Wednesday, March 09, 2005

:D time for another entry :D haha.... didn't blog yesterday cos was busy with homework.... Haiz.... I hate tuesday nights.... always got so much things to do.... so little time.... Okay.... so shall write about what happened yesterday :)

Hmm... yesterday was fine.... had PE.... and I finally PASSED MY 2.4km run!!! :D :D :D Haha.... so happy :D I just managed to pass by 2 seconds :P haha.... with a timing of 12.28..... actually.... if not for the PE teacher shouting out the timing when I was finishing.... I would not have make it.... Cos I was like about 100m away from the finishing line, then the teacher was like " Quick, boon kiat! 12mins and 10 seconds..... " I was like hur! WTF.... then I pia with all my remaining breaths and cross the finishing line in the nick of time.... Scary sia.... If he nv tell me the timing... All my hardwork running all the other 5 rounds would have gone to waste..... Hmm.... so yar.... very proud of myself :D haha... maybe to others 12.28 timing would mean nothing to you.... but for a person whom is not as fit as others.... it great :) Haha.... but it was hell for the 12 minutes.... The first 3 rounds was alright.... but on the 4th round.... I kind of cannot take it already... I found that its not my legs that are unable to go further, its my breathing.... my breaths cannot keep up with my pace.... So I was really gasping for air for the remaining rounds... I was panting like mad.... But I put my will power to the test :) I kept telling myself.... if I stop now.... all my hardwork will be wasted.... so yar.... and I was like screaming to myself :S haha.... cos on the 5th and last rounds.... the track is rather space out already.... those whom are fast almost finish already.... then those whom are slow are quite far away too.... like across the field.... leaving a few average people like me struggling.... and these people are spread quite evenly across the track.... SO yar.... there are times where there won't be people around me.... Thats the time when I start shouting to myself... haha.... then when I get near people.... I stop.... and try to pass them.... after that I start shouting again..... :D Shouting really helps me to forget about everything.... my tireness.... and make me carry on running.... :D
Then after the run.... I am still panting very badly.... it took me very long to recover back to normal breathing.... So yar... because I was panting like crazy and its really loud..... so I sat at one corner away from the other people.... haha.... dun want to scare them away seeing me in this condition :S .....

K lar... thats about it for yesterday.... So yar... today was the dreadful wednesday.... didn't managed to finish everything yesterday..... sp got punished today -.- made to stand throughout the lesson for physics... SIAN AR!!!! Then today no IT club so get to go home early :) But...actually coming home early also not much difference lar :P haha... so I still slept the afternoon away.... didn't get much things done.... but... still got some sleep lar :P
Anyway... nothing much lar...

Shall end it off here :D

Just a note :D I got an idea how to make the navigation bar le :D haha... will be doing on that soon :D As for the mainpage design..... will put it on hold till I get good inspiration ba :D

Okie... thats all for today... bye~ Its the mid week liao :D 2 more days to the weekend :D yay!!! haha..... see ya :)

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