Wednesday, March 02, 2005

:) The toughest day of the week is coming to an end soon :) Yay! Haha... can slack for another week before its wednesday again :P

Got our yearbook today :D haha.... It kind of resembles the CWSS 2004 one..... White as the base color, then all the photos are in little polariod photos, but this is slightly better :)
Anyway.... just like wad kevin said.... the school is so small that we appear so many times in the book haha.... cos during secondary school, we only appear once, which is in our class photo -.-

Today also saw a article on yj in the newspaper. YJ is actually offering Business diploma for our students!!! Haha.... a 2 in one combi, where we get a A lvl cert + a diploma..... Although the idea is cool, the way they do it isn't :S .... there are a total of 8 modules for the course and they will only cover 2 modules before A lvls, after A lvls, they have to come back to complete the remaining 6 -.- ...... So wads the point? You still have to spent extra time after the A lvl to study.....

On to the next topic.... haha..... keep changing topic today :S nothing much to write about anyway :P Okay... well.... just watch the 9pm show on channel 8, then got this line that caught my attention. "When you all were young, you all got question will come ask me, now that you all know everything, when I ask you, you all ignore me" Something like that lar, can't remember the exact words. Hmm... so yar.... why are we so ungrateful? When we are young. our parents will try to answer every question we post, but when we grow older, we tend to like... " Aiya, so troublesome, go figure out yourself lar. " So yar.... are you people like that? Must reflect on yourself ar..... For me... well... I do sometimes.... but I'll try to help as much as I can lar....

Haiz.... actually..... not in the mood to blog today.... cos no content to write -.- So yar... shall end it here for now :) bye~

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