Sunday, March 13, 2005

Yo! its another sunday night :) Though its holiday tmr, we still have to go school for physics... so sian.... still need to do tutorials.... want to slack also cannot..... but luckily dun have to wake up too early.... :)

Haiz.... actually today also nothing much to write about lar.... was intended to go IT show with kerling.... but then duno why he went himself -.- So yar... I was left at home the whole day.....

Still playing around with my new toy :D haha... that reminds me of something I read "The difference between a boy and a man is the price of their toy" Haha.... though it isn't really expensive compared to wad other man are playing with, even kids these days get more expensive toys than me.... I over heard a dad saying to his child whom is playing with his gameboy.... Something about getting him a palmtop when he get good results next time.... I never had a single game console, and this kid is getting a palmtop? Haiz.... kids these days are really so fortunate....

Still having the handshake problem... trying very hard to steady my hands.... very worried that I can't take pictures of people moving cos I will end up with blurred images.... Haven't got a chance to test it yet... but I pray that it won't happen.... This camera dosen't have any image stablising function... so I am just thinking.... there is this new model coming up with the same thing as mine with only just 1mp more... and it cost about $650.... I wonder wads the point of having such high resolution when you can't even take a sharp image properly....

Hmm... actually nothing much lar.... see ya.... bye! Have a nice week ahead :D

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