I can't!!! I have know that in the first place I wouldn't choose this question!!! but now too late.... I've already did almost 1/2 of the essay liao... and time is running out.... so haiz.... arga arga came up with a few more points and ended my essay..... In the end... this is the shortest essay I've ever written in an exam.... only 1 piece of paper..... and there are cancellations all over the place so I scared I might not even make pass the minimum amount of words.... So with the rest of my remaining time.... knowing that I can't get anymore content marks... I start to edit my language.... hoping to compensate my lost marks.... so with more editing.... my paper is super untidy.... -.- Just hope that ms lim won't kill me -.-

After that went for PE, then have maths extra lessons at 5.... then haha.... Andys (both of them ) and kerling was laming and cracking racist jokes throughout the lecture -.- Haha... I can't put the racist jokes up here.... but theres one lame one that I would like to mention :D

haha.... so the maths teacher was like praising this student.... he finished his tutorial even before the lecture started, so he asked the teacher if he could skip the lecture since he already know how to do.... but he still came for the lecture....
So andys and kerling was like poking fun about him... saying like he no life.... and all the things he did, showing how obsessed with maths he is..... Then... haha.... then they started to say that he see the maths book then horny liao.... Haha.... He read maths book like reading porn magazines :p .... Then the best part is.... He use the maths book to masturbate!!! LOL.... We were all laughing like crazy.... :D

K lar... thats all for today :) HAve to finish up my econs essay and go and watch 1/2 fate liao :D Bye~

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