Saturday, December 31, 2005

Okay... its the end of the year again.... I shall now take this time to recap the events that happened for the year of 2005 before we embrace the new year of 2006.

Okay.... lets start with last year's new year resolution..... I dugged up the entry and here it goes....

"My new year resolution very simple..... the standard get good grades.... good health.... and something special here... I want to get a girlfriend :D haha..." 2005

Getting good grades.... hmm... that seems to be fufilled. Have been performing rather well for the year of 2005..... now its just waiting for the A lvl results le... and I'm feeling optimistic about it :) So yar :)

Next would be good health.... no major illness for this year.... Just the common cough and flu....

Lastly the girlfriend... haiz.... still single and unattached now.... Some things did happened... but it didn't ended well, so I also don't want to talk about it now....

My achievements this year....

Hmm..... well... I think I've grown to be slightly more mature. Although I'm still quite childish at times.... but :P I still enjoy the feeling of getting things done your own selfish and immature ways :P Anyway... yar... I learnt alot about how to carry myself.... and the way of thought.... :)

Other than that I dun seem to have done anything great..... Oh wait.... If I've not mistaken.... Litbud was borned this year right? :D Hehe... thats my greatest achievement for this year :D I'm very glad that this little thing that supposed to be a simple doodle during boring lessons can capture the hearts of so many.... To all whom supported my litbud.... A big thank you! There will be future plans to develop it..... but thats another story for another time :)

Then it seems that there arn't really much achievement for the year of 2005

My regrets......

I regretted failing in an attempt to get into a relationship....

I regretted not studying hard enough for econs

I regretted nothing else......

Okay.... thats about all that have happened for the year 2005.

Now my new year resolution for the year 2006.

Firstly of cos... I would wish for good health for myself and all the people around :)

Secondly I wish for an enjoyable time serving the country in NS

Thirdly I wish for the plans to develop my litbud to be successful and form the foundation for it to generate money for me in the coming years.

Lastly I would like to make more good friends.....

K lar... that all for now.... I wun wish to get into relationship this year lar cos its really quite impossible cos I will be in camp like 5 days a week or even more, where got time to go out and know girls.... So yar.... I'll just keep this wish till 2 years later :P

So this is it.... in another 1/2hr time would be the start of the new year already. Won't be staying up for countdown cos I'm really tired and I still have to work tmr.... Furthermore its meaningless to countdown on ur own.... So yar.... thats it.... Bye :) Wish all an enjoyable 2006 ahead :)

Friday, December 30, 2005

Yo! Long time nv blog.... Nowadays have lesser time and energy to blog due to work. So yar.... just came here today to say that... I wun be able to blog so often and if u people want to contact my.... just give me a call or drop me an sms... :) See ya...

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

My off day... :) Finally can get a break from the products in the shop.... For the past few days I've been like hearing Dopod... Nokia N70 and all the other models so many times that it keep ringing in my head.... Gonna go crazy soon if I dun get a break from all these names....

Anyway way... just to continue the story from the previous entry.... Remember I was saying that I dun want to owe any 'kindness debt'. Yar.... actually I wanted to quite ealier than wad I told them lar... cos the job very sian.... dun think I'm suited for such a job.... so hor..... if they treat me so nice then I quit.... abit bad leh... especially if I gain something like cheaper prices.... It may seem that I just join so that I can get cheaper prices. after I got what I want I quit....

So yar.... hope that everything goes on fine... then I work till the end of jan then I quit liao... one more month to NS.... its about time to slack and train up liao lar....

K lar.... nothing much for now... bye~

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Merry christmas! :) Haiz..... still have to work tmr sia... so sian.... have been working for the past few days.

Quite a lot of things happened for the past few days... too much that I duno what to write. Well... I'll try my best lar :)

Firstly... I don't really fit into the environment. All the other collegues there have different background from me. All those Ah beng type. But... they are still nice people lar. Have no problem talking to them... but u know.... there is still much to go for me to fit in comfortably. For my case still okay lar.... got this other guy, also new there... is worst.... He can't fit in, and the people there also dun really want to interact with him.... He's actually more of my type lar... guai guai... good boy type :P So yar.... he's the person that I'm most comfortable with and talk to most there. But we were assigned to different sections, so dun have a chance to talk during work... only in the morning and after work.... But nvm lar.... at least got someone to share the agony of the day. So... overall... I'm still doing fine there.... able to connect with both the Ah bengs and also the good boy :P

Secondly.... The big boss seems to be a very nice guy :) On the first day of work... he asked me to sit beside him.... and talked to me... asked me a few questions then tell me to slowly learn the ropes.... Today I was looking at a PSP... then he asked me if I were interested... if I am he's willing to give me a very good price :P But well... I didn't want a PSP.... and also dun want to be indebt to his kindness... I'll tell u why later :P

Then I also met someone interesting.... haha.... He played badminton from young with the national player Ronald susilo before... He say he played with him since primary school and always win... then in sec school still winning... but when come to jc start losing liao cos he started smoking and skipped training... So now... ronald become national player liao... then he still a small employee. So yar... he say... dun take the wrong step when u are young.... you will regret it.....

K lar... thats all for now.... Bye :)

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Haiz... second day of work.... sian.... lol.... K lar... not in the mood to blog.... will blog next time... bye :)

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

First day at work.... One word.... "slack" lol.... Really slack until very sian.... No business one lor... Especially around 3-4 pm.... After the whole morning.... u feel so bored already... then during the period is the most empty one lor.... Then u like.... -.- Wad am I supposed to do.... Haha....

So yar.... Haiz.... no wonder the pay so low.... K lar... will blog more when I have the time.... bye :) Go sleep liao....

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Haiz.... go one big round, I'm back to doing sales for IT products again.. lol... At first I dun want to do sales cos I wanna try something new... but well.... since this opportunity is presented to me, then nvm lor.... Actually its really fate that I got this job. I didn't purposly search for it... it just came to me by chance..... Here's the story of how I found the job... or perhaps how the job found me.... :)

Today I was feeling better already... although still have some mucus that was stuck.... but I am able to speak rather clearly already... So I decided to pay a visit to the employment agencies. I took a bus down to orchard road. Visited Far east shopping center where the agencies are. And I was shocked. Actually not shocked.... just very much surprised... Haha... 90% of the so called employment agencies are crowded with foreign dark women.... without the need for introduction... I know they are foreign domestic helpers... in layman terms... maids.... Not that I want to sterotype lar... but its obvious.... So yar.... almost every of these so called employment agencies deals with finding employment for these foreign workers.... Then I just went off without entering any agency to ask for temp jobs lor. The thing that came to my mind was... "hello!? I'm no maid!! :S" lol.... why can't they just advertise as maid agency.... employment agency sounds so misleading.....

Anyway... after that I thought actually I don't really need to look for agency lar... afterall the job posting on the online job agencies are all admin and accounts position which I can't do... so I guess it would be the same at their shop ba..... Then I decided to keep a lookout to see if any shops put up notices to employ people or not lor... Cos I think although they might want to employ a permanent staff.... they wouldn't mind employing someone temporary cos they got nothing to lose. They just need to put up the notice again after I leave.... So yar... and I thought... another place I could try my luck may be at china town cos CNY is coming... maybe they need extra staffs.... Then I just walked down the whole of orchard heading towards chinatown's direction lor.... HAha... another walking expedition for me :P So yar... walk pass plaza singapura.... and I lost my direction! haha... I don't know where to go.... I just followed my instinct..... then after a while... I came to a building that seems so familiar..... And when I turned around the corner.... I saw sim lim square! lol.... The place I am is at Berlington..... lol... no wonder it seems to familiar.... I got my first job interview there and also collect my first pay there... lol.... Cool hur... I went from one end of orchard and wandered all the way to bugis.... haha....

Then yar.... was walking pass this shop and saw the notice to employ people! :D Lol... I finally found a place that is hiring people :D Actually this was the second one that I saw.... The very first one I saw was from This Fashion... which I think I wouln't stand a chance to get the job cos of my gender... lol.... Anyway.... the job title also looks very familiar..... Sales Executive.... lol... Same as my previous job.... haha.... and guess wad... I'm still selling IT stuffs.... haha.... Think its my fate to love IT gadgets and also to find my employment from there.... lol....

So after talking with the boss about me only able to work till end of feb.... he agreed to give me the job.... The working hours are long.... from 10 in the morning till 9 at night..... And the pay isn't much either.... after some calculation its only $3+ per hour.... But well... still agreed to take on the job cos nvm lor.... Afterall my job don't seem too tedious.... Just like in economic concept..... My Marginal Revenue Product is low. I dun think I can sell one product every hour lor... So I guess my job pretty much slack lar.... haha... so why not? Rather than slacking at home and earn nothing... why not slack outside and get paid a little.... Another reason I took on this job cos they can let me work all the way till feb.... Then I dun have to keep finding job when one job ends.....

Hmm... so yar.... :)

After that I still want to accomplish my initial aim to get to china town... so I started walking again.... But hor... I kept going around in circles... lol..... After walking for some time I saw the famous temple at bugis... lol... that means I haven't left bugis area lor.... So I continue walking and guess whats the next thing I saw.... The national library.... lol... I'm still at bugis!!!! I turned another direction and started walking again... and guess wad.... I saw parco!!! lol.... K lar... I admit defeat... lol... then I made my way to bugis MRT and took a train home....

Then thats about it for today lar.... :)

Anyway... just wanna add something I saw on an advert.... there's this advert on the newpapers for paints... then they have this little colummn on the chinese zodiac for next year.... And for rabbit it says got 'tao hua yun' Means got love luck :D :D :D Haha... But I wonder how am I going to find my girl.... Cos next year I going army le! Lol... where got girl for me to find? Then I thought.... hmm.... since all the rabbits are going army next year.... and all rabbits have love luck.... then.... does that mean that all the rabbits gay together in army? lol.... just joking... haha.... anyway..... that means that love luck wun happen to my batch of rabbits lor.... haiz....

K lar.... thats all... gonna work tmr liao..... going to sleep.... bye :)

Monday, December 19, 2005

Argh!!!! I missed project runway on channel 5!!!! sian.... lol... nvm.... hope I remember next week.... haiz....

Time goes pass so slowly recently... I am so so so so so bored at home!!!! Didn't go out today as I have not completely recovered. I can't even speak properly with all the mucus stuck in my nose... If everything is well tmr, then I might be going out le...

Haiz... actually I'm wondering... why am I trying so hard to get a job? Afterall its only another 2 months.... its not too long a time... so I just take one step at a time lor.... Got job... do... dun have... then nvm lor...

Sounds like I'm self-consoling... haha.... heck... even if it is.... nvm lor... just as long as I feel happy can liao :P

K lar... nothing much... bye...

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Just watched legally blond on channel 5.... Find that its quite a nice movie :) Haha.... although its quite unrealistic... but its still very entertaining :)

Am feeling better now.... Almost recovered. Hope that I can be completely well tmr... Going out tmr to visit employment agencies to see if I can find a job...

Anyway... haha... this news has been quite old already... but I didn't have the chance to share it.... After getting my christmas present from the government... I received my New Year present from them as well... :P HAha.... I got the eagles award :D haha.... another $150 for me :D Hmm... I wonder if there's any chinese new year ang bao from the government... Lol...

K lar... oh well... other than being happy about the money... I'm also glad as this shows that my efforts for the past 2 years have paid off. For the academic aspect... well.. this has to wait till the A lvls result is out before I safely say I've made it.... But for the CCA... :) Am very glad that I got recognised. I've tried to be more active in my CCA for the past 2 years.... I don't want to be like what I did in sec school... always so slack.... nv try to participate more... You know... my badges for NPCC.... only fill up the first row and one additional one on top lor... while others have more than that... its kind of embarrassing when the lower ranked juniors have more than u... lol... So in jc... I took part in almost every competition that comes by.... although I didn't win any of them :P Haha... but nvm lor... at least got participate.

Other than my own effort... without the people whom recognise my effort and gave me the opportunities. I wouldn't go far... Like the old saying. A thousand li horse also need buo le appreciation. (I think is buo le lar... haha... not too sure :S) So yar... have to thank the teachers that help me along.

Hmm... I also want to make this comment quite a long time ago but I kept forgetting it.... You know... being jobless... I've been staying at home and rotting away... so I watched Kids central... Then I find sometime rather interesting... It seems that the bad guys are getting stronger and stronger... Initially batman, superman and all the other superheros have their own show and their own enemies... and always managed to beat them on their own. But recently.... their enemies grew so strong that they have to form alliance to defeat one villain... And its called the Justice League comprising of around 8 superheros.... However that doesen't seem enough... the enemy is growing even stronger... and they now have Justice league unlimited.... It has a whole hord of superheros as its members.... Some never seen before ones too... I was like... wow.... its either the enemy are really getting so strong... or the heros are getting weaker.... Haha... I wonder what would be next? Perhaps alliance between characters from different comic producers? Like having the X-men and ninja turtles join in as well? Lol... that would be real interesting... haha....

Hmm... on a more serious note..... Have our threshold for violence being moved higher again? In the past. One hero is sufficient to provide enough violence to satisfy us. But now.... We need a whole hord to them wrecking buildings and punching each other to get us satisfied. How far do we need to go before killing someone is nothing more than crushing an ant? Thats food for thought :) If you have any comments u wanna make. Feel free to express urself in the shoutbox. If what u wanna say gets too long to fit into the shoutbox. Do drop me an e-mail and I'll put it up in a blog entry :)

K lar... thats about all for today... bye :) Have a nice week ahead.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Hmm... I seems that I have sort of a phobia of talking over the phone... :S I've search up the list of phobias but can't find one for my type of phobia.... There are 2 the come closest....

Phonophobia- Fear of noises or voices or one's own voice; of telephones.

Telephonophobia- Fear of telephones.

First one... hmm... I'm only afraid of voices heard over the phone... not every sound that I hear....

Second one... I'm not afraid of the telephones... only talking tru it....

So yar... haha... maybe I can initiate one more phobia to add on to the list of phobias... maybe call it bkphobia? Dun be mistaken.... its not a phobia of me... lol...

I kind of realised this phobia quite some time ago... only recently it became a problem to me as I have to call up companies to ask for more information about their job offers... I have to like ready myself... and kind of force myself to make the call by telling myself that I won't be able to get any job if I dun even dare to call and ask about it....

This explains why, even towards my friends... I'm unwilling to call them... whenever possible I would use SMS to convey my msg..... I only call when there's a immediate urgent need to get their reply.... Kind of sad hur.....

Well... I tried to ask myself what am I afraid of.... and I got to 2 conclusion.....

First one... It maybe because since young... I've been kept away from calling my friends for too long..... During my primary school days... I used to talk over the phone with my friends..... Then my grandma dosen't like it.... so sometimes she would pick up my phone and scold my friends.... I always feel so embarrassed..... after some time... I stopped talking over the phone already.... except when I have to covey an urgent msg.... even in such a case.... its always kept short... nothing more....

When I moved on to secondary school... MSN came into my life... and replaced my mode of communication..... I can log on to the net for hours and chat online without my grandma stopping me.... She just thought that I'm playing games.... and she also can't scold my friends cos she can't type....

When msn chatting when out of trend.... Its the time where handphones become a commodity.... I also got my handphone... and since then.... sms has slowly replaced msn as my piority choice of communication....

So yar.... from primary school... I've been isolated from the use of phones.... till now... it has been like a total of 9 years? ( I started talking over the phone when I'm in pri 4 I think) 9 years is a long long time.... and this isolation slowly turned into fear.... as talking over the phone seems to alien to me....

The second conclusion is that I have very low self confidence.... I care too much about how others think of me... By talking over the phone I can't see the person's expression and his body language... I don't know what they are thinking of me.... There is too much uncertainty.... and this breeds the fear in me....

The reason why I lack self confidence may be due to up childhood again... but thats another entry for another time.....

And now that I know of the reasons of my fear... what do I do about them? Well.. there's actually nothing much that I can do... Whenever the need comes to make a phone call... I'll just force myself to do it... And hopefully someday... I can finally get used to making phone calls....

Haiz.... I know its very pathetic to me afraid of making phone calls especially in this world where uncountable phone calls are made at every instant and the phone is just an extension of the mouth.... But what to do?

K lar... thats all for now... bye~

Friday, December 16, 2005

Haiz... fell sick.... had a terrible flu.... feel like dying already..... argh.... so unbearable..... Hope everything is fine tmr........ bye......

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

My com is kind of being weird lately.... sometimes working sometimes not... then it dosen't seem to be a virus doing as well.... Tried scanning my system with all avaliable scanners and find nothing.... Guess it isn't a virus as the problem starts before windows even powers up.....

Anyway.... nothing much lar... still jobless... haiz... see how ba.... hope to get a job by the end of dec....


Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Has been some time since I last blogged :) Hmm.... nothing much happened recently... stayed at home.... slacked... looking at recruit everyday.... sian.... lol....

Haiz... it seems like there arn't much interesting jobs to do leh... I wanted to do some accounting or admin work... but they require accounting knowledge with I dun have.... Other than that thought of doing some cashier work... but the places are all in the east... too far away from me.... The rest are all sales and promoters jobs... which I dun wish to take on... I wanted to try something else.... Then there are also some packaging work... but the time period is only in jan... So I'll have the remaining dec free and then the entire feb free.... Then thats about all the temp jobs available lor.... haiz...

Well.... maybe I'll make a trip to some employment agencies to see if they can find me a job for that 2 months....

thats about all for me lar.....

Anyway... I just realised that luqman (from css 4/6 ) went for NS liao.... thats really fast... lol... he went in on the 2nd of dec..... Which means while I'm typing now... he is training in tekong.... :S I kind of have this weird feeling when I imagine what he would be doing in tekong at this moment in time when I'm typing.... haha.... he's the first person I knew whom went for NS already....

Hmm.... very fast lar... in like 2 more months... I'll be in too....

K lar... thats about all for now... bye....

Saturday, December 10, 2005

I'm back :D haha.... seems that no one misses me... no new messages in the shoutbox.... aww... so sad... :P

Anyway.... the trip was quite fun :) Especially the food... haha... ate a lot for the past few days... We had buffet in the morning.... fast food in the afternoon... then buffet again for dinner... then fast food again for supper... lol...

then also played at the theme park lor.... but the queue was very long.... we had to like spend 1 hr queueing for a ride thats only a few minutes... Then somemore the weather was bad... kept raining... then the rides all closed... didn't get to play much.... but... still managed to have a go at all the rides lar :)

I also try to enter the casino... but... haha... didn't succeed... I go in... then the person say.... IC? ... then I say nv bring :S ... He said bring it next time.... then showed me the way out... haiz... lol... nvm lar... wait a few more years I can 'guang ming zhen da' go in liao :P Haha....

well... thats about all ba :)

Now come back liao have to go job hunting already :) Have to faster find a job... otherwise I will be bored to death at home...

K lar... nothing else liao.... bye~

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Things are really getting ugly... HAiz... am just very dissappointed at someone... Anyway... dun want to talk about it le.... not worth my effort.....

OKay... well.. gonna leave sg tonight le :) HAha... got like 3 days won't be seeing me blog le... Lol... will miss me or not? K lar... I guess nobody does... well... nvm... just in case someone misses me... you can leave a msg in my shoutbox :)

was playing AOE yesterday... and was so sian... after thrashing the enemy until they cry surrender... I started to do some lame thing... Haha... I mass build villigers to go chop down trees... Lol... I mass deforested my area.... Then after that... still very sian... so I ask my builders to build a wall... showing... "BK WAS HERE" lol.... k lar.. I very lame.... haha... here are the screen shots... with that... I end this entry :)

Monday, December 05, 2005

hmm.... have been reading quite a lot about the Van Nyuen case in forums online....

Here's my stand on this incident... HANG HIM! lol.... This incident should act as a deterrent to other drug traffickers... Dun even use singapore as a transit to other countries... I won't want any drugs to land on singapore soil... I love singapore and the safe environment here.... and I dun wish for anything that could threaten this safeness to land on our territory... shoo! U want to bring drugs back to ur own country so be it... but dun ever come or even transit in singapore....

K lar.... thats all that I have to say... bye :)

Sunday, December 04, 2005

In view of recent events.... which I am not at liberty to comment or blog about... I made this piece of work :) Its a lesson that I've learnt... painfully....

This piece won't be up in my gallery as its not that great anyway.... Its a second piece of event inspired work.... (the first one was "Giving but not receiving") Haha... It has also been a long time since I touched chinese calligraphy :P I learnt it when I was in primary school... That time I was still living in jurong west. I attended a chinese painting course at a community center there. We were taught chinese painting 3 times a month... once per week... and for the last week of the month, we were taught calligraphy. After quite some time... I slowly picked up painting... but my calligraphy still sucks... lol... But still... I managed to learnt some basic stuffs :P Hope that I will have a chance to improve it in future :) It was a pity as that time I stopped learning cos I was moving to yew tee... Its very troublesome for me to travel all the way down every week to have the lesson. I really enjoyed the lesson... and have been a model student... lol... sound a bit buay hiao bai... haha... but really... I was always the earliest to arrive... and then I will how to say... erm... grind the ink? for the teacher...

hmm... k lar... lets move on to other topics :)

Well... I think I'm gaining a lot of weight in recent weeks... lol... My tummy starts to grow liao!!! You know... now I'm sitting down... blogging... and I feel like I have a watermelon at my abdomen?... lol... =X haven't been exercising regularly.... And I don't do much physical work as well... so... haha... all the fats are storing up liao.... hmm... maybe I really need to go exercise abit more :P

Anyway... yay.... my genting trip finally here liao... haha... leaving sg on a tuesday night... Actually hor... I'm not really looking forward to the trip... instead... I'm looking forward to getting a job when I come back from the trip... lol... always wanted to get a job... and finally... when this trip is over... I can get one :D haha.... cos yar.... really want to find something to do... everyday stay at home so sian... go work at least got collegues to talk to....

Also... I find that I've been sleeping late... and waking up late as well... haiz.... this is bad for the body.... Think from now on have to set a limit liao... Before 12 must get to sleep. :D

K lar.. nothing much liao.... the coming week is gonna be a fast one for me... when I get back from my trip... its the end of the week liao... So yar... wish all a enjoyable week ahead :) Bye~

Friday, December 02, 2005

Had our YJC prom night 2005 yesterday night at the Grand Hyate :) Haha... it was okay lar... not exactly fun... but not boring too...

Was supposed to meet kerling first then go down together... but as usual... he was late... duno why everyone likes to be late.... anyway... then I had to go down on my own lor... went to take the train.... at first I didn't dare to step out of the house lor... I feel so akward... lol... but haiz... no choice lar... so I made a beeline to the mrt station... haha... luckily I got a seat right at the end of the train at a corner... :P So I was able to stay out of sight to some people... Then after a few stops, a lady came on board and sat beside me... She was also wearing until very nice lar :) Haha... so I kind of feel better... at least I'm not the only one dressed until like that in the train lor :)

Then I reached orchard and went to the hotel... I was the earliest of my group to come lor... I thought I would be late lor... almost took a cab down... but in the end... I was just on time... and the others were late... loitered around for a while before I saw elgin.... Then yar... when almost all came... we went up to take our seats lor...

The dinner was okay lar... edible... lol... I find the dished all abit salty.... And quite a number of them were spicy... the flavoring of everything was also too strong... Then they have live band performance... Which were too loud and we all had trouble speaking to each other... The whole thing is not matching lor... We wear western suites... eat chinese cusine and listen to rock music.... Other than that there were some table games... actually... there was only 1.... lol... and there were also lucky draw lar... :) As usual... I didn't win anything.... think I'm really fated not to win anything by luck.... haiz... haha... but nvm.... anyway... kerling won the 4th prize... it was a mini fridge.... lol... the way he won the prize was very funny... lol.... can't really describe it... but it was an very unexpected win for him..... haha....

After which we went to k-box to spend the night.... sang until 5.30 in the morning... lol.... kerling and andy both already had sore throat... then they sang until their voice very coarse... sing abit longer can become Ah-Do liao... lol... then I also quite sian liao lar... at the end only like read the words and mumbling to the tunes....

So yar... after 5.30 we went off le.... wanted to take a train home... but the service haven't start.... But its kind of weird leh.. 5.30 service haven't start meh? Last time sec school I take train at 6 one leh... sometimes NPCC have to reach earlier I even too a train before 6 lor..... and I dun think I'm taking the first train... so there should be trains that are even ealier lor.... but nvm... since there's no train yet... we went to the bus stop to wait for the first bus lo.... Kerling took a bus home then me and andy shared a cab home....

Thats all ba..... :)

Anyway... recently there was 2 things that I want to comment about.... Its just my personal opinion lar... I don't mean to make enemies or whatever... but.... just to share my views. I won't be saying who the person is... but... if the person ever came to my blog and saw this and somehow know that I'm speaking about him/her.... then... just take it as I'm offerning a third party view of the matter and I hope that I wouldn't influence u if you have already thought clearly and made your decision. No matter what decision you make... I will still respect it....

OKay... first thing... to a friend... erm... just wanna say that please have more self discipline. There are some things that you do are really too much.... it would lead you down to a deeper and darker path... Yes.... its perfectly alright to have fun and especially if you can afford it.... but there should be a limit to what you should do... Some things are really beyond what we can handle... Perhaps you can take a look around our group of friends... even though they also play alot... but there are some things that they know shouldn't be done. So yar... hope that this friend would not sink deeper.... You have a bright future, given ur status... you already have a headstart against others... so don't waste it away.... There are many people whom can only pray and wish that they have what you have.... So yar.... take some time to think about it. :)

Another one is a relationship between 2 person I know that I don't really approve.... I believe that the both of you have to really think properly lor... Its not like those TV dramas that love can overcome anything lor... Both of you are going to have a lot of problems facing the society in future... people will point fingers and gossip behind your backs.... In this society... yes... although we are more civilised and perhaps more open... but comparatively against other countries.... the singapore society is still very conservative. It won't be easy to go against the social norms. I'm not trying to break the both of you up lar... I'm just asking you all to really consider your future together.... If you all think that, yes... you can stand up against the social norms... and can ignore all the gossips and finger pointing behind your back... then.... fine... I will respect your decision and from the depth of my heart... wish you all a sweet future together....

K lar... thats all for now... bye :)

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

oh no.... my account for this month is running a deficit... lol... Go into the reds liao!!! My expenditure for this month quite high =X haha... then my income falling.... cos holidays liao... my pocket money got affected... Haiz... now have to dig into my reserve to finance my deficit... lol.... Haiz... got to faster go find a job... otherwise my reserve will keep dwindling...

Anyway... here's what has happened for the past days....

Sat was nothing... stayed at home and slacking... then sunday... went out with my cousin, mz and his gf to sitex in the evening... I wanted to get a replacement for my mp3 player.... My old one really cannot make it liao... So I thought... its time that I get a new one liao lar... After all.. I haven't bought anything for myself after the A lvl... Got to pamper myself abit mah... after all the hardwork... should really get some reward for myself :)

Then yar... bought a player at the show... 1GB flash drive, MP3, wav, wma playerability, photo viewer, 1.5" OLED colored screen FM radio... cost me 189 bucks... but think its pretty alright lar :) I quite like the player.. the only thing is that the menu quite difficult to navigate... but its okay :) It got everything that I wanted and its within my budget :)

So after that... I went to my cousin's place to stay over... cos his house nearer, I dun have to travel right across the island to go back home...

Thats about all lar... bye~

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Look how industralized singapore has become... u can't take a sunset without having all the chimmeys and tankers....

A pinkish sky :D this photo looks like those that u see in sentosa's advertisments :P

Haha.... a fake photo :P I plucked this grass from the ground and hold it with my hand in front of the camera :P Shh... haha....

A night shot at the esplanade with my camera :)

:P Another one of the fake shots... the leaf is I purposly stick there one :P haha...

If u are a cricket... u would probably see the sunset at this angle :P

Woho~ Yeah~ The above are all the photos that I took yesterday :D Yesterday went out with SM to take photos... he wanted to test out his camera... The big big professional kind lar.... So I brought my small small mini amature one to play along :)

He wanted to take sunset... so the two of us went down to sentosa siloso beach around the evening.... Lol... we were so out of place there... Two guys.... wearing long pants on the beach... holding camera and snapping around... lol... Then yar... we went up to one of the towers and took photos from there.... THen there was this couple down below across across the bridge... Then sm use his super 12X optical zoom... and with a little bit of digital zoom.... and we can see the face of the couple!!! lol... I can't even see their facw without my specs on lor... and yet the camera can zoom until so clear!!! Haha... wah... best for spying on other people sia... Its like u can see clearly what the other person is doing 2 blocks away lor....

Haha.... after that we left the place and head for city hall... went to take photos of the esplanade. I was surprised that there were also other photographers around... and it was't a few... there were quite alot... haha... all armed with big big cameras... I was just wondering... whats so nice about the esplanade... not sian meh... keep taking the same thing...

after that... we head for the supreme court... the old one... and took some photos... I didn't take anything cos no use lar... my camera the night scenes not that powerful...

So yar... after that its close to 11 liao.. so we took a train home....

Thats all lar :) Hope u enjoy the photos :)
Just came home from a photography trip with sm... and guess what I saw on my table...

My christmas present from the government! lol.... Haha... After like 5 years... I finally get the edusave merit bursary again... :D Actually... to be exact... its 7 years... cos the other 2 years is scholarship.. not bursary... lol.... Yay... so happy... it was totally unexpected... cos I just came home... tired... legs aching from all the standing and walking.... then I put down my bag... and saw the envelope on my table... I was like omg... izzit really true?? then I tear open the envelope and read the letter.... YeS! haha... I got it :D:D:D yay... am very glad that I got something... cos actually bursary nothing much lar... 25% of the cohort got it... but I'm happy because after so many years... I thought I would never have a chance to get something like this again.... All the 3 time I got it was in primary school.... 3 consecutive year from p4 to 6..... then after that in sec school.... I never came close to it..... my results was really lousy then.... and now... in jc... I finally got it again :D

K lar... thats all for now... just want to share my joy :) Wonder if anyone sees this... but nvm.... I just share with the web lor :) About the photos I took... well I'll talk about it tmr... pretty late le... going to sleep liao :) bye~

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Muahaha... seems that there are quite some mp3 players with big big storage and low low price at Sitex... haha... think maybe I going down to see if I can find a replacement for my dying-soon-player... Haha... well... its a miracle that my player lasted till now lar... it should have long been dead when the earphone jack spoilt.... :) So yar... think its time that I get myself a new one le :) The prices are quite attractive... for under 300 bucks... I can get one with color screen and 1GB storage space.... Haiz... compared to a mere 2 years ago... when I bought my current mp3 player... it cost a whopping $240 for only 128MB.... really tio tok that time...

Then today... morning went sm's house to play lan... haha... played age of empire 3... then I realised how lousy I am... lol... can't even defend my base.....

After that went school for paper 5 lor... the paper was fine :) Haha... I wrote quite a lot... so I hope I can also get quite a lot of marks :P

After the paper... then we all go home le lor... thats all for today... bye~

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!! ITs finally done!!! Haha... Litbud windows media player skin :D haha.... Its still in beta stage... play button is still abit faulty... but... all the other buttons are still working fine :D I'll be fixing it when I have the time... and also adding more stuffs to it :) For example a play list :D Haha.... So keep a watch out for it :)

I started doing it yesterday.... was going tru a tutorial on the microsoft website... haha... then after understanding the basics... I went to decompose a professionally made skin and study the codes :P It was written in XML... Another alien computer language.. haha... but well.. still managed to feel my way tru in the darkness. :)

So yar... after so much... here's the link to download it :)

Feedback are greatly appreciated :) To reach me, you can e-mail me at Otherwise, my friends can just msg me in msn :D Hope you people like the skin :)
NEW RECORD!!! Muahahahahahhahahahahahahhahaha................

Yay... set a new record for the furthest distance I've walked from my home... The last time I walked like this was think 2 years ago... I walked from home till teck whye... cos that time I was walking at night... when I reach tech whye... it was rather late already... so I didn't want to walk any further.... This time round... it was in the afternoon... so I walked all the way to bukit panjang plaza! lol.... It took me about 45 mins..... Here's the route I took... haha... had to stitch 3 maps together from street directory in order to get the whole route out :P Total distance a approx of 4750m which is well... not very long lar... just like running 2.4km twice.... haha....

Haha.... :) hmm... think the next challenge would be to walk all the way to bukit batok west mall... haha.... See when's the next time I feel too bored :P Anyone wanna join me? :)

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Haiz... whole day rain rain rain.... so cold... so boring... want to go out walk walk also cannot... so sian.....

Just downloaded the trial version of Age of empire 3.... heard quite some good comments on it so decided to try it out :) The trial version was good... haha... they let you play skirmish to a certain age.... The game was quite okay lar... normal rts type of game lor... but I like this game better than warcraft cos this game is also a no brainer, just like C&C... haha... u just need to know how to earn money then can liao :P This game got 3 resoureces you need to collect... food... wood... and coin... The best thing is they got a market place :D So you can trade your resources around :) With that.... its almost like unlimited resources... cos... the trees dosen't seems to ever run out... haha... so when your silver mines finishes.... just ask builders to go cut trees and then trade in the market can liao :P Other than that... you can also build your own resources growing buildings at your base... so you don't need to worry about your resources running out and the need to look for it at other places... Just stay at your base... built many of such buildings.... and... you have unlimited resources :D This problem with me playing RTS games is that I don't usually expand my base.... so its very important that my base dosen't run out of resources.... Games like warcraft... the gold mines have limited golds... so when it runs out... its when my game ends too... One more thing that I like is that there isn't much limitation to the units you can built... yeah there are limitation... but not as much as warcraft... You are still able to mass built in the game :) So thats very nice for me... cos I play game always mass attack one :P I seldom use brain... thats why I always have more units getting killed, than the units I kill....

So if you people nothing better to do... you may try downloading this trial :) or if you all got the money... go buy the game :) HAha... piracy is no good :P.... If you all no money, but still want to play the game... the the trial version is best for you :P

K lar... bye~

Monday, November 21, 2005

Just watch project runway on channel 5... Quite cool :D HAha.... Anyway... there was this chao ah gua contestant in the show... lol... see already very er xin :S Keep crying one... Can't help but feel disgusted.... Even the girl also nv cry as much as him lor.... Then the time when he has to choose a teammate to be eliminated.... he cried... and said he rather choose himself... but in the end he didn't... act act nia.... Other than him... you can see a lot of backstabbing... haha... everyone is like stabbing someone.... even their own teammates... So yar.... if you all got time then go watch it next mon :)

Today also went to ICA to collect my passport... Had to change the photo cos I look kiddy in my old one :P Then after that I thought it has been a long time since I last wander around on foot le... So yar... decided to walk around.... Cos the nearest place around is bugis so I decided to head for the national library and sim lim square... Haha.... the good things about having high rise buildings is that when you are not sure where to go... just lift up your head and you'll see something familiar :P So yar... went to the national library... first time I've been there since it opened.... The place was indeed big... and the amount of people pales in comparision with the size of the building.... Haiz... build so big for wad? waste space, waste air con, waste electricity... About electricity... haha... good thing that have escalators that knows how to shut down automatically when there's no one around... Anyway... back to the point.... The place is really very empty.... Haiz... its a waste that I don't live near there... otherwise I'll go spend all my afternoons there... dun waste the air con mah :P Somemore so quiet... you sit down there do your own stuffs.... beside the huge glass windows, then outside scenery also so nice.... Aww.... how nice is it...

After that went sim lim for a while... walk around.... can't buy anything cos no money... sad ar.... went on to the second level then left liao.... dun bother looking lar... can't afford anyway... not too long ago I was saying I'll be getting a psp right? Haiz... think won't be getting it anymore... no money sia... then still haven't found a job.... cannot find anyway cos still have to go back for paper 5... after that still got prom... and then after that still will be going to genting for a few days.... so.... cannot take leave so many time right? Other than that... I also have to save to commercialise my litbud.... so sian... haven't done anything concrete about it yet... But... its okay... I got lots of time to do so... actually... I got lots of time... only limited activities... so must ration it carefully, haha... otherwise I might feel bored and go into depression :S

lastly... about the IQ test for the exceptional intelligence... I solved 2 questions le... haha... so remember hor... if you all wanna play... dateline will be 27th nov... The treat is still on :) Haiz... duno if anyone still visits my blog... haha... nvm lor... if nobody then I treat myself :P

K lar... thats all for today... bye :)

Sunday, November 20, 2005

About the IQ test I mentioned in the previous entry... Well.. forget about it... lol.. its really too difficult... haiz... Haha... don't bother to print it out either..... you'll just be wasting your ink :S But anyway... if you all still want to try, then go ahead :) I'll still put up my result after 1 week lar... even though I might get none correct... Haha....
Muahaha! For those whom have nothing better to do... try this IQ test.... lol... its extremely difficult... Lets have a challenge within ourselves if you want to :) Do the test and e-mail your results to me at :D Lets see who can get the highest score :) Closing date would be a week from now :P on 27th nov.... This is a really very difficult test... Its advisible to print it out. :D So yar... I'll also put up my result by then :P Maybe the winner I treat him/her to 'lim kopi' lor :P Haha... nothing expensive cos I not rich :S But still can afford a drink :P

So follow this link below, and click the Test for exceptional Intelligence :P

Haha... hope you people have fun doing the test :)

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Aww... just finished another anime series... Full metal panic, the second raid... It only has 13 episodes.... so little... haiz... anyway... this seems to be the second season of the anime... I didn't watch the first one though.... But... its okay... still enjoyed the anime very much.... The quality of the anime very good.... each episode 200+mb.... the usual anime on 170+mb... I love the color they use... very strong and saturated.... And somemore its done is widescreen formate :D The story line was quite okay... with little bit of violence... got one episode I kind of saw a rating for it... It's M15.... Should be the rating for japan lar.... The second episode also got half-front nudity and full back one.... Overall its very nice lar :) I give it 8/10... the bulk of the marks comes from the high quality images.... Cos the images is really much better than the normal anime.... Its like every scene can be captured as a painting... and not just a screen shot.... Oh well... the only bad thing is that its too short... should have make it a little bit longer.... about 40 episodes will do... too long also sian... like naruto... they draw until 100+ then duno what to draw liao... so the anime become very sucky.... I've stop watching for quite some time liao.... 40 plus episodes will do just fine :) Like the FMA like that :D.... but actually.... maybe the first season is longer ba... this may just be a little continuation to the story.... Haha... later then I go search see if I can find the first season.

Anyway.... today went out to have dinner to celebrate my grandma's birthday... then after that went shopping.... Muahaaha.... I got my new watch :P Haha... its the same brand as my previous watch.... Fossil... duno why... I kind of like fossil's watches... they are more unique.... and it fits my budjet too :) Bought it at 155.... slightly cheaper than my previous one at 188.... :D I love my new watch :P But the only bad thing is that its function abit limited... cos its a analogue watch... then all the stop watch and alarm function dun have.... it don't even have a seconds hand... but... nvm... it looks nice can already :P

K lar... nothing much today... bye :)
As promised... my blog now has a new look :D This theme is called transition phase. It represents the transition I'm going through now... Things are going to change.... The photo wasn't taken by me... I found it on a stock photo website... For the past few nights I've been surfing around for stock photos that I can use for my website... then I found this... :) Haha.... the design sort of gives people a night feeling... its calm... and quiet.... Oh well... hope you all liked it :)

this time round I've omitted links and the shoutbox... I find that its pretty useless lar.. and the impt thing dosen't fit into the design.... So this is just a very simple blog with only the entries.... :) If you all got anything to say just feel free to msg me in msn, those who got my phone no. can sms or call me... otherwise can also e-mail me... if you want to leave a msg on the blog... then you can use the comments option at the bottom...

So thats about it lar... :) Hope you all have a enjoyable time on my blog :)

Friday, November 18, 2005

:) Its the second day after the A lvls... feeling quite okay... not too bored though.... haha... went out yesterday for group outing to celebrate the end of A lvls... Haha... after 2 years... thats the first time where we got almost everyone in the group to go out together... The only one absent was kerling cos he had some family matters so cannot join us...

So yar... the group of us arranged to meet at orchard cineleisure... wanted to play pool there... so I met up with sen min first to go together.... We stop slightly earlier at pacific plaza to get the strap of my watch fixed... but haiz... the shopkeeper went out for lunch and won't be coming back anytime soon. And cos we are late already so we didn't wait for the shopkeeper to come back.

So yar... we walked down orchard road, then sen min said he wanted to go sony gallery at wisma... lol... we late already still want to walk around.... haha.... :S

Then after which we finally reached cineleisure... went up to the arcade to look for the rest of the people... Then we went up to play pool... And guess who we saw there? JJ Lin and Jun Yang! lol... andy was the one who spotted them... they were at a table across us... haha.... my eyes myopic so I can't see the face clearly... They had quite a peaceful game... not much people went up to them to get their signature or to shake hands... I think stars really enjoy alot of privacy in singapore... we dun have the paparazzi to stalk the artiste everywhere they go.... JJ and Jun yang were alone there... no body guard of agent around... Then hor... the place nv "pei he" them... play some JJ's songs :P

Anyway... after playing for a while we got bored and went off le... then we duno what to do with the rest of the afternoon... wanted to catch a movie... but the show we wanted to watch isn't shown there... so we made our way to lido. The movie was at 9.45... so we had lots of time to spent... after a mini dinner.. kevin left us le..... he say he back pain then went off liao... the left the few of us duno what to do with the time...

so we went around looking to tower records for ej... his friend told him there was one at orchard, then ej want to use his voucher to redeem some CDs... but we can't find the place... according to andy there was one a few years ago... but it closed down liao...

after which we got nothing to do le.. so we went back to the shop to replace my watch's strap... Haiz... my watch can't be repaired le... they already stop production of this watch liao... so sad... I only used the watch for only like 3 years? then so fast cannot use le... but nvm... old one nv go... new one nv come... lol... that means I can get myself a new watch le :P But... I haven't seen a watch that I liked for a long time already.... my current and spoilt one.... is the best watch thats affordable to me... haiz... so sad lo... I wun have any watch to wear till I find a design the I like....

Since I can't get my watch repaired... then we still got lots of time to spare... so we went to a lan shop at the end of the orchard road... and spent our time there... played CS, C&C and UT... was really very bored during CS cos all of them are pros... then me a super noob down there... no need to play one lor... duno how they snipe... so accurate one... I always die before I can enjoy the game..... after that we played C&C... haha... thats one of the very few games that I know how to play above average :D lol... cos that game dun need to use too much brain or requires fast thinking... that one is just mass production of tanks... and the best thing is... I always use GLA... then I build alot of black market... haha... then I'm super rich...... so because all the rest are quite new to the game lar... so I have a hord of army to smash them.... After one game... we went to play UT... that was the best game out of the 3 we played... lol... its almost like CS but its much fairer cos its not that easy to snipe... so most of the time we just grap a weapon and chiong at each other.... :)

After which it was time for the movie le... we went to watch dragon squard... another shooting movie... lol... as if we didn't shoot enough at the lan shop... haha... the movie was okay lar... story line nothing special.... but there is 2 things that irritates me... it has too much flash back and the scenes were shaky.... so when they are fighting... you can't really see the action... only a mess of fist and gun shots flying around... The other thing is the movie is not shot in wide screen... its the normal sized screen that's on TV... It didn't exploit the wide screen of a cinema... then because the cinema was small... the bigger one was all used to screen harry potter... it makes the screen size even smaller... oh actually there was another things that also bothers me.... there were a lot of things they just type words there to introduce the character... then hor the words so cheem... I can't read... I know its my chinese very sucky lar..... but... hehe.... :P

anyway.... after the movie it was close to midnight le... wanted to go eat supper at newton cos kevin said if we want to eat there we can call him and he'll join us... ( he stays near there) But after some considerations... we gave up on the idea... cos the transport there was very inconvienient for us.... so yar... we all went home after that lo.... me and sen min took a cab home....

and thats it.... haha... I wonder when would be the next time we get a chance to go out as one big group again... Cos after this... we would all have our own things to do... people either go army or already found a job... so I guess we won't have much chance for a get-together.....

K lar... thats all for now... bye :)

Wednesday, November 16, 2005


2 years of effort all ends today! haha.... A lvls.... I've conquered it! lol... Oh well... actually I'm not really excited lar.. haha.. the feeling is quite normal... perhaps I've been slacking already :P Cos yar... right now the only thing that I'm happy about is I'm free to think about anything... I dun have to keep telling myself to focus on studies... I've got so much things I wanna do! :) Before I go into what I want to do... lets have a quick summary to close the chapter of A lvls :)

I'll give a brief account for each subject :)

GP! haha... well.. this was one of the best gp paper that I ever did. I've applied whatever I've learnt... and I have high expectation for it :) Predicted grade would be B4 :P haha.....

Maths.... Well... I've made quite some careless mistakes... but overall... this was the most prepared subject and I've attempted every question... So... I hope to get an A :P But... B would do just as fine... cos I know my careless mistakes cost me alot....

Physics... This is one subject that I wanna do well in... out of the 3 I take... I score better in this.... The paper was rather okay... I had time to finish every question.... I attempted also almost all questions... only with a few that I really don't know... so its quite fine :) Lets hope that I won't have as much careless mistakes that I had for maths... I would predict a A for physics :P

Econs.... One of my worst subject.... Paper 3 was totally screwed up... whatever that I've learnt over the past weeks have all gone to waste... I wrote back the same lousy stuffs I did for prelims.... and I guess I'll be getting back the same lousy results.... paper 1 and 2 was rather fine... So I hope I won't get too lousy a grade for it... Predicted grade C....

Oh well... thats all lar :) Everything just ends like that... On the whole... A lvls was a nice experience :) Although it was difficult and torturous... but we survived... and we've grown stronger...

This marks another chapter of our life.... Its sad when each chapter ends... but.... with each end of a chapter... its the start of a new one... Some characters would remain in the story... some would leave... But as people leaves.... there are some whom just entered the story... And these new addition would bring a host of new events and happenings that would make the story more interesting. So let us smile and embrace the new chapter in our life. :) Leave the past behind as beautiful memories and create more wonderful ones...... And so when we reach the final pages of our life story... we would... look back... and see all these events that dotted our path of life.... I wish all a beautiful end to this chapter of your life and a exciting chapter in time to come....

Okay... with every end... it follows with a new start :D Here are the plans for what to come in the next 3 months before I enlist for NS....

Firstly... I would revamp my blog :D haha.... yar.... I'll give this blog a simple facelift.... well... a simple one will do... cos I've bigger plans for this blog :P

Secondly.... I would be painting my home... Painting as is not only with one color... but I'll be drawing on the wall... This would be the biggest piece of work that I've ever drawn and would be the most intensive one as there are too much details to take care of...

Thirdly.... I would wish to commercialise my litbud :P Haha... I'm planning to transform litbud into a soft toy and sell it online... or at another other place that I can get.... Well... this is really a big investment for me... I'm planning to set aside a pool of money for this venture.... Its not much though... I very poor :S ... I dun have a rich dad to provide me with the funds :S But still I'm gonna try my best... I'll make sure that this money grow and one day... I would be able to have my own business empire :D Haha... Like what I said a few entries ago... if you have read it... I find that its really fun to make money :P HAha... Its challenging to obtain as much money as you can :D So yar... hehe... I won't be just contented with a routine paid job... I want to invest and see my money grow....

Last time I thought of doing small online trading... but that one seems to be rather risky as I don't really know the market and keep up with the news... So I kind of put off this idea for a while... that one have to wait till I get a job with a stable income then I can start trading :P Like that even if I lose a bit of money I still got a job to tide over... Right now I only for NS and earning peanuts.... ( not the $600K) one though.... lol.... so that peanut pay is only enough to support this soft toy venture...

So yar... within this 3 months I'll be searching for materials to make my litbud... Actually most of the materials are quite easy to get... cos they are just clots and cotton... the most difficult one is to get a manufacturer to help me make the star on the head of the litbud. Its not easy to find a company that will custom make plastic product at a low cost and low quantity... those kind of things usually buy in bulk by those big companies... so thats the worst problem of this venture lar... once I get over it... then there would be nothing else that can stop me :P

I also plan to sell litbud online first lar... so I'll be buying a domain and webspace.... and I'll also be reading up on HTML and flash action script code... I'm gonna set up a professional website for litbud :P And also to pick up the skills to set up a digital graphics and web design studio :P

I've also thought of marketing litbut to the indian community.... lol... cos after thinking of a while... it seems that litbud looks more indian :P haha... U know indian they got those oil lamps? Haha.... litbud looks like the little flame on the lamp :P So I thought maybe I can design litbud to fit into deepavali decorations... muahaha... lol... I guess its feasible lor :D see how ba.... if my litbud soft toys can really sell... I might really go into this :P

Haiz.... I have lots of plans... but don't know whether they will succeed or not... Time will tell... haha.... Actually 2 years in NS is a long time... And I quote this from my cousin... 2 years is a long time... make good use of it.... don't waste it away.... you don't want to after this 2 years... gain nothing but muscles.... So yar... I think its really very true... if you can make good use of this 2 years... then you would be 2 years ahead of other people.....

K lar... think enough of my blabbering for one entry.... will continue next time ba... bye :)

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

yes! Last second day of the A lvls liao :D Gonna have econs essays later on... after which is a big relieve for us as thats the major paper for econs... with that gone... we only have physics paper 3 tmr and econs paper 1 and 2.... Everything will end by tmr :D:D:D:D so happy! Haha... time really flies... in a blink of an eye... everything is gonna be over soon... this is really the very end already... After this... we got nothing to do with the school anymore... The only time when we will be back would be to collect our results :S Haiz... so sad right? Thats the end of another chapter in our life..... Was listening to 98.7 the other day and heard this song... I don't know if its a new song... I kind of heard it before....

"Graduation (Friends Forever)"

And so we talked all night about the rest of our lives
Where we're gonna be when we turn 25
I keep thinking times will never change
Keep on thinking things will always be the same
But when we leave this year we won't be coming back
No more hanging out cause we're on a different track
And if you got something that you need to say
You better say it right now cause you don't have another day
Cause we're moving on and we can't slow down
These memories are playing like a film without sound
And I keep thinking of that night in June I didn't know much of love
But it came too soon
And there was me and you
And then we got real blue
Stay at home talking on the telephone
We'd get so excited, we'd get so scared
Laughing at ourselves thinking life's not fair
And this is how it feels

[1] -
As we go on
We remember
All the times we
Had together
And as our lives change
Come Whatever
We will still be
Friends Forever

So if we get the big jobs
And we make the big money
When we look back now
Will our jokes still be funny?
Will we still remember everything we learned in school?
Still be trying to break every single rule
Will little brainy Bobby be the stockbroker man?
Can Heather find a job that won't interfere with her tan?
I keep, I keep thinking that it's not goodbye
Keep on thinking it's a time to fly
And this is how it feels

[Repeat 1]

La, la, la, la:
Yeah, yeah, yeah
La, la, la, la:
We will still be friends forever

Will we think about tomorrow like we think about now?
Can we survive it out there?
Can we make it somehow?
I guess I thought that this would never end
And suddenly it's like we're women and men
Will the past be a shadow that will follow us 'round?
Will these memories fade when I leave this town
I keep, I keep thinking that it's not goodbye
Keep on thinking it's a time to fly

[Repeat 1 (3x)]

Haiz..... so yar... k lar.. dun be too sad... haha... still got a paper later on.... :) bye~

Friday, November 11, 2005

haiz... once again... I can't seemed to study near weekends... been slacking for the whole day... only brought my econs book all around... but never really study it... argh.... only 5 more days to go... and yet I'm slacking!!! next time want to study also no chance liao ar... Haha.... k lar... nothing much.. just dorpping by while slacking :P see ya~
hohoho! its not christmas... but its friday... haha... duno why have the urge to say hohoho... guess its a very nice and joyous expression... :D well.. felt rather relieved today.... 2 of the most worrying subject are gone :D Haha... now only left with econs and physics... although its worrying as well... but I'm not under pressure to do well... For maths and gp right... somehow I felt pressured to do well... maybe cos I prepared lots for it... or perhaps people's expectation of me... actually... its not really people's expectation... is what I expect people to expect of me... lol... confusing hur? Cos no one really told me what they expect of me lar... its just me trying to imagine what they would expect of me.... maybe thats why I feel miserable at times cos I care too much about what other people think of me.....

Hmm.... thats all for now lar... going off le... very tired... going to recharge and prepare for the last 2 subjects. :D .... after that it will be over :D And I think I'll be giving this site a face lift soon :) So keep a watch out after wed :P K lar... bye~

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

haiz.... my back is aching so badly.... must be yesterday 3 hrs bend down there doing maths.... now I just feel so tired.... want to sleep also cannot cos it further worsen the ache... then study also cannot sit for long... haiz.... anyway... I'm feeling much better now :) except for the ache... well... just changed my perspective towards the matter... I'm now thinking about... yay its finally going to end soon :D Haha... one last paper and I don't have to study maths anymore :D :D :D :D
Haha.... it seems really fast... no more maths! no more maths! no more maths! muahaha.... so today is the last day that I'm going to study for maths... cos tmr is a morning paper..... everything would end by noon... muahaha.... no matter what the outcome would be... I promise myself to not feel sad... afterall... I've been waiting so long for this moment :) Shouldn't spoil it....

Anyway... was reading some forum yesterday and saw that for year 2002... the percentage of people who got A for maths is more than 50% and the total of A and B is about 70%... haha... that sort of makes me feel better abit... well... I surely hope that I can make it into the 50%... which is not too difficult as out of every 2 person I see... I only need to beat one :) And getting B... our of 3 people I see.. I only need to beat 1.... so considering the careless mistakes I made... I shouldn't be too far off lar... well... at least I know how to do all the questions... the only problem is careless mistakes... so hope that i get all the method marks lor :)

muahaha... so excited.. today is the very last day I'll be studying for maths liao.... so happy.... So yar... since its the very last day.... I'm gonna do my best :D bye~

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Haiz... so sad.... maths is a gonner... not really gone lar... well... I think can still manage a B... but to get an A would really have to depends on whether other people makes the same mistakes or not... and whether I have anymore careless mistakes... oh well.... Lets hope for the best :)

Oh well... I guess the reason why I'm feeling so miserable is because I had too high an expectation for myself. I really aimed very high for maths this time round... duno why... perhaps its because I prepared most for it... or perhaps its the first paper of the week.... You know... in the afternoon on the way to school... then I saw all these other people from other jcs... then I will start observing and predict what grade they will get... haiz... I see them as people that will snatch my As away leh... As you know... it is rumored that the grades allocation is by the bell shape curve thing.... which means that only the top few percents will get an As... so its not a competition of the actual grades you get.... Its a competition of your relative grades... how many more marks you have than other people... Thats why I'm so sad today... I made quite some careless mistakes... so that means that if other people don't make these mistakes as well.. then I will lose out to them and lose my As...

hmm... maybe I should start to take things alittle bit easy lar... shouldn't set too high an expectation... Afterall the important thing is to get into the U and not waste my 2 years in JC...

Actually the thing that fuel me to strive for As is not to get to the Uni.... Uni more or less I should be able to make it... the thing is pride..... Perhaps because from young I've been scoring well... and so called earned some status in my family.... I can't afford to lose this place....

I think it started from PSLE... after scoring well for it... I start to raise the bar for myself... I enjoy the kind of respect I get for having good results... the kind of compliments.... but somehow... I did badly for O lvls... and this further push me to work harder and prove my O lvls results wrong... I also kind of develop a mindset that I'm better than everyone else... If other people can do it... I must be able to do so as well...

I know this kind of thinking is very wrong..... its too arrogant and I'll fall one day... but....

Anyway.... I guess I should really take things alittle bit more lightly lar... being miserable is not a nice feeling... I already did my best for the paper... and guess thats enough :) There's nothing much that I can do now :) So why should I feel miserable? It dosen't help in the situation anyway.

K lar... lets switch to something of a lighter note :)

Today... while I was reading my little booklet of formulas... I came across the formula of tan2x ... at first I didn't want to memorise it cos it dun really come out often... in fact... of all the prelims paper I did.... it dosen't even come out once... but... in the end, I though... nvm lar... since I got nothing more to memorise liao... just arga arga remember lor..... and guess what....I really came out!!!!! LOL... I was like... wa... HENG sia!!!! haha.... lucky I saw it and decide to memorise it... otherwise I wun be able to solve that question.... haha.... but well... the extra marks gain seems to be offset by the amount of careless mistakes I made... haiz.....

Anyway... I also find that this year cambridge very guai lan... They like to put a lot of marks into one question.... then they don't split it up to like part a, part b... and guide us along... for example the curve and normal question... they just write 2 sentences and smack 8 marks on it... they nv split the question up and guide us along by giving a few marks for each part.... Thats why some of the questions u need to think for a while before you start because you have to split up the questions yourself....

somemore... the 3D trigo... super dulan... They give us a hexagon paramid.... and nv draw out the diagram for us.... then have to make us draw out our own 3D diagram.... somemore we draw until very ugly... then very hard to see... very inconsiderate leh.... for those people drawing very lousy how....

Haiz... k lar.. after so much complaining... thinks that all for today... bye :) Tmr got a day break before the next maths paper.... well... I dun want to have too high an expecatation for it liao lar... in case I fall short of it and become miserable again... but do my best lor :) K lar... thats about all... bye :)
I'm here again! Haha.... 5 more hours to maths paper le....

Haiz... this is the problem with afternoon paper... got too much time in the morning.... its like you can't study in the last minute as it will end up confusing everything that you have learn't... then you also cannot play games later you forget everything... so yar... its pretty much boring... nothing on the TV as well.... then wait until I now start to yawn liao... so sleepy... Oh well... am just thankful that I dun have to endure the torture of waking up early.... Anyway... this is the only afternoon paper for this week lar... maths paper 2 and gp all starts in the morning...

Hmm.... yar... in just less than a day... I can forget half the maths syllabus already... muahaha!!!! so so happy!!!! I hate maths!!! Maths sux... haha... actually maths is fun... until all the algebra and trigo that comes in and maths no sense.... so happy that after so many years.. I can finally take a break from maths.... Its like I spent more than 12 years studying maths? And the last 6 years is the easpcially torturing one as its when algebra comes in... the beginning 6 years in primary school was fun :)

K lar... thats about all for now... time's running out... gonna take my lunch now... and prepare to go school le... bye :) All the best :D see ya around tonight :)

Monday, November 07, 2005

woho! Its finally approaching...!!! In less than 24 hours.... it will be the start of the paper!!! And by this time of the day... the paper would be almost over! lol.... can't contain the excitment anymore... muahaha.... lol....

K lar... bye...

Sunday, November 06, 2005

haiz.... weekends wasted away... didn't study much....

When I close my eyes tonight... the next moment when I open it... it would be the eve of the maths paper1... the first paper ( excluding practical and chinese) of the A lvls.... Its really so fast.... the paper that I've been preparing for months is finally here... Its hard to accept that you spent 2 years of your time for it... and everything just ends like that.... We've endured through the hardest part of it... and finally... we see the light at the end of the tunnel....

anyway.... yar... lets not get too sentimental... haha... dun affect the mood for exams :)

As planned... I reviewed my study plan today... and it seems that there's nothing much for me to plan... Most of my papers are pretty well spaced out so I get some days in between to study and focus o n the subject.... so there isn't really a clash of things to be studied... its only the last few days that I have physics and econs together... but econs... there'snothing that you can study in the last minute... its only basically recalling all the theories and factors... so the main focus during that few days would be on physics... and I have a whole weekend to prepare for it... so... everything is more or less alright.... furthermore.... most of my papers are in the afternoon... so its convienient for me as I can take the time in the morning to slowing recall my formulas.... and not cramp everything in the night before and hope that I won't forget everything in my sleep.... or worst... make me think of all the formulas and can't get to sleep and affect my alertness the next day....

So yar... thats about all... frankly... I think I've never been so prepared for an exam before... Although I can't guarentee that I can get good results.... but somehow I feel that thats about all that I can do.... There's this voice in my head that tells me... you've done enough... there's nothing more to prepare... just go there and do your best..... I don't know if I am really well prepared.... or is it just that I've been desensitised after having gone through so many test and exams in my life... and also failing so many of them until the point that failing another one makes no difference to me....

I would hope that the first one is true... and not the second one.... Because of it.... I've been focusing more on exams techniques rather than the contents nowadays..... I've been training myself to sleep early... wake up early... and think clearly in the morning for the past week.... and guess its pretty much a success..... I'm now able to fall asleep at 10 every night and wake up automatically in the morning before my alarm goes off... which is 6 in the morning.... Then after that I'll start to use my brain from 8... which is the starting time of the morning paper.... I've also been training on time management.... especially on econs essays.... Perhaps I'll write it up here to share with you all :) If you all think that I can work... then feel free to adopt it....

For econs essays.... I've allocated 3 mins for selecting questions then 8 mins to write detailed outline for each question.... even if you finish the outline before the time is up... don't move on to write the full essays yet.... Use the remaining time to review the outline... make sure that you don't miss out anything.... cos sometimes we tend to miss out some important points when we think too fast... so witht he spare time... we can calm ourselves down and make sure that everything is written. Also... do all the 3 essays outline together first... taking a total of 24 mins.... cos it you do it outline, essay, outline, essay.... until the 3rd outline... you are not in the state of mind to think clearly already... and it would jeopardize your 3rd essay.... so yar... make full use of the 24mins... its a long time... but make full use of it... and write as detailed as possible... cos the remaining time won't be enough for you to think... if just continuous writing by following the outline you have written... you don't have time to pause and think of new points... You are just practically transferring whatever points you have in the outline into an essay... there is no time to add additional points... and you shouldn't be thinkning about additional points as well as it will affect your writing speed and you may not finish the essay in time.... the time allocated for essays is 35 mins each... so its pretty much enough to write with nice handwriting, provided that you did your outline well.... Finally, if you have calculated.... you have 3 mins left.... this 3 mins is not for you to slack.... its the uncertainty.... Time will be taken for you to flip pages.... arrange your papers... and also maybe the time may not be accurate... they dun use a timer to time you... so the clock got parallex error and time is needed for the speaker to announce the start and end of the paper....

Thats about all for that lar.... a tip for those who wants to follow the method... you might feel that 8 mins and 3 mins very difficult to keep track.... well just calculate the actual timing first... u know that the paper starts at 8... so you just calculate at what time you need to start writing the essays... So you dun have to waste time calculating the time when the exams starts.... And the test confirm start a 8 one... cos A lvls... we sure go into the hall early and wait for the start of the paper... so there won't be much disparity between the time you calculated and the actual time on the day itself. Then you can save that few minutes :)

K lar... talk so much duno if I can get the expected results or not... but well.. I just find that its a nice method and just wanna share it... so those whom didn't plan at all can consider it :)

Okay... that about all liao... its time to sleep :) bye~ See ya tmr night on the eve of the maths paper... bye.

Friday, November 04, 2005

was surfing a forum and saw this thread about yaohan.... haha.... It has been such a long time ago and I guess I was still very young that time... so the only thing that I have an impression is this!

Haha... the mcdonals there :D lol.... Can't remember anything else... haiz... time really flies... Its like... I'm only 18 now... but those memories seems so far away.... Singapore really progresses with such an amazing speed. I wonder given another 18 years... what more could happen....

Actually no need to imagine... something's sure going to happen.... Orchard is getting a face lift... the downtown at marina also getting some new structures like the IR and the ferries wheel... In no time... the orchard road and downtown we know now would become something of the past.... and we would one day look at the same things we are seeing now... but have the same feeling as when we looked at the old photo of yaohan.
Its friday again.... and soon it'll be the start of the last weekend before the A lvls papers.... the kind of feeling is very weird.... Its like anxiety... confusion... worry... excitment... all mixed into one... In just a few more days... the last battle would start.... After 12 years of education.... this is it... one last lap before a 2 years break....everything ends in 2 weeks time... I can't imagine the kind of relieve I'll be feeling after the A lvls... 解脱 is the word to describe it....
In just another 2 weeks.... my life will reach a new milestone... an indication of how far I've come.... and how much further to go.... Life would probably have some significant changes... But one thing I want to say.... I'm going to miss the time spent studying.... the time in school... the time together.... and everything else about school.....
Haiz... life is like that.... the road is winding and full of turns and corners.... there are also junctions where our path cross with other people's.... some people who's path is parallel would share the long walk in life with you... while others... would just cross and go....

Thursday, November 03, 2005

... 4 more days to go before maths paper le :D Yay!!! haha... that means in 5 days time.. I can completely forget about maths paper 1 le :D Muahaha!!! Have been waiting very long for the day when I can dun study maths anymore... haiz... how nice if this was the last time I had to study maths... but sadly... when go U next time... still have to study it.... oh well... just be happy that I dun have to touch it for the next 2 years :D

The plan of mock test I made for this week proceeded quite smoothly... every morning have wake up early.... so sian... but haiz... no choice... must condition my mind to think in the morning.... But I just realised that my papers are mostly in the afternoon :D There's only 2 morning paper for me :D Duno is this good or not... taking it in the afternoon also has its disadvantages... like sometimes after lunch you'll feel sleepy.... Anyway... just dun take too heavy a lunch lor...

K lar.. nothing much liao... bye...

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

found this interesting thing :) So I thought wanna share it here :D haha...
Special Edition :D

Ever so often... I get to dissect some electrical appliances... Muahaha... for today's special edition... The appliance to go was an electric iron.

The causes of death unknown. But before death it showed symtoms of critically high fever that resulted in fumes or smokes rising out of its forehead. It is assumed to be caused by bad insulation of wires that resulted in overheating and melting of the insulation. However, as this experiment was not to indentify the causes of its death, there will not be further reports on the findings related to its death.

The aim of this dissection was to study the internal structure of an iron, and to attempt to retrieve its core to build an electro magnet.

Here's an overview of the iron structure.

To my dissappointment, there was no iron coil to be retrieved. I had assumed it to have a coil similar to that on an hair dryer. But it only has one loop of wire around the plate. The wire was assumed to be iron as it can be attracted by an magnet. There goes my electro magnet... haiz....
But nevermind, lets carry on investigating :)

One can't help but notice a familiar brand... NEC

On the other side of this component it shows.

This is the best angle I can get with my camera. Anyway. from the second picture. We can see that it writes 220'C Therefore I came to a conclusion that this is a thermistor :) And its a general thermistor for the whole circuit. As the iron can be set to different temperature, the fact that this is not a variable thermistor would mean that there's another variable thermistor controlling the temperature. So this should be the overall thermistor that controls the whole iron incase the variable thermistor is faulty.

On thing surprising is... I didn't know NEC produces thermistors as well... haha... Thought they were some computer chips company...

Lets continue... so if that weren't the variable thermistor, then which is it? After some investigation I found the mechanism :)

Notice the difference? The middle bob actually move up and down when you turn the knob (out of the picture) on top. So thats it :D Its a thermostat :D The knob on top is used to adjust the distance between the adjacent plates. This is what controlls the different temperature of the iron :D

Isn't it cool to learn, discover and apply what you learn this way :D haha.... So yar :D Must read my blog more often... not only u can hear me talk crap... but also can learn some stuffs as well :P haha... my blog very educational de :P lol.... k lar... me talking crap again... thats all for this special edition :D Hope you people learn some things :) bye~

Monday, October 31, 2005

:) first day of following my plan... did a mock maths paper 1... oh well... everything seems okay.... let see what happens tmr :) Actually nothing much lar.... bye...

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Just did a review of my study plan... not much time left le... I did a countdown to the subject test dates... then break down the days into 3 section....

First would be [system check] That would be the period where I check all my notes... my mistakes and memorise what ever that I need to know....

Second would be [All system clear] During that period of time, All that has to be known should be known. There won't be anymore refering to formulas and definitions from the textbook. All work should be done under exams condition.

Lastly [Ready for launch] During that period of time, everything should be in place. I should have reach the level where I just pick any question and I would be ablt to solve it, or know how to solve it in an instant. That would mean I would be god-like. :D haha... then I would be fully prepared for the exams.

Every of this section last for 3 days. So.. for gp, econs and physics... there's still a few days before the system check. But for maths, the system check has already started by a day liao.... So yar... from tmr onwards. I have to pia maths already and start memorising all the formulas.

Other than this countdown. There would also be a color warning code. There's 7 colours for the rainbow, one representing a day before the first paper starts. Its to remind me that time is running out and there's no time to slack around anymore.

I've also scheduled mock exams next week starting from monday. I've arranged each subject in the order that its tested. By doing so. I would be able to guage what to study after each test and do a trial run. By the end of next week. THere would be a review on which subjects needs more time and then will reschedule the subjects to be studies during the actual exams the following week.

So yar... thats all for the planning part... the rest would be up to me to follow the plan. If everthing goes well according to planned.. Then A lvls shouldn't pose a threat :P

Its the last battle to end the war.... lets march home after the A lvls victorious!

I hereby wish all A lvls students. Best of luck...

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Song recommendation :D


歌手:南拳妈妈 专辑:2号餐







Muahaha.... actually this song came up some time ago... but I didn't write about it... :) Then recently downloaded the mp3 =X Piracy! lol... haha... shhh.... lol... K lar... see how first... if I got extra cash then I go buy the album lor... actually downloaded some of their other songs... still not bad lar.... Oh no! piracy again... lol... shhh... shhh.....

Anyway... nothing much happened today... arn't going to take my afternoon nap cos i want to set my body clock... I have to try to make myself be able to fall asleep at 10... cos now I always sleep in the afternoon, then at nigth sleep very late... now cannot le... about 1 more weeks to the A lvls only... so have to start setting my body clock now.... otherwise I sleep late then cannot wake up early....

I've also been stocking up my anime now. :P haha... cos gonna bi guan xiu lian (hid alone and train myself) next week... won't be out to study that often le.... so I've to stock up my anime cos its the only entertainment I have... so sad right? haha.... nvm.... maybe after the A's I really go get my psp... then find a job to pay for it :P

Thats all for now ba... bye~

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

oh no... its just another 1.5 more weeks to the A lvls and I'm slacking! Argh! Duno why... just dun feel like studying leh... very slack... suddenly the motivation like gone... a few weeks back I was very enthu... I start studying at 7.30 all the way till 11... but now.. I watch TV till 8... study till 10.... then slacked...

Haiz.. I duno what to write now lar... bye....

Monday, October 24, 2005

well... actually nothing much happened today lar... went to school in the morning for maths then after that came home liao.... didn't stay in school today to study.... and lucky we didn't... it rained heavily in the late afternoon... if we stayed, then we would be caught in the rain again.... it has been raining around that time for many days already... think nowadays cannot stay until too late, cos sure get caught in the rain...

Anyway... as I was blogging about TV programmes yesterday.... I kind of missed out a few things that I wanted to mention... Was watching channel news asia and caught this episode of Hi life. Its an interview with this lady whom make a fortune from online trading... And there's one quote that left an impression.... She said something about... its no longer about the number of branded bags I got... I've gone passed that... its now about how many relaxing trips I can go on... Meaning to say that... she has gone pass the material aspect that wealth can get.... All these mean nothing to her now... its now about using wealth for the spiritual aspect....

I also aspire to do that in future! lol... to go beyond all the gadgets that I dream to have.... to have the money to travel and experience the world in comfort.... haha....

I've been thinking about this issue for a while after the show... and I came to understand that the most exciting game in life is to make money... erm.... don't know how to say... but I find the challenge of earning the as much money as possible fun and interesting... Its better than those games you play on computers... cos the returns are real! You get real money in exchange for your effort... and... with that money, you can do anything that you want! Muahahaha.... so yar.... I'm going to treat it as a game and go grab as much money as possible... And hope that one day... I can finally say what the lady said.... "Who cares about the number of high tech gadgets that one have... I've gone pass that... It now matters how many countries that I can visit and experience in luxury" lol...

Oh well... before I get to that point... it still matters how many gadgets I have.... haha.... I watch another programme on channel 5... called Renovate my family... its about the producers demolishing the whole house of the patricipant and rebuilding it again and also mend some problems in the family.... that episode was very touching as it involves a family with 7 kids... some by a first mother whom I think passed away... and the others by the second wife the man got... So because of this the family didn't really bond together well... then through the show, the producers were trying to create opportunities for them to bnd together.... and its really touching.... Actually, thats not the point.... the point I wanted to make is about their new house... Its freaking nice... lol... and best of all... very high tech... they got a tablet pc that controls everything in the house... and you can see plasma TV all around.... I simply like the kid's bedroom... There's one room that was shared between 2 brothers... and guess what... they each have a plasma TV right in front of their bed! And the best thing is.... there is this automatic cupboard that enclose the TV when its not in use... I was like... I WANT THAT!!!! when I saw it.... its super cool! And thats not the best thing yet.... U know their toilet....they got this mirror with a LCD tv right behind it! I think its sort of a one way mirror. So when the Tv is not on... its acts like a normal mirror... when its on... it just show through the mirror... and that real real cool! haha... how I wish I can live in that house.....

Haha.... thata all for now lar... bye~

Sunday, October 23, 2005

... Its all about TV... haha....

They are showing DN Angel on channel U :D Haha... Very nice anime :) Should go watch :D I watch it like 2 years ago? lol... they so late then show on TV.... Its pretty cool that mediacorp is finally getting some anime for us to watch.... first they have it on art central... but the timing was bad... didn't get to watch it... now channel U also got le :) And its at 4 during sunday also :) The perfect timing :D Hope they can make it a permanent anime slot :D Then I won't feel so bored during sundays le....

Then also... just caught an episode of the apprentice just now.... Find that its pretty nice :D haha.... haiz... too bad I didn't have much chance to watch it last time cos again... the timing.... Its pretty cool to see how people do business... can also learn from it :P haha... so next time if I really start up my business, I won't be completely clueless.

Anyway... tmr still have to go school for maths.... gonna make tmr a maths day... cos I realised that I've starting to slack in my maths le... have been doing econs and phys recently... so yar.... let me concentrate on maths tmr :) Haiz... although its only 2 weeks left... but... it seems long.... Its like duno what to do leh... everyday only sloving paper by paper.... there seems to be no specific focus or target... just do and do and do.... Oh well.. I guess at this moment now... 2 weeks before the exams... there arn't much we can do le... so its just about keeping the momentum going till the A lvls... cos its too late to learn new things now.... and its too early to stop studying...

K lar... thats all for now... I've also realised that my shoutbox isn't working... heck... lol... after another month... I'll be free! and then I'll revamp my blog again.... so if you all want to leave any msg... can just e-mail me :) Have a nice week ahead :) And to mz who'll be spending this week in Japan.... happy holidays :) Haiz... so sad right? I here studying and studying for the exams... then some people can go japan and enjoy their holidays.... Haiz.... 'Kor mia lang ar!' (bitter life person)

lol... bye~