Saturday, March 12, 2005

yay!!! Finally got my Olympus mju mini digital camera :D haaha..... Simply love it :D

Okay... well.... went to the IT show around 6.... Suntec City is SUPER JAM PACK!!! It seems as though the whole of singapore is there!!! You know the bridge when you come up from city link to go to suntec.... there was a human jam there.... I had to make a detour via marina square to get to the other entrance of suntec..... Super scary sia.... From marina square you can see the bridge... I was like 'WTF.... really so much people ar!!!!' Even along city link... the shops are doing a roaring business..... There are so many people in the shops!!!! I think the retail sector is going to have lots of growth this year.... So many singaporeans are spending and powering the economy!!!!

Actually.... after I bought the camera... I still thinking to myself... Do I really need it? $500 to me is not a small sum of money.... Haha... then I start to use econs to make myself feel that it is good to spend :P haha.... Cos yar... the econs theory says that we need to spend so that there are injection into the circular flow of money.... if not I save the money I will be withdrawing it from the circular flow.... So yar... when I spent money, with injection, the aggragate expenditure will rise, this will eventually lead to rise in national income and economic growth.... then got economic growth... my parents will get more bonuses, then I will get more money to spent next time :P If not, when I save, I will be taking money out of the circular flow... then eventually, my parent will earn less and I get to spent less.... -.-

Anyway.... still happy that I got my camera lar :) The functions wise are quite nice :D Only that the hand-shake resistance is not that strong.... so I sometime get blurred images due to handshake.... But nvm... I think the photosize compensate for it :S haha... cos when the photos are sized down the blurring is gone :D
Oh.. so here's a sample of a photo taken by this camera :D I can't put more cos the photos are really huge.... I got some that can go up to 2.8mb!!! The following is already 800+ kb liao :S

Okay... so here it is :)

I guess a night shot can show how powerful a camera is... :) So yar... this is it :D Well... its not too bad in my opinion, could still be better... but... I think its worth the money lar... $500 is considered quite low for a 4 m.p. camera liao....

oKay... then during the show went to look for MZ who's working there for starhub :) haha.... Long time no see him liao.... He got a new handphone!!! the soney ericsson one... the one with the swivel face and the mega pixel camera.... Cool sia... :D then yar... talk a little.... then I went off liao.... the place is really too crowded sia...

especially at the creative MASSIVE booth.... its really MASSIVE!!!! Think creative is really spending big bucks to promote its mp3 player.... I am so tempted to buy.... but haiz... no money sia... and I also got the tiny 128mb player liao.... haiz... but nvm... I am still very proud of my i-bead player :D Haha... the function rocks man!!!! I just found a very useful function recently :P haha.... a few night ago, I had trouble sleeping.... Then I suddenly remembered that my MP3 player has a sleep timer function :D Then I set the countdown timer to 30 mins and lie in bed.... so after listening for 20 minutes... my mind kind of relaxed liao.... so I just went to sleep.... I dun have to bother switching off the player cos it automatically shut off after 30 minutes :D Cool right :D I bet i-pod and zen micro can't do that :P Haha.... I-bead is unbeatable :D

I will still go down to the IT show again tmr with kerling and andy :) haha... Juz tag along lor... cos today went also nv get to see anything... I just went in.... and squeeze all the way to the olympus booth, bought my camera after playing around with it for some time.... then sqeeze all the way to starhub booth to say hi to mz.... then squeeze all the way to creative booth to check whether their prices is inclusive of GST or not.... then thats all.... -.- so yar... hope I can get to see more tmr... I notice that the LCD monitors are SO CHEAP THIS TIme!!! The price that was previously for 15inch is now for 17 inch!!!! I wan!!!!! haha.... maybe I wait a few while more.... when the 19 inch becomes the price of an 15 inch... I am gonna get it!!!!! haha....

Okay... so today was quite a nice day lar... except for something that happened.... really spoilt my day... but well.... got overr it already now... so dun want to talk about it anymore.

Thats all for today :) Bye~

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