Thursday, March 17, 2005

:) Its thursday night already!!!! Tmr would be friday.... the last day of the holiday liao.... Haiz....
But actually also not too bad lar :P haha.... hoping to start school anyway.... so boring......

Well... today was clearing up lots of things in my room.... my notes and worksheets that is overflowing in my cupboard and the newpapers that are piling up.... Well.. the notes and worsheets nothing much to talk about lar... but... hehe.... the newspapers :P Was reading the newspaper when I saw this photograph.... haha... I seldom read the sports section... cos I got no interest in it.... so I just briefly see tru, see the pictures.... Then this picture caught my eye :P Haha.... the expression on the people's face is so funny!!! Haha.... I immediately have this picture (below) in my mind :P

LOL.... haha.... hope you people get a nice laugh :D Laughing is good for your body :P OKie... thats all for today.... stay happy always :D bye~

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