Monday, March 07, 2005

I'm back :D haha.... Hmm.... well... it kinds of feel like a sunday today :P haha... cos today was a holiday and tmr is school day :)

Today went out with kerling and Andy to catch a movie.... We watch Hitch.... Cos yar.... there we were choosing from 2 movies lar... one was a series of unfortunate events the other was hitch. Andy was quite neutral, kerling was more towards series of unfortunate events, me towards hitch.... So yar... I kept asking him to watch hitch :S Haha... thinking of it now it kind of embarassing.... I acted so childishly :S You know.... Kind of have this 'I want, I want' attitude.... so pai say now :S ..... Hmm.... must control myself next time -.- The movie was well... quite average.... Then there was this irritating guy in the cinema... His laughter is like so -.- then not funny also laugh... I was like -.-'''
Then after that walked around orchard.... talking... saying bad things about school, about people.... about also everything.... haha... thats typical of andy lar.... seldom do nice things come out of his mouth :P
Anyway.... the mood this afternoon was rather sian lar.... duno why.... maybe cos of me? .... Haha... cos I'm always like a wooden block -.- no reaction one.... so yar....

Think thats all for today lar... Haiz... nothing much... so sian... its already past 10 now.... I miss my 9 pm show again!!! Was doing GP essay just now.... Haiz.... kind of like watch one day, miss one day, then watch one day again.... Just like the title, I only have 1/2 fate with it -.-
K lar.... shall stop here now :) Bye~ Tmr will be a long day for me.... Hope that it will be a long great day :D

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