Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Just before I began writing this entry... a thought struck me and I went to googles to search for something...

I have this sudden thought of looking for a phobia of being lonely.... so I went to googles and did a search.... surprisingly... there are quite a number of phobias dealing with being alone.....

Eremophobia- Fear of being oneself or of loneliness.
Autophobia- Fear of being alone or of oneself.
Isolophobia- Fear of solitude, being alone.
Monophobia- Fear of solitude or being alone.

I guess the first kind of phobia refers to being lonely.... no one to talk to or be with....

the next two refers to being alone... eg... trapped in a life or something.....

The last one, is about anything that is alone, single... eg... a single paper clip..... not just applying to yourself being alone....

Can't imagine how to person would live his/her life with the 4th phobia.... you get scared because you only see one thing on its own.....

As for the second and third one.... I guess its quite common lar... actually not really common, but we hear more of it as compared to the others....

Then the first one... I kind of have it :S haha.... not the very serious kind.... but I dun like being alone.... I get headaches when I am alone.... but in reality.... I'm alone most of the time... sad hur.... thats why I hate holidays.... when I'm alone.... and especially when I have nothing to do... I will get a terrible headache.... my mind need to be constantly thinking.... my mind loves to work.... I guess I spend all of my time awake thinking...... even sometimes you see that I dun speak or am stoning.... I am still thinking.... And I think that I enjoy thinking so much that I enjoyed having physics exams.... That is the time when I can force my mind to think a lot at a very short time.... Cos physics is a subject where you can link a lot of things together... a lot is based on the things we see everyday.... so I like trying to link everything together..... Today is a very good example.... you know even though I lost a lot of marks ( paper was real difficult) but I am still happy :D During the 2 1/2 hrs.... my mind became very light... the feeling is great.... if you have read the previous post.... I mentioned that I've been kind of moody for the past few days.... been troubled by some things.... but today.... during the 2 1/2 hrs.... everything is gone from my mind.... I guess its kind of like taking drugs.... I forget all the things and concentrate on doing the paper.... and after the paper.... i feel slightly better than the previous day :) See... my length of post had also increased :P haha.... cos the past few days am not in the mood to write anything.... My insomia is also caused by thinking too much.... every night I would like spent a hr thinking before I can get to sleep.... so even though I go to bed at 10.... I only go into slumber at 11.... Often I will need to force to blank my mind cos its really getting too late.... I've to like... you know when you close your eyes.... you see blank..... so I have to force my mind to focus on the blank.... and not think about anything else... then after a while... my mind will be cleared of all the thoughts and I truly begin sleeping..... If I don't do it.... I guess I can stay up all night thinking about things and forget about sleeping.....

Anyway.... its already 10.30 now.... have to go off le..... gonna sleep early today even though no school tmr.... cos I need to study the whole day tmr..... I haven't touch anything on maths so tmr is the last day I can study and thursday is the exam liao.... So I'll be doing wad I did for O lvls... study from morning till night.... for one entire day.... then after that... SONG LIAO :D haha.... cos friday is a public holiday..... then weekends.... and monday a break again cos exams still going on :D A total of 4 day break :D haha.... So yar..... hope that will give my the motivation to go tru tmr's last minute crash course :D

okie... thats all for today :) Bye~

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