Thursday, December 20, 2007

Haiz... if i am just a little bit richer I wouldn't have to consider so much now and make myself so miserable. I have been trying very hard to build up the litbud business... and for everything that I try to do... I face a common problem... MONEY!!!! If I am rich... I do not have to worry so much....

For now... if I am going to act according to my plan... It would take up almost half of my savings... That is a huge investment... It wasn't easy for me to save up the amount... although the money isn't alot... but the effort that went into the savings is.....

Duno leh.... although I could easily earn back the amount after I ord... I just can't use the money now with ease of mind. Cos without it... my financial status is very vulnerable. If anything major happens and I need the cash... I would be doomed.

So I'm considering whether I should postpone it till when I am more financially stable. But hor... that would be another long wait.... I am considering whether I should just take the plunge and risk it all.... well not that exaggerated as "it all"... but yar... quite a substantial amount lar...

Actually... now considering it.... the probability of something wealth consuming happening during the vulnerable period is quite small... So I guess it would be quite safe to take the risk....

But then I just can't help but to worry lar.... Sian.... Like what I first said.... if I am just a bit richer.... I do not have to worry about such things.... I can just throw in the money and see if it work out... If not... it isn't too much of a loss for me....

Argh... duno lar... gonna take a few days to slowly consider it... dun want to rush into making a decision.... cost the price to pay is high for any mistake...

haha.... sian... tmr have to book in.... got work to do.... argh.... I want to ord!!!! cannot stand army life anymore.... Life is getting from bad to worst in there..... Hope I can successfully endure the next 2 months and get my ass out of there....


Monday, December 10, 2007

Its blogging time :) Just went for my dental FFI this morning, then the next 2 days also on off.... A timely break from camp life. Camp life is getting more and more unbearable. With ORD being so round the corner.... u can't help but to wish that it was tmr that you ORD.... The feeling is quite bad... its really like the saying... 'So near yet so far'....

Anyway.... going to start my driving lesson soon... Going down to BBDC to enrol in the course tmr. My initial plan was to wait till I get a student for my tuition before I start my course. Cos by doing so... I can channel the income from my tuition to pay for the lesson. But then... I realise that I do not have time anymore if I want to get my license before school starts. So yar... have to dip into my reserves to fund the course. I want to complete everything before school starts cos I duno how busy the start of uni will be... but at least I have one less thing to worry about.

And yar... think I haven't blogged about it... I've approached tuition agency to help me get students for tuition le... Now I have the time to do it le since I'm soon approaching ORD... my schedule is rather stable and free already. So yar... hope it wun take too long for my first student to come. Cos from what I heard... its the off peak season for the tuition industry... people are enjoying their holidays.... I might have to wait till the peak period which is after their march exams when the parents start to worry about their child's result before I can get any students. I hope it wun take that long... haha... cos I'm also starting to find another source of income already. My NS pay is going to stop soon... so I need to quickly find a tap to keep the water flowing :)

About the business that I've been struggling build... Haha... I think I'll be changing my approach to it.... I'll heed the advice from a book that I've read about how to start a business alone. The main idea is to "do what you do best and let others do the rest".... A brief explanation of the idea... Because you are only skilled in some aspect... when you try to cover everything on your own.... you are using more effort than others to complete the same task. So when you use more effort... the time you have left for the things that you do best will be lesser... so you become less productive. So yar... I've decided that I'll do what I do best... to just think of ideas and new designs. The rest I'll let others do the job... So yar... I'm in the process of contacting a friend to do my website and a manufacturer to do the products instead of making it with clay all by myself. Hope this approach will work :) Cos I've realised that it has been a long time since I've done any creative work... Guess my time and energy had been used inefficiently...

Hmm... thats about all ar... just wanna enjoy my break from camp life :) Bye~

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Okay... Long time since I last wrote an entry... As promised... I'll put up some pics from my 2 trips abroad :D

Only got 2 pics to show for the ROC trip... haha... cos the rest all taken in camp... so due to security reasons... cannot show...

Hoho~ I think this will send a lot of hello kitty fanatics crazy... haha.... This is the waiting area in the airport at taiwan :D haha... cool right? Meow~ Meow~ Eh... wait... does hello kitty meow? haha....

Taken during the end of frame dinner :)

Okay... thats all for the taiwan trip... haha... actually there are other photos that can be shown lar... but its all in filbert's camera... then he haven't give me the photos yet... so yar... for now... this is the only 2 :P

Below will be my hong kong trip!

Okay.... first we have a hello kitty waiting area... Now we have a Mickey MTR ( their equivalent of our MRT ) Its used to shuttle u from Disney to another MTR station.

Look~ The handles are also in the shape of the world's favorite rat~

Hmm... I believe this is Belle ( from beauty and the beast ) or maybe... its Cinderella? Haha... No idea :S Someone enlighten me?

This is snow white's castle at night :D Its even nicer when they display the fireworks. Its one thing you cannot miss when u visit Disney... the display of fireworks is really awesome.

Merry go round at disney~ Haha... secretly took the picture with the lady inside it :P

This is the roller coaster at Ocean Park. One of the scariest there... but I think its no kick compared to.....

Me bungee jumping!!!! haha... 61 floors high... 233m above ground. Temperature then 24'C. Wind Speed 7.2kmph/NW Haha... Next stop... Sky diving!!!! but will have to wait till I rich enough first... haha.... heard the cheapest also need about $4K :S

Night scene at macau

Another night scene at macau... Its actually a very pretty place :) Too bad I didn't get to visit the casinos cos its quite hard to travel around... the bus routes are quite messy.

And this is highly recommended for girlfriends who wants to control their guys from wanting too much. haha... or for guys to stop being so horny... :P Anyway... I duno if its really the correct word for a skin condition with a lot of dead skin... but... haha... its just funny.

Okay... thats about all :D Hope to go travelling again... Its so fun! Haha... meanwhile... I'm stuck in camp... sian.... I want to ORD!!!! haha....

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Wee~ Just came back from hong kong... HAha... although it was a fun trip but I can't help but to feel abit sad... My longest stunt ended liao... LOL... now in another few hours time I'll have to book in to camp. One whole month out of camp... and now I have to go back and face reality... to continue the super sian camp life.... Haiz....

K lar... must look on the bright side..... Only few more months to ORD :D:D:D haha... can't wait for that man... But sian... this week also long week cos got duty on sat... Just came back only leh... like that stunt me....

Wun be blogging about the hong kong trip yet lar... not in the mood... haha... the mood all drowned by the thought of having to book in later. Next time ba.... But just wanna say that I've accomplished my two aims in hong kong.... Yes~ I did the Bungee Jump!!! haha.... Will tell u more about it the next time I blog... See ya~

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Tonight is the last night I'll be spending at home before I embark on another overseas trip :) Haven't really been home for the past weeks... and now I have to go again. Well... not that I'm lamenting... I should be feeling quite happy that I can get out of this routine and mundane life. Haha... just that I have to burn a big hole in my pocket to do so.

Gonna be an enjoyable week ahead in hong kong. But not sure if I'll have more fun than the taiwan trip... haha... Thats the new benchmark leh... Really miss taiwan.... and I hope after this trip I will miss hong kong too :D Haha... cos like the last time I went hong kong... I was only like 12 yrs old... so I have almost no recollection of what I did there... only a few vague memories. HAha... one unforgettable one was the adult channel in the hotel room... LOL... hmm... was a very naughty boy since young... hehe... but what happened that time was really funny... cos I share the hotel room with my grandma... then when I switch to the channel... my grandma took a pillow and block my view :S while she herself continue to watch until the show is over... LOL... luckily it didn't take long or I might suffocate to death... haha... K lar... other than the more adult rated memories.... I only have some other memories of ocean park where I bought alot of seashells :D Haha.... I also bought 2 shells from taiwan too... actually to be exact... one seashell and a sea urchin . Wahaha.... that adds on to my extensive collection of shells :D I have like almost every kind of shell u can find on the market. So now when I go into shops that sells sea shells... I'm like... I have this one already... I have that too... eh... there's nothing that I don't have... LOL... Maybe I can start a museum for sea shells :D haha...

Hmm... so this trip to hong kong... I have 2 main aims... haha... no no... no more adult channel... LOL.. although I had a great time watching it with dong and filbert until 3am in the morning... HAha... its more like a comedy than porn.... Had a great laugh.... OKOK... anyway... back to the main topic... yar... have 2 aims.... First one to go Bungee Jumping of Macau Tower!!!! Woho~ Had always wanted to bungee jump.... But say only lar... go there later legs turn jelly then cannot jump... LOL... But anyway... I'm like 70% going for it already lar... Hope to come back with good news :D Haha... Its the world's tallest commercial bungee jump... height of 233m.... that is about 60 storey high.... Scary sia... HAha... but if I really succeed... the scarier part would be another big hole in my pocket :S It cost like HKD 1088 for a jump... so its S$200+ !!! Haha... well... I'll only be going macau on the last day of the trip... so if I return without attempting that... perhaps one reason would be I run out of money... haha....

Hmm... the second aim would be to go shen zhen to buy pirated goods :D Haha.... Wanted to buy a rado watch... duno if they have it there.... If not I'll just get any nice watch there :) And perhaps anything else that catches my eye :)

K lar... thats about all for this trip :) Hope I'll be a memorable one :D Next pending overseas trip would be the taiwan ORD trip coming march :D HAha... still pending lar.. subjected to changes.

Today also met up with the K box remedial training group... LOL.... Its a group started by my upper study to get together and train our singing... haha... but I think after so long we still sing like crap.... Anyway... its more like a periodical gathering for us lar... like everytime after some event we will organise a get together... this time is because of our return from ROC :) Anyway.... main point is that I got some updates from them about the happenings in camp....

One very annoying news is that I have to take part in the AMPT next year... btw... AMPT stands for annual medic proficiency test... an annual exam that all of us have to take... Anyway... the problem is... Why they set the cut off point for those who are not required to take the test ONE WEEK BEFORE I ORD!!!!! Its like if I ORD ONE WEEK earlier I wouldn't have to take the test!!!!!!!!!!!!! :'( Sob sob.... Bully me sia....

Anyway... camp life seems to be getting more '''''''''''''exciting''''''''''''' ( with lots of inverted commas) haha.... Argh... I just wanna ORD... ORD~ ORD~ ORD~ lol.... Already in ORD mood liao lar...

When I go back I will start clearing all the shit I've piled up.... then I can start handing over to my under study liao :) HAha... then I can switch to the ORD mode :D But then I wun be so fuck up as to throw everything behind and rot till I ORD lar.... Haha... I got a good upper study that I came to respect cos he worked till the very end.... SO yar... I must continue this practice :) Although I dun really want to do so... but haha.... at least I wun feel guilty :D

K lar... this entry is really getting long... duno why... In a good chatty mood tonight :D See ya soon :) Bye~

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Another rather sian day... still being bothered about work and not returning to camp. Haha... staying away from camp for such a long period of time makes me feel uneasy. Can't help but to worry. Duno what I'm worried about.... its not as if my unit can't function without me. HAha.... perhaps its the thought that I will still have to return one day that is bothering me. If I've already ORDed.... I wouldn't have to care... Think its because I know that I'll one day need to go back to pick up the shit I left behind... and in my absence... the shit might duplicate itself into a gigantic pile that would fall and crush on me upon my return.

Argh... heck care lar... I'll just have to make myself think that its alright to behave fuck up once in a while... and its alright to have that big pile of shit crushing on me. I wouldn't die from that.... ( hope so ) ... haha.... k lar... its not that I dun want to go back and clear the shit. Its just that I've no chance to do it... I promise that I will do it the first thing I get back okay... so please wait for me and remain as a small little pile k? ... I'll be very thankful for that.

K lar... hope that the next few days will be busier and I'll occupy my mind with other things. And soon I'll be back to clear the shit... must wait for me okay! haha....

Hmm... wonder if u watch the TV drama showing at 7pm on channel 8.... If u have... then u should know Fang Wen... JianYi new girlfriend.... Woho~ I totally love wat she did in today's episode. Steady sia... haha.... For those who didn't catch the show... I give u a very brief introduction.

FangWen is JianYi girlfriend, but JianYi was already married before and have a child (FangWen didn't know that at first)... but they broke up and his wife ran away many years ago.... so FangWen is a new girl he's dating after his wife left with the son. Then suddenly one day the wife came back with the son and want to get back together.

So yar... when fangwen knew about it... what she did really earn my admiration. HAha... Instead of like breaking up with JianYi... she said.... Lets not get married now... but lets also not break up... I'll give you time to settle things... Wah... Perhaps you won't get the feeling from reading my text... but... if u have watched it... the scene is very beautiful and touching....

How nice to have a girlfriend like her who is so understanding.... like normal girls would just get angry and make a big fuss without giving you a chance to explain... Yet she is so calm and understanding.... This is a beauty beyond her looks... Haha... she is already pretty already... but her response to the problem made her even more beautiful....

:D Hope my future girlfriend and wife will be like that too.... :)

K lar... thats all for today... bye~

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Woho~ Back from taiwan! Haha... Really miss that place. Dun feel like coming back. Had a really great time there, especially during the R&R time.

The training period was tough, although initially it felt quite cool as the weather was nice and everything was new and fresh. But then as time goes by, the initial excitement fades and life gets harder. Perhaps it's just me that is not accustomed to being outfield for a long period of time. Since after BMT, there were only a few long outfield that I had. So yar... this 2 weeks of continuous outfield is really quite tough for me. Halfway through it I already almost cannot take it already. The late night training.... sleeping in a cramp space behind the rover. There were some occasions that I thought to myself, why am I torturing myself to volunteer for this trip. It was then that I realised that its not that easy doing work here. haha... cos from what I've heard from the other guys who went and came back, its all the good stuff about the fun they had there. So I never thought that it would be this tough.

But when all the training is over, we had a really good time. It makes all the hardship that I've been through all worth it. The food, the people, and the weather all makes me want to go back again. There is no problem with communication or getting around. It was also great fun with filbert and dong around... haha... the jokes we had... and the channel 15 that we watched till 3am in the morning are all unforgettable memories that we shared.

Really looking forward to my ORD trip back to taiwan with dong and alan... too bad filbert can't go cos he haven't ord! LOL... haha... k lar... ur turn will come soon.

Talking about ORD... WOHO!!!! Its really near liao :D Those enlisted one batch before me already ORDed... so the next in line is me liao :D:D:D:D Haha.. can't wait for the day to come.

After 3 weeks of packed and exciting lifestyle, a sudden changed in it for the past few days has left me feeling quite lost. Cos its like for the past 3 weeks, everyday is busy and packed with activities, now that I am back to my usual lifestyle of having no specific events in a day... I feel kind of lost. Not only that, its back to the same environment that I've seen for like the past 20 years of my life... So there's only 1 word to describe it... sian...

Another thing has also been bothering me for the past days. Its a work that I've delayed for some time. I can't do anything about it since I won't be going back camp for the next week... but then I can't stop worrying about it. This sense of responsibility for my work is killing me. I duno how some people can just be so irresponsible and not worry about their work.... I've tried to sometimes be irresponsible too... but my guilt is killing me. I am really very tired from trying to be a good and responsible person. It takes lots of hardwork and commitment. But then I can't help but to feel guilty. Haiz... really duno what to do sia. Help me! Please brainwash me to think that its okay to be irresponsible sometimes.

Argh... K lar.. nothing much liao... I'll be uploading the photos on the trip once I finish collecting the photos from dong and filbert's camera. Bye~

Saturday, October 13, 2007

This time tomorrow I would be on the way to the airport already. Another episode in my army life is going to unfold soon. What I'm feeling now is a mix of anticipation, anxiousness, worries and a little bit of fear. Although its gonna be a great experience ahead, but I just can't keep out the negative feelings. Perhaps its just me who worries too much. I can adapt to changes, but I dislike changes. Every time during the eve of the change I would feel uneasy... I don't like the feeling of uncertainty. Although I may not micro manage my life which leaves it open to a little uncertainty, I do macro manage it. Therefore the uncertainty I have is still contained and under control.

Argh... not really in the mood to blog now... hope to share the fun experience I have when I come back :) See ya~

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Today may be the last time this month that I'll be able to sit down here and concentrate on typing a nice long blog entry. I'll be leaving for taiwan for 3 weeks starting next sunday. Been feeling very anxious and abit worried these few days. It'll be my longest stay abroad till today... my previous record was only a 2 week stay during my immersion program. Somemore this is not a luxury trip. Its gonna be a hard time having to go outfield for 3 continuous weeks. So yar... can't help but to feel this way. I never thought I'll ever miss home when I'm abroad. But maybe for the first time I will.

Things are more or less packed for the trip. Actually there aren't much to pack. Just some toiletries and clothing. Maybe that one of the reason that is causing the uneasiness. By right there should be lots of things to bring along for such a long trip, so I kind of have this feeling that I've missed out some things.

Well... although feeling nervous and anxious about this trip. It has been a trip that I've wished for a long time. From the time I stepped into my unit. I've been hoping for a chance to go abroad with the armed forces. The first trip that came my way was to india. But then as I've not passed my IPPT I wasn't allowed to go. Although I missed that chance I wasn't much disappointed as that wasn't really that good a place to go to... haha... Then there was the taiwan trip, which I missed the opportunity when I didn't again pass my IPPT. So after that trip, I've set my mind to pass it so as to qualify for this trip. Then again I still didn't pass my IPPT. But this time round, with a stroke of luck, my RSM gave his approval of the trip despite me not having pass my IPPT. So here I am, set for the taiwan trip. But then, I still hope that I'll be able to pass my IPPT when I come back, part of it to show that they didn't have any mistake sending me there without me passing the test. So yar... I'll try to do some self training with my time there and hopefully see some good results when I come back :)

It will be a significant event in my army life. From the feedback of the people who went, you get to experience many things there and I look forward to experiencing it myself. Army life starts to get mundane after all the events at the start of it. First 3 months was busy in BMT, next 3 enjoying in medic course. After which I was posted out to my unit. Life there was fun initially... but it gradually gets boring after spending close to a year in it. Another thing that makes me want to leave this place is also the people and their policies, this, which I'll talk about in the next part of my blog entry. So yar... its time for me to add something more interesting to my army journey.

Although I may be away from the luxuries of having a computer to blog about my thoughts, the blogging effort doesn't stop. Back to the primitive method, I'll be writing my entries with pen and paper and I'll type it in when I come back :)

Yup... now I shall continue to talk about how people have changed, together with their policies too. We serve 2 years of our active army life and the leave to continue our civilian life is our short little life span. And thus so, the army experience a cyclical renewal of personals every 2 years. When I first came into my unit, the familiar faces that were around are now gone. with less that 4 months before I leave, almost all of the people that I saw when I first came in have gone to pick up their civilian lives from where they left off to serve.

And with recent unfortunate change of events. I say unfortunate because in my point of view, the changes are bad. Changes should be made for the better, but from what I see its not the way. I believe many, if not all, have heard about the recent case of Dave Teo. One person's mistake had caused such widespread damage. Because of him, the already hard life is gonna get even harder. I won't be playing the blame game and start blaming him for committing such a foolish act or the higher authority for raising the level of security. Because I believe that such abnormality will always happen. Perhaps its not even considered as a abnormality, it may be part of a even bigger and complex theory that will plot out the abnormality as something predictable. Haha... before it gets too confusing.. lets move on. Anyway, what I mean is that I submit to the fate that there will always be such weird people doing weird things. So things that will happen, will happen eventually. It's just my luck that it has to happen during my span of service.

Another event that I consider to be much unfortunate would be the change of CO. I believe that maybe its not the person's fault that makes him implement lousy ideas. Its the system's fault. It seems that in today's system, it is a requirement for a new appointment holder to implement a new policy, no matter its feasibility. It is just like the USMS system where suggestions are being forcefully squeezed out of us. I strongly believe that there is something terribly wrong about this system. Changes should be made out of our own initiative to make things better. So if things are going on fine there is no need to make any changes. By making unreasonable changes so as to please the top that one is doing work, you are making those people below suffer for no good reason. Especially in the army context where the people below have nothing to defend themselves.

Hmm... so yar... with all the changes that are happening... I'm glad that I'm able to take a 3 weeks break in taiwan.

K lar... thats all for now ba... I believe I still have the time for a few more entries before I fly off. Bye~ :)

Sunday, September 30, 2007

I was watching the recent episodes of 清宫风云 thats showing on channel U now. When the show just started I thought its just another boring china history show that moves at a very slow pace. But the few episodes that I watch recently really got me hooked. I find the empress dowager very zai! Lol.... steady sia.... My idol! haha...

The show is at its climax now and I'm really impressed by how the empress dowager tries to protect the Qing dynasty. Her tactics and courage is truly respectable. She really has the poise and aura of a leader, unlike the emperor that always put on a cry baby face... lol...

I've always dream of being able to be in the top leadership position and would be able to fight a war of that massive scale. I've always wanted to have that sort of calm mind in the face of danger and make great decisions. She has the characteristics of a person that I want to be. I want to hold great power, but yet have to ability to control it.

Haha... so yar.... she's my idol!!! Hmm... so I must work towards that direction. :D

Just came back from outfield on friday.... 3 days 2 nights.... although it seems short to some... but I find it already tough. Perhaps I've not had any field camps for a long time already. My tolerance level has dropped. Life is going to get harder. The outfield is the start.... there will be more to come. I hope to just last another 5 mths before I can finally embrace civilian life.

Guess my army life is quite a different experience from others. Get to experience a lot of things that others don't. Dun think anyone will understand expect for ourselves. Everyone thinks that we are slack and have a good life but they dun understand what trouble it brings to be able to hold such freedom. Sometimes its a bliss to follow commands blindly.

K lar... thats all for now. Things are all set in motion for the coming months. Although I'm feeling abit confused by all the things that is happening now. But as things are already all preplanned, I'll just let the momentum carry on itself without the need for me to be over concerned. Bye~

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Hmm... feeling rather troubled lately.... Something keeps luring me away from my usual thoughts.... something is slowly building up my desire for something bad... I want to stop thinking about it... but then it keeps coming... Argh.... Must not give in to such bad desires... otherwise something bad might happen. So yar.... had a hard time trying to resist it.....

Think I've some problem controlling my desires.... Like somethings I think that its okay to think about it for a while... but these little thoughts once in awhile starts building up to something huge that I won't be able to handle and yield to it in the end. Its bad... I must try to stop myself from having such little thoughts in the first place.

K lar... things are starting to accelerate now... Next week is outfield already... then it starts the ball rolling... Nothing much le.... been too troubled by the lure... bye~

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Another sunday night again... sian... my nose just got irritated for no reason and its irritating me :|

Received one of those scam phone calls that says u are a VIP invited for some free event overseas with free air tickets and hotel stay. Haha... I've heard on the news about such stuffs, but didn't expect myself to receive such a call.

The caller seems to be a china lady as she speaks with a chine accent. Then she asked me whether I understand mandarin. Then I say yar... then she continued to explain about all the stuffs. Its quite obvious that its a scam lar... so I didn't bother to waste time with her and just told her that I'm not interested and hung up.

Duno why... after so many reports of the scam the group is still functioning... So yar... to people out there... must really be careful. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Don't get conned.

Wonder if I need to report it to the police or not. Maybe they need it as a record of how many people was targeted. But then I didn't finish the conversation and she haven't start the ask for money yet before I hung up. So yar.... think no need lar.

K lar... thats about all... Long week ahead... haiz.... bye~

Sunday, September 02, 2007

hmm... has been some time since I last wrote an entry... Life's so so lately... has it's up and it's fair share of down... so yar... when u average it out... kind of balanced out lar.

Time passed quite easily for the month of august. Now we're into the month of sept ;D Another step closer to finishing my 2 years of ns life. Gonna have a batch of people ORDing in the coming week. Soon... it'll be my turn... haha...

Well... Just have to get by this month... things will accelerate again in october where I'll be going to taiwan for around 3 weeks... and then I'll be back for a week before I fly off to hong kong again for another week. So By the time everything is over... its already mid Nov already :D Yay... haha... December will pass quite easily and then its the start of the new year!

K lar.. nothing much to write about... mind is quite empty lately... didn't want to think too much. My designing work also slowed down. So yar.... nothing much lar... bye~

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Wee~ my DIY dinner! haha... :P No one was at home so I decided to try cooking my own dinner :) Won't have a chance to do so when there are people around cos I'll get chased out of the kitchen... haha...

Well... I like cooking... :D Its fun... but dun really get a chance to do it. Actually... its not the cooking part that I like its how I try to make my food look nice that is the point :P Hehe... food art! So yar... if anyone wan to open a restaurant or any food outlet right... I willing to go into partnership... haha... I can design from the interior of the shop to the cutlery to even the food :D haha...

so here's it :D Made from whatever ingredient I can get from my fridge :P Enjoy!

Looks professional right :P haha....

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Sian ar!!! Another sunday night.... Dread going back to camp.... Life is back to the usual. NDP is over... so there will be lots of time for runs, ippt and soc.... Hate it.... No major and time consuming events coming up... time will pass slowly.... really slowly.... But then... those irritating things aside. I hope with all the free time I now have, I'll fully utilize it to really start serious work :) Cos yar.... one of my overseas trip already confirm liao... end of the year.... Gonna set me back by a little more than a thousand. Dun think I'll be able to earn so much by then... but... let it at least cover some of my expenses :)

Sian ar.... gonna sleep now le... the next moment I open my eyes it'll be the start of a new week in camp.... Another half a year to go! Must bear with it! It will be over soon! bye....

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Time for another book review again :D Haha... Been fortunate to be able to find another good book soon after I finished one. This book is "Bad Dog! a memoir of Love, Beauty and Redemption in dark places" Its written by Lin Jenson, the founding teacher of the Chico Zen Shangha, in chico, California.

When he was a boy, his father owns a farm. They rear turkeys and other animals. What I love about this book is how it gives insight into consciousness of farmers doing all the slaughtering of the poultry for our consumption. It records in great details about the feelings and the internal struggle that he felt during his first killing. The writer uses a wide range of words to portray the picture very vividly. It feels as if u are following him through the killings and also feeling the emotional struggles that he felt.

Of course, there are also other stories. I'll be sharing one from the book. Its entitled


The paths I have in mind are nothing like sidewalks. Nor are they like the curved walkways one find in public gardens. They're not even like the Forest Service trails that twist their ways into the high mountains. The paths I mean are not designed. They just happen. In towns, such paths originate at othe point where the walker abandons the sidewalk and strikes out on her own. You find them as shortcuts etched into lawns and tracked through the weeks of empty lots. No one intends to make these paths, it just that one day someone cuts across. Then other follows. Paths like there are common in the country where that lead you from the house to trashcan or compost bin or woodpile. They are worn into he sod between the crack door and the garden plot. They connect the laundry room to the clothesline. They thread their way down through the fields to the creek. They often end at the family burial plot.

These paths are so interwoven with other living pursuits that they are an unwitting disclosure of a species' behavior. That's what makes them worth noticing. A well-worn path shows uis where we've been going and how we've been getting there. They reflect character and value. It's heartening that in this age when all our travel is directed along predetermined routes of concrete and asphalt a true path is nonetheless certain to appear where the possibility for one exists. There;s a certain temperament however that resists paths,. that resists anything random anything governed bu chance or mere opportunity. To such a temperament, a path lacks sufficient order. My son, Dru, was in the seventh grade when I received a letter from the school counselors, Mr. Stipplewaite informing me that Dru had been guilty of some unspecific infraction of the school rules. I was summoned to appear at a parent -teacher conference regarding th a matter. Its all sounded so ominous. I wondered what grave transgression on my son's part had necessitated such formal proceedings.

It turned out that Dru's crime consists of having cut across the lawn. Not only that, but he was also uncooperative, having cut across more than once, thus showings a willful disregard for school policy. How many times had he been caught cutting across? I inquired Twice. He'd been caught twice but the supposition was that he'd probably done it lots of time. I asked to see the scene of the crime. Mr. strilpplewaite was visibly annoyed by the request bit drawing on his considerable skills in mediation he humored me bu leading me to the spot. The evidence was irrefutable. I was shown a quadrangle of path worn through to the dirt. It commenced at the sidewalk where I stood with Mr. Stipplewaite and broke its was through a low cover of cypress bushes and entrenched onto the lawn and back again through some cypress bushes on the far side where it reconnected with the sidewalk. It was in every way consistent with the true nature of paths. But it was certainly not ht w work of a single culprit or even of a few. Dru couldn't have worn a path that deep all bu himself if he'd spent every spare minute of his school day doing nothing but waling back and forth across the quadrangle. this particulatr path was a popular route.

Measures were being taken, however, to stem the flow of traffic, which in this case was like trying to stem the flow of human nature. The path had been barricaded with yellow tape strung on stakes, and the bare earth had been reseeded. New shoots of grass were already springing up, but right alongside the abandoned path a fresh track was already being laid down. I could see why. At the point where the two of us stood, the sidewalk took a ninety-degree turn to the right along the face of the building. If you were going to Rooms Four through Eight, the sidewalk served the purpose just fine. But if you were going to Rooms Nine through Twelve, the sidewalk maade no sense at all. it so happened that Mr Stipplewaite and I were conducting our parent teacher conference in Room Ten, and when we got ready to go back it took all the adult restraint that I could muster to keep from cutting across the lawn myself. Mr. Stipplewaite seemed to have no such difficulty. I could see that he trusted sidewalks more than I do., Concrete is more or less permanent and it was clear to me that permanence was a article of faith with Mr. Stipplewaite. He liked things to stay put, and he feared that if you allow one thing to go astray all would go astray. It's dangerous to tolerate a disregard of rules. But the children keep cutting across the lawn. All efforts to prevent this behavior, all the taping-off and reseeding, all the threats and punishments have ultimately failed to produce a correction. Mr. Stipplewaite attributes this to laziness, or to a stubborn resistance. to authority, a willful refusal to cooperate, whereas I see it as an innate on the children's part. The shortest distance between two points is a straight line. Something deeper than mere surface logic responds to that simple thought. Children cut across lawns for the same reason anyone of us do. because they can't intelligently do otherwise. If in doing so they defy school authority, its because they answer to an authority greater than that of the school . It isn't something they think about. it's simply something they do.As I assured Mr. Stipplewaite that I would, I asked Dru to try using the sidewalk. U think he made an effort but, if he's anyone of mine. He's probably cutting across the lawn again.

Each of our lives is a path. To know this requires intuition and trust. If we are true to the steps we take, the travel makes sense and the journey confirms itself.

Hmm... hope you also gain some insight on your life path. Its something that happens naturally, you don't have to purposely plan what you want to achieve in life. Just go with the flow and may be lesser problems :D

K lar... This is one book that I will strongly recommend reading. If you got time go read it :D
Haiz... just finished watching NDP... Felt abit left out.... Maybe ppl consider me lucky that I don't need to go do NDP... but then somehow I don't feel really glad. Most of the people I know are down there doing one thing or another. But me... just stay at home watch TV... So sian...

Anyway.. just realised that I need lots of money! Haha.... There are so many things that I want. Really must start working liao.... Just to list some of the things that I want.... I wan a new computer. I also want to pay for my driving lesson. Then when I ORD I may be going for 2 overseas trip... lol... Yar... 2 overseas trip... if I dun start to increase my income... I wun be able to go for 2.... Cos maybe I going with my army frens... then my cousins also planning a trip... haha.... so yar.... muz really start work liao :P

Think the Kawaii World Summit is quite a feasible idea... Gonna work on it. Only problem is the lack of places to sell the items. I've been on a look out for places and found some potential places lar... so yar... at least can test out the market first :) So... in order to fulfill my material desires... I really have to start working harder liao :D No more slacking already. Still got half a year for me to pool that amount of money... Which is quite a big sum considering that I can't be using all of my profits to pay for the things. If I do so then my business will never expand without increment of capital. So yar... can only take at most 40% out.... so that means that I need to earn more than double the amount that I'm going to spend... Lol... That comes out to be a super huge amount... :S Haha... but I believe that I can do it! Nothing is impossible for me... lol... K lar... alot of things is impossible. But then I feel that this is not something out of my reach :D Wish me luck!

K lar... thats all for now... bye ;D

Monday, August 06, 2007

Argh.... hate to book in at night... the feeling is real bad... Gonna leave for camp soon.... so sian.... Prefer to book in in the morning cos morning wake up still blur blur... not in the right mind to feel sian yet.... But... no choice have to book in tonite... Having run tmr... so if bk in tmr I have to wake up super early...

This week gonna be a fast one... with NDP filling up almost half of the week. So yar... I'll only be in camp for 2 days... and then that brings us past the first week of august already! yay! Haha... Its finally august liao.... Hope that time will continue to move fast as there will be many events coming up. Another batch of ppl gonna ORD lor... haha... less than 1 mth to go... Can't wait for them to go... cos by then august will be over too! After that... next to go will be in nov! Haha.... can't wait for him to go as well... After he's gone then I can really smell mine coming... :D

I really feel my time is coming liao... haha... can't believe that I've served for 1 and a 1/2 year already! Woho! Another half a year to go! Although half a year still seems long... but... when u break it up into smaller parts... it seems alot shorter. I'm finally going back to my civilian life! Haha....

Hmm... K lar... just have to get past this week first. Tonite go in sleep one night... tmr another night and I'll be off to celebrate the nation's b'day! haha.... If u think of it that way... it seems shorter... haha...


Sunday, August 05, 2007

Dated 020807

Hmm... got a few spare moments before I sleep so decided to write my blog now. Will start using som time at night in camp to write blog entry since I've lots of time in camp. Gonna start scheduling stuffs to be done in camp so as to better manage my time. Then I can have more spare time to do the stuffs that I cannot do in camp. And also not to waste time in camp doing nothing. So yar... lets start.

The past few weekends had been great for me. I found back the kind of happiness and liveliness in me that has gone into hibernation for many years. It has been a long time since I last felt such high level of happiness. The feeling is great.

In recent times I've taken to a path which I thought would give me happiness. Yes, I did feel happy at times, and I thought this is the happiness that I want . However, the experiences for th e past few weekends made me feel what it is like to be truly happy. Its different from the happiness I thought I had in the path I took.

Now that i realise what true happiness is, I plan to give up the other path towards happiness that is unreal. However, as the path has been already tread on. There will inevitably be footprints left behind. Well... that will be a regret in my life. And I hope that will just remain as a regret and not have any other dreadful consequences.

Hmm... think u must be wondering what am I talking about... haha... well... there are some things that cannot be told. I've left out the details...

Anyway... just came back from the happy hour by my coy. Well... wasn't really 'happy' for me. Not because of anything bad lar... just that I don't have any bonding with the guys. It;s quite sad for me as I do not have a fixed 'home' I'm always shuffling between the medical center and my company. Like recently everyone went to do NDP... but I'm left out. So I seldom get a chance to work with people in my company... I'm the kind of person that needs a stable environment before I can settle down comfortably. Sometimes i think I'm like a seed. I need to have a fix ground and overtime I'll grow my roots in. When you keep moving the seed around, the seed will never be able to sink its roots. So yar... sometimes i may seem anti social. But then I'm only anti social in places I'll be temporarily staying. If I know that I won't be moving anymore. I'll stop and grow my roots in....

K lar... gonna catch some sleep le... Bye~

Friday, August 03, 2007

woho~ Another website up! haha.... Kawaii World Summit!

go take a look!

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Haiz... having a headache now... kept thinking about work.... At this rate that I'm going I think my brain gonna collapse soon. Must do something about it... Think I shall limit myself to only 1 hour of brainstorming everyday. At the other time of the day. I must block out all thoughts of work. Haha... hmm... think thats a good idea... lol... must implement it.

Anyway... think I've been giving myself too much stress... but can't help it leh... I see a lot of people being successful in their business at a young age. Why can't I be the same? .... sian....

K lar... other than that also got another thing that is bothering me... not very convenient to write it out here... but... think I've decided.... I should stop that thing... its for my own good :)

Nothing much liao lar... going bk in tmr... sian... supposed to be a off... but got a cover tmr... so have to postpone the off... sian... bye~
Just finished reading this book. ' The Universe In a Single Atom : The convergence of science and spirituality ' by His holiness the Dalai Lama. Found the book quite interesting so wanna share some excerpts from it :)

" The buddist cosmos consists of three realm - the desire realm, the form real and the formless realm- the last being progressively subtler states of existence. The desire realm is characterized by the experience of sensual desires and pain, this is the realm that we human and animals inhabit. In contrast, the form realm is free from any manifest experience of pain and is permeated principally by an experience of bliss. Beings in this realm possess bodies composed of light, Finally the formless realm utterly transcends all physical sensation. Existence in this realm is permeated bu an abiding state of perfect equanimity and the beings in this real are entirely free from material embodiment. They exists only on an immaterial mental plane. "

" The evolution of human life on earth is understood in terms of the "decent" of some of these celestial beings, who have exhausted their positive karma, which provided them with the cause and conditions to remain in these higher realms. There was no original sin that precipitated the fall, it's simply the nature of impermanent existence, cause and effect that cause a beiung to change states," to die"

When these beings first experience their "fall" and were born on earth, they still possessed vestiges of their previous glories. These humans of the first era were thought to have godlike qualities.. They are said to have came into being through " spontaneous birth" , they had attractive physiques, their bodies had halo, they had certain supernormal powers like flying and they subsisted on the nourishment of inner contemplation. They were also thought to be free from many of the features that serve as the basis for discriminating identity, such as gender, race and caste.

over time, it is said , human began to lose these qualities. As they took nourishment from material food, their bodies assumed coarser corporeality and thus five rise to a great diversity of physical appearances and this gave rise to a great diversity of physical appearances. This diversity in turn leas to feelings of discrimination, especially animosity towards those who appeared different and attachment towards those who were similar, resulting in the convergence of the whole host of gross negative emotions. Furthermore dependence on material food lead to the need for the disposal of waste from the body and - I am not quite sure of the reasoning works here - this led to the emergence of male and female sex organs on the human body. The story continues with a detailed account of the genesis of the entire range of negative human actions, such as killing, stealing and sexual misconduct. "

"Why does modern biology accept only competition to be the fundamental trait of living beings? Why does it reject cooperation as an operating principle, and why does it not see altruism and compassion as possible traits for the development of living beings as well? "

" The idea of the "survival of the fittest" has been misused to condone and in some cases justify, excess of human greed and individualism and to ignore ethical models for relating to our fellow human beings in a more compassionate spirit."

I guess the greatest thing I realized from this book is the idea of using compassion as the operating principle for the evolution of human kind. I've always been a strong believer of the Darwinian theory of evolution after having read much about it. This book gave me an insight to an idea that never came across my mind.

So yar... If these excerpts got u interested. Do look for the book and read it. Its interesting :)

Saturday, July 21, 2007

wee... just did a prototype for litbud keychain :D Haha.... a lot of fine tuning need to be made. Cos it still looks very 'hand-made' ... so must think of a way to make it good enough for commercial release :D Here's a preview. Do give me your comments :)

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Hello.... well this is supposed to be a long entry but I forgot to bring what I wrote home! So yar.... shall save it for next week. Been writing my blog entry in camp... so I dun have to waste time thinking about it at home. And because entry is written not too late after the event, its much fresher and I would be in the mood to write more.

So yar... shall end here for now... later got to book in.... sian... army is fuck up because of fuck up people running it. Bye~

Sunday, July 08, 2007

. . . - - - . . .

Yeah~ Save the earth :) Its about time for people to recognize that we are really in deep trouble if we do not do something about global warming. There is no need to think far for a reason for u to act... the weather these days is so hot!

The hype about global warming reached a new milestone with the live earth event. Duno how it all started a few months ago where everyone starts to become so concerned about our climate. Countries and companies both pledge their support for the environment by becoming greener. Then there is also the recent policy of bringing our own grocery bag for grocery shopping that left many aunties grumbling about the inconvenience caused.

Well... so how much awareness did it bring to the world. Or maybe lets not look so far... How much awareness has our own community gain through the series of event. My guess is... almost none.

Its quite saddening to see that people around me are not quite concerned about how they could contribute to a better world. Some people do not even have a sense of responsibility towards the damage they bring to earth. I do not have to list down a list of what they did, or perhaps what they shouldn't have done. All of us know the correct way to do things. But we just don't bother. We do not see the long term impact of the stuffs that we do, and even if we were told and aware about it... we just don't bother as well as it is not going to have an impact on us anytime soon....

For me myself. I do consider the repercussion of my actions. Just an example... I do not switch on my air-con unless necessary. Because I believe that it is a vicious cycle. The more aircon we switch on... the more green house gases we produce... and then the weather gets hotter. And when the weather gets hotter. We switch on more air con.... and this cycle goes on and on. That is why I just on my air con for 1 or 2 hrs before I sleep just to lower the temperature of my room which is stored from the day by the sun. After that when my room is cool. Then I just change to using my fan to keep the room ventilated. It won't get any much hotter as the air outside my home is already cooled by the night. So this is a little effort I make to keep global warming at bay. Although I am still giving out green house gases. But I am using it responsibly and giving out what is necessary. Unlike my sis who turns on the air con every night no matter how cold the night is. It is people like her who saddens me as she just don't care. She just knows that the weather is hot, she'll turn on the air con. And when the temperature rise due to it. she will just raise the power of the air con.

So I appeal to all who are reading my blog... do your part for the environment. You know what you can do. You just need to act.

This matter aside. Well... this is gonna be a very packed and tiring month. There are like a record breaking 7 pages of cover for us. Which translates to almost having a cover everyday. Then there is NDP which we will be burning all our weekends. But well... Its both a good thing and a bad thing. The good is that time will pass faster... the bad... obviously... lots of work... haha.... But I believe that the most important thing is to have time pass faster... haha...

Hmm... then today also went to make a new pair of specs :D Haha... Recently felt that my eyes gets tired easily and I strain a lot when I'm looking at things. Resulting in my eyes being blood shot. Initially I thought its because I lack sleep. But I've been sleeping alot lately... haha... so it couldn't be that reason. So yar... my guess would be the need for specs lar. An interesting thing happened. Haha... When I was doing my eye test,

the lady said...
" I know this (the new adjustment) is better.... but I won't give you this "
I said...
" y? "
she said...
" Hmm... how do I put it... you like to over correct your eyesight. The previous adjustment was enough for you to read. But u want more.. "

haha... first time I know people can over correct their eyesight. lol... Hmm... but okay lor... I trust her professionalism lar... so I went for the adjustment she recommended.

Hmm... then thats all for now ba.... long week ahead... haiz... bye~

Sunday, July 01, 2007

HAiz... a super short weekend.... just booked out in the morning and have to book in tonite liao... sian.... stupid parade tmr lar... wanted to take off tmr to recreate my weekend lost due to duty... but because of the parade I can't take.... Then the rest of the days in camp take liao also not worth it.... so yar... in the end still have to endure and bear with it till the end of the week lor....

Been having some thoughts again lately.... thinking about my life... the way I live my life.... wad I've been missing out.... Hmm.... then I realised that although I've been grumbling about the things that I do not have.... but when the opportunity present itself to me... I do not dare to grab it. Haiz.... duno wads wrong with me... I wanted some things so much... but then I just dun dare to take it. I'm sort of afraid to step out of my little circle of comfort.

K lar... going for dinner liao... bye~ :)

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Its sunday again :) Another full week to go before I can get a break next week at the company retreat. Already had 3 consecutive full weeks without any events liao.... time is getting hard to pass... So yar... when this week is over... things will move fast and bring us to the month of july :D yay! Another month closer to ORD... haha... Really getting sick and tired of army liao...

Hmm... k lar... talk about other things.... dun want to waste time on army stuffs again.

Haha... recently got another project :D I was tasked to do a painting for wensi :D Haha..... Went down to bugis area yesterday to buy a canvas. 22" x 28" . Its cheaper compared to what I did the previous time. Last time I bought a piece of canvas without the frame and it already cost me like $30 somemore its un-stretch and un-primed. This one with everything done only cost like $16... But okay lar... there is a difference between the quality of the canvas. My last one was really thick and of high quality.

So yar... I've already started painting on it. Looks quite bad.. LOL... duno if I can do it or not... haha... Just did the clouds... it looks more like stones to me... haha... Will try to complete the picture and see how it goes lar... If really bad then I wun sell to him lor.. haha... throw face sia... But I really hope that it will turn out good lar... cos it will be a test of where my standard is. Haha... I got no official training. All self taught... Although I've went through lessons in sec school art classes... and perhaps last time my children drawing classes... or the more recent chinese painting class... I've only learned the basics.

Other than that this weekend feels great. Not as sian as the previous few. Haha.. somehow I feel more energetic and excited. Maybe its the thought that I'll be painting lar :D So yar... maybe I should paint more :) It makes me happy :D But then someone will need to adopt all my paintings... haha... no room in my house to store all of it :P

K lar... have a nice week ahead :) Hope to blog soon :D Bye~

Friday, June 15, 2007

Arlow.... Will take this little opportunity before I book in again to blog :)

Life in army has been quite bad recently... Lots of things happening. The cyclical war between my unit and cco regarding the medics has started all over again. We are the poor things that is sandwiched between the two very stubborn old man who refuses to give way to each other. So yar... the war rages on....

And I say its a cyclical war because every few months this problem will surface again. Evidence from the email fired by both parties showed that this matter dates more than 5 years ago in 2002. That is when I'm still studying in secondary 3 when both parties are already fighting about this matter. So yar.... I don't see a complete conclusion to this matter even after this war has blown over... After a while... someone will start this war all over again.

So while war rages over our heads... what we can do is only to try to aviod the debris that falls down. Some are large enough to kill.... Hope that this war will blow over without any casualties.

K lar... thats all that I want to say... I only hope that this war will be over soon and we can go back to our peaceful life till ORD. bye~

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Arlow... been quite a eventful week.... haha... Our superiors tried to stun us again. So now... we have to stun them back... lol... Its like playing a game of chess... They make one move... we make another. But now the game is in their favor.... we have to do something quick.

Life for me in some way is kind of fun... haha... we are not like normal soldiers who just follow orders and suck thumb. We are constantly playing a game of chess with our superiors.... challenging their every move. I duno why this game can be played for so long batches after batches of medics... haha.... its a never ending game... sometimes they win a little and sometime we win. Life is never peaceful. we constantly have to fight for our rights.

So yar... we will see how things will become next week when we began to fight back with the help of another person... haha...

hmm.... then yar... nothing much liao lar... dun feel like blogging about the other stuffs... kind of late already... want to sleep also... bye bye :) And to all my friends enlisting this week.... good luck... ur time has come to experience the shit... lol... bye

Sunday, June 03, 2007

2/5 Outing :D

Haha... went for my 2/5 class chalet yesterday. Nice to see everyone again. It was like 5 years since we were promoted and 3 years since graduation from commonwealth sec. Though the time span was not considered long, there are already surprising changes to some of the people :) But then.... there are still things that have always stayed the same :)

Many of the guys are like me, serving the army... while the rest are going to enlist soon :) Some really soon... in 2 weeks time :P haha... Oh well... I've already walked more than half the journey already... Its about time for them to start :D Wish them all the best and have a memorable experience ahead :)

As for the girls... not many turned up. Those who were there are all doing well :)

Everyone seems to be doing quite well in their own way. Many already have commendable achievements and the future hold out bright for them :D

I want to thank jun jie for organizing the chalet :) haha... After 5 years... he's still performing the duties of a class chairman :P

Was looking at the class photo just now... It brought back a lot of memories... Saw some of the faces that didn't turn up for the chalet. Totally forgot about them yesterday when we were listing the people who didn't come. haha....

Though 3 years isn't that long of a time. But then things really have changed and so many things has happened during this short span of time. One major one might be that commonwealth sec is no longer at the place we used to be. It has shifted away. In just a short 3 years after graduation... the classroom that we studied in... the places that we used to hang out are all gone...

I wonder when will out next outing be. Oh well... by then there might be even more changes as we all moved on to another part of our lives. I wish for our friendship to last forever. And everyone to succeed in any thing that they do :D

Hmm.... that is also a finale to the nice week I had lar :) Haha... Its almost like a week long holiday to me since I only went back on two separate days... Its precious... since I dun get this kind of thing often. Now that its over... its time to go back and face all the shit again. June is here already. Haha... the much awaited june... It is the mid point of the year and means that half the journey through this year has been over. Another half of it then I can smell my ORD day coming...

K lar.. shouldn't dwell too much on this matter... it should be a happy thing that half a year has passed... so yar dun want to drag on about how the next half the year will pass and spoil the mood :)

Have a nice week ahead :) Bye~

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Tuesday night... Its amazing how fast my off is spent... haha.... Tmr got to book in again... but then... good thing is at night get to book out once more...

Feeling rather lethargic lately... Having a headache with my designing work... I've come to a point where I need to decide whether designing is just my hobby or is it going to be my work. I need to choose which is it cos it will have a big impact on the things I do.

I've always treat designing as my hobby. I just design at my free will... anything and anytime... This is easy... and fun... and it feels great. Inspirations find me and I do my designs...

But then in recent times... it started to become more like my work. I design because I need to design. I do not now wait for inspirations to find me... I look for them... I force myself to design... and then come up with products that I don't really feel excited about. Because this is what I have to do and not what I want to do. Although the product still comes out nice and beautiful... but... there is no excitement and anticipation about it...

I wanted to go back to it being just my hobby. Where I can take it slow and wait for inspirations to strike me. But then... if I do so... that means to give up on all the work I've done so far. My and the many other projects that I have on hand now. Because I don't know when I'll get inspired again about litbud. It may come soon... or it might never come at all. If it never came... then litbud will be stuck like this forever.... There won't be any further developments.

So yar.... duno what to do now....

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Oh well... its time for 'Another sunday night' haha.... K lar... didn't get to do it last week cos I got to book in.... Finally life should be going back to the normal monday book in again :)

Life is still the usual sian the past week.... Oh well... Just have to take it lar. Moved to a new bunk liao... All my bunk mates ORDed.... so my bunk is empty now... Moved over to the Coy HQ bunk....

Coming week should be a very short week lar... Off on tues and fri... plus thurs holiday... So I'll be spending my nights all at home :)

Perhaps I will blog more tmr lar... not really in the mood to blog now... bye~

Sunday, May 20, 2007

haiz... sian... another sunday night book in.... but okay lar... not as bad as the previous few times... at least dun need to go back so early.

The past week has been bad... really bad... made a lot of terrible mistake. Making mistakes is still fine... the problem is that this mistakes caused trouble to my friends. This is what I hated most. When things goes wrong and its my mistake... then fine.. I can take it. I'm used to making mistakes... afterall this is what make me the person I am today. I do alot of things by trail and error... and in this process.... dozen of mistakes have been made. But I learned from it and get better. So these are my mistakes... I dun want anyone else to be implicated by my mistake. However the 3 big mistakes I've made last week have caused trouble to the people around me... This is what I feel bad about. Haiz.... the past week is really bad luck for me lar... hope that things will turn for the better this coming one.

Anyway... today is my birthday :) Haiz... finally turned 20 already... haha.... old liao lar... My age number no longer start with the digit one... I've lived my second decade as a little human being on this big big world. The coming decade would be the most exciting part of my life. It will be full of energy and vibrance. In this coming decade.... I'll start off with my uni life... then would be my career.... Looking forward to this coming decade. :) My birthday wish? Well... I hope I'll be a happier person :D

Another thing has been bothering me. Somehow people have a impression that I'm a good and obedient person with a sense of responsibility. But then I'm not.... I'm actually a fuck-up person. I do things half fuck, cut corners and take the easy way out. Always having this 'arga arga' 'looks okay then alright' attitude. I don't seek for perfection of anything near that.
So when people have this impression of me. I have to live up to their expectation. I try to do my best in my work... but sometimes I become very tired.... I can't meet their expectation anymore. Did something quite bad last week.... Something that dosen't fit into other's impression of me. But I just dun care... I'm tired...

Anyway... whatever lar hur... I just dun care... but then duno why I have a very strong sense of conscience.... Whenever I do something bad... I'll feel bad for quite sometime... until I start to forget about the matter when time passes by. So yar... maybe this is what that guides me to become a responsible person lar... So yar... U guys still can trust me... haha... :P I'm still a good person... :D

K lar... nothing much already.... Looking forward to the next weekend.... See ya. Have a nice week ahead.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Oh well... time for another entry with...... Another sunday night... haha....

sian lar.... got a lot of things to say... but just not in the mood to type it out.... haiz...

This is just a sad sad entry......


Friday, May 11, 2007

Hello... its friday night... got a little time to spare before I need to book in for RT tmr, so decided to take this time to write an entry.

Had been feeling rather down for the past few days. Many thing have changed. The old batch of people in my company has ORDed. Now my bunk is only left with myself. Its kind of empty. And there is this sudden discomfort in the change. It used to be very noisy with people making lots of noise even late into the night. I hate it... but now that its gone... it feels kind of empty...

Haiz... the familiar faces will be gone. It took my quite a while to get used to them when I first came into the company 6 months ago. Its only recently that I grew really comfortable with them and now when things are changing for the better, they had to leave. Will miss them....

Duno lar... maybe I'm just getting abit too emotional... haha...

Anyway... life wouldn't be too much a change for me lar... Life still goes on.... and I'm still counting down till my ORD day.... which is like still so far away.... haha.... I want to get out of this place as soon as possible.... I can to go back to my civilian life.... but okay lar... days are not that hard to pass.... there are things to look forward to. For now... its towards the end of the month where I'll get a long weekend. That will also bring me to the month of June already... half way through the year....

Argh.... sian ar.... haven't been feeling well for the past month or so.... neck is aching.... head feels heavy.... hope I'll be able to solve the problem soon...

k lar... nothing much.... bye.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Hello... won't be starting the blog with 'another sunday night' again... haha... cos yar.... its only evening now :D

Gonna book in later.... sian.... but okay lar... feeling better already.... finished my bottle of cough syrup... not taking it anymore... so perhaps without the drowsy side effect I'm feeling better now :) Flu still persist... cough too... but then all under control :)

Just finished downloading a anime called Ray the animation. Its a very interesting medical anime. Its about this doctor with X-ray eyes that can see through a person's body into his organs. Haha.... then there are also other interesting characters in the hospital too.... They have a director that looks and acts like a pirate... and nurses who can fight pretty well... haha... only watch 2 episodes... Its a short anime lar... only like 10+ episodes in total... so yar... highly recommended by me :D

Also been watching planet earth... Its really a very nice documentary.... Can't imagine there are still such nice places left on earth.... If I ever had a chance... I would like to go see those beautiful places with my own eyes... I believe it would be a breath taking experience. So yar... we should really try to conserve our nature. There is this recent hype about conservation... I hope that this would carry on as well... finally this matter is being brought to such high attention... so yar... hope that we will be able to solve the problem before this issue gets cold again....

K lar... nothing much... bye~ Have a nice week ahead :)

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Sian.... Fell sick... Argh.... It was a sorethroat at first... then it became a fever and cough... yesterday was feeling better already... but then had to do flu vaccination for ppl at the medical center... Then when priming the needles I think I came into contact with the vaccination... thats where I suppose I got the flu from.... Shouldn't have did the vaccination if I knew this would happen... quite careless on my part... argh... take this as a lesson lor... hope it won't happen again next time.

Tmr still need to book in by 8... cos of the stupid ATP that I have to cover lor.... haiz... waste my time... Didn't want to do the cover at first... but due to some considerations... lan lan have to do it...

Sian ar!!!! Anyway.... its may already... Woho~ Soon it will be june and its half a year gone :D So happy... haha.... K lar... not in the mood to blog too much.... bye~

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Haiz... so sian.... quite late already... tired too... but then just dun want to go and sleep.... Dun want to waste a night just like that leh.... Fark up feeling....


Sunday, April 29, 2007

Another sunday night... Duno how many blog entries I've opened using that opening... oh well... its really another sunday night... haha...

Anyway.... feeling quite sian now... haiz... luckily tues is a holiday~ so yar... somehow it makes the week shorter... May is finally round the corner... Still counting down till ORD... Many people are going off in june... I can't wait for them to go.... Because when they are gone... it will be my turn soon.... actually not soon... but then.. well... its still coming closer....

June also means another batch of intake... friends who are the same age as me and took the poly route.... Its time for them to serve the 2 years of national service... haha... Haiz... I've already gone through so much and got so far in the journey... but they are just going to start... Wish them good luck... lol...

Think I'm going into depression soon... haven't been feeling well lately.... There seems to be alot of things bothering me.... My mind is heavy.... packed and loaded.... as if its gonna burst anytime.... Argh... it seems like I haven't feel happiness in quite a long while... This cannot go on.... something has to be done....

K lar... duno what to type anymore.... the feeling is just fuck up.... bye....

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Haiz.... sian ar.... sunday night again.... the night before book in... Its about time to sleep now... but I just don't want to.... I dread going back to camp... I hate it.... There are far too much shit in camp.... I need a long break.... really need it.... NS is sucking all the life out of me... I've been feeling lethargic... tired.... and lost interest in a lot of things... I've lost the drive to work.... I'm just living each day finding places to slack and wait for the day to end..... I duno how long I can last like that.... I'm really tired of this kind of life.... Everyday I've been thinking of how life would be after I ORD... the things that I'll do during my studies....

That will come... yes.... but in another 10 months time... Actually.... its no come to think of it... its not that far away.... Its lest than a year.... Time will certainly pass... I only beg for it to pass faster....

K lar... dun want to dwell so much on this matter.... time will pass.... I'll just have to wait for mine :)

Hmm... recently nothing much happen lar... Weekends are slowly going back to what it used to be.... boring.... The starting of the year was great... weekends are packed with appointments... Its busy... but time pass faster.... not only for the weekend... but for the weekdays as well...

Oh well... I duno lar... Life is kind of in the mess now.... I also not in the mood for my business.... because of all these stress.... I've been unable to get any inspiration for my works...

ARHH!!!!!!!!!!!! bye........

Monday, April 16, 2007

ARGH!!!!!!!!! SIBEH SIAN!!!!!GONNA BOOK IN ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Haiz..... ord faster come ar!!!!!!!!!!! CAnnot take it liao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sunday, April 15, 2007

Past few days had been fruitful... :) learnt 2 very important lesson.

Lesson one: Learn to deal with rejection

Went for a introductory talk to be an insurance agent :) Teddy wanted to register to be a insurance agent under AIA... so he made an appointment to meet with one of their manager to find out more. So yar... I was asked if I wanted to tag along. I did... and learn some lesson. The manager talk about how how he managed to succeed in this business.... and one key aspect is to be able to deal with rejection. As you know, insurance agent have to approach many people to sell their policies... and then more than 95% of the people approached will reject them. He talked about how he made cold calls to people.... like out of 100 people he called only 5 will be interested... and out of the 5... 4 will not turn up and finally... only 1 policy will be sold... So yar... in order to succeed in that 1 policy... you will have to face with 99 rejection...
Hmm... thats important if I want to do business in future :) So... I must train myself to look in the face of rejection and not feel demoralized :D

Lesson Two: How to obtain POWER

Had a long chat with my friend cos we were both doing weekend duty yesterday... and one of the topic we talked about is this. He told me that there are many sources of power. Power from knowledge, ie. you know more than people. Power from influence, if you know important people and can influence them.... and many more. Hmm.... what interest me most is the power from knowledge. If you know more than others, you will always have an edge over others. No one can cheat you... and you will be needed for your extra knowledge over others. With that knowledge that you have, you gain the power to manipulate that knowledge to your advantage. This power is not impossible to obtain. You just have to be hardworking and devour as much knowledge as you can grab. You have to become the expert in that field. Hmm... I think this will be the power that I will work to obtain :D

Hope by sharing this with you guys, you may also be enlightened :D

Thats all for now lar.... Quite sian.... Took off tmr... but then still have to book in at night... Oh well... Life has to go on... and because of the off... the week is shorter.... so yar... hope it will pass sooner... and that will bring us to mid april already :D Dong will be going to taiwan tonight already... by the time he's back will be May :D Haha... By then its almost half the year gone :D Wee~ So much closer to ORD!!!!!

Hmm... actually I got the perfect plan to make time pass faster.... and the crucial part of it is to be able to pass my IPPT by july... Cos then... I will be able to go taiwan in september... then when I come back it will be around the end of year holiday season where I will start to clear my leave and offs.... And then that will bring us to the year 2008... where I continue to enjoy holidays and then ORD!!!! Haha... So if I am not able to pass.... then I will have to endure all the way till end of year... and time will pass slowly... I've been training very hard... and I start to see a little result :D Haha... my muscles are getting more defined :D Hope this is a good motivation for myself to strive for my pass :D

Okay... shall end the entry here... bye :D Have a nice week ahead too :) Oh... other than Dong going overseas... my cousin andrew is also going to taiwan for atec tmr.... and sen min also going to australia for live firing... Wish them all the best and hope they come back soon :D

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Yo! Haha... Just took a photo :P Saw that the sky and the lighting was nice :)

Nice? Haha... got artistic value :P lol....

ANyway.... haiz... my long weekend gone just like that... coming week is a long one cos got duty on sat... then can only book out sun morning... Am still deciding whether to take off on monday or not... Actually... maybe I should... haha... Anyway... its almost mid april by then already... can afford to spend some off and leave... I wanted to save till end of year... but then.. hmm... think by then I wun crave for it as much as I would now cos its very near my ORD... LOL... So yar... Maybe I should take that off on monday :)

Haiz... okay lar... although there is still quite a distance to go before I ORD... I'm feeling quite alright now... haha... cos yar... The past weeks and months are going past quite fast. If this continues then I would be ORDing in no time :D haha.. K lar... this is just a illusion... but... nvm... haha... as long as I feel good can liao...

Hmm... met a interesting person online... :) Or should I say a talented person :D He can sing, write, compose and record his own songs! Hmm... dun really meet people with such skills often... haha... Actually... its hard to even meet people who possess any kind of specialised skill.... Hope we would be able to work together in future too... haha... so $$$ minded... :P I can contribute my set of skills to help him with any designing needs... hehe....

Haiz... going to sleep now...
Start of another week...
But nvm... I will look forward to the end of the week... that would be in mid april already :D

Friday, April 06, 2007

Hmm.... just had a very bad feeling just now... haha... a fantasy of mine just got smashed into pieces in an instant... without warning.... lol.... The impact of the sudden shatter is quite big... haha...

K lar... its nothing much actually.... just that I am abit dissappointed now... but nvm... nothing bad happened... just had to get it over and done with :)


Sunday, April 01, 2007

Its a sunday night again... sian.... have to book in tmr.... Really dun like the situation in my unit now... The future is bleak.... There will be major changes in the management in the unit. New people will come... and along with them... new policies. And I'm not optimistic about it....

But anyway... looking on the bright side. Its april already :D YAy! Moving closer and closer to my expiry date... haha... The coming week is a short one. Friday is a holiday. By then it will be another week gone. :)

K lar.. getting abit tired now... bye~

Monday, March 26, 2007

Haiz... wanted actually to blog something... but then... am too tired today... gonna sleep now... hope I'll still be in the mood to blog about it next time :) Bye~

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Hehe... received compliments about my writing skills.... happy~ happy~ happy~ HAha.... especially since it came from someone whom I believe have better language ability than me... :)

Anyway... every word is an agony when writing this entry today. Cos you know... my thumb have those irritating flaked off skin at the side... so when ever I press the spacebar... it hurts... maybeIshalltrywritingmyentry


kk... stop being lame... :) For the compliments that I receive... I shall literally PRESS ON... haha...

Other than that another reason for writing this entry is to give recognition to 4 brave AETC medics whom went forward to help a guy with fits yesterday... Haha...

Went to watch 300 with my group of medic friends yesterday. After the movie when we are about to return back to camp. We saw someone lying down on the floor,body shaking, around the taxi stand area at jurong point. It took awhile for us to realise that the person is having fits. For the brief moments in the beginning, we were undecisive of whether to go forward and render our aid. If we were not medically trained... we might just be like normal passerby... kapo abit go see see then walk off. But then because we are equipped with that knowledge, there is this innate obligation to go and help out. So we followed our heart and went forward.

Some interesting things happened along the way....

Because there is this misconception that a person with fits might bite off their tongue, a lady came forward and tried to put a key into the guy's mouth.... haha... Its a misconception okay... they won't bite off their tongue. If you put things into the person's mouth, you might cause other damage like him swallowing and choking on that object.

Another lady came forward and says she knows CPR. haha... but that situation then dosen't require the use of CPR. CPR is used when the casualty does not have any breathing of pulse. Mis-application of it may interfere with the person's breathing. Its good to have people learning CPR and offering to help. But then... do also emphasize on the correct usage :)

Then there are also cases of ugly and kapo singaporeans who just crowd around and do nothing but block the way.

Then there is this super inconsiderate lady. I'm not trying to be racist or nationalist here... but that f**king china women is unbelievably inconsiderate.

Cos the taxi stand only has one lane, it has to be cleared so that the ambulance could enter. So when the ambulance finally came, the security guard stopped the people from boarding and try to clear the remaining taxis left in the stand. Then there is the women whom just die die want to board the taxi. She chase the taxi all the way out of the taxi stand, tapping on the door demanding it to stop for her. The security guard asked her to stop it she just dun care and keep tapping on the door and running with the taxi. Can't she just let the taxi go off and wait for another taxi when the ambulance is done. Really cannot stand this kind of inconsiderate people. I believe this kind of people will have their retribution. Maybe next the next casualty will be her... and someone will try to do the same thing as what she did....

So yar... wanna acknowledge the effort put in by my friends lar. I didn't do anything cos I got nothing to do... u don't need 4 medics to attend to a person at one time. So yar... I dun really deserve the credit, but the others do :)

hohoho~ this is gonna be a long entry :) Long time since I wrote such a long one. Just nice that there are things worthy to blog about this week.

About the movie 300. Hmm... its a nice movie :D It made killing and battles beautiful. You see blood splashing around and heads severed.... but then you won't feel sick cos everything is filmed so beautifully. Somehow they are not splashed and thrown around,what you see is blood dancing and twirling elegantly around in the air.... and heads prancing in air. And I guess this is what made this movie different from others. So yar... I do recommend that you people watch it. Its not always that you get such beautiful killing scenes.

Oh well... its saturday night... but then its sunday already as its passed 12... So it would correct if I were to say I am booking in tonight... haha... Sian.... Have to book in on a sunday night again. Gonna have a outcamp activity on monday, so have to book in the night before. Coming week is the last week of march liao :D April is coming... I can already smell it.... lol.... hopefully time will pass fast enough to bring me to my ORD date without me realising.

K lar... thats all for now... bye~

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Haiz.... weekends are getting shorter and shorter... need to book in later by 8 for gunnery tmr... sian leh.... slept early yesterday cos was very tired.... slept like for 12 hours till this morning... haiz.... now can only look forward to the next weekend lor... cos this weekend is wasted... getting really sick of army... duno how to go through another year....

well... passed the mid of march already..... april is coming soon... just have to endure till the end of the year... 10 more months to go.... After that... its only 2 more months to ORD... :)

Duno why... feeling very stress lately... my mind feels heavy.... duno whats the problem... but I think I'll just take a break this coming week... gonna stop thinking. Haven't had any good inspiration lately... may be due to the overload of stress...

K lar... thats all for now... bye...

Sunday, March 11, 2007

haiz... another weekend just like that... I really hate booking in.... I cannot take it anymore.... There was one period of time when I felt okay with it already... but then now I start to not be able to take it.... I want to ORD... and I want it now!!!!!!! haha.... 1 more year leh... duno how to endure it... But okay lar... its march now... and soon march will be over...

Feeling abit tired now... dunno is it tiredness or the dread of booking in... How long do I still need to suffer from this pre-booking in syndrome?

Weekends seems to be getting shorter and shorter. Duno is it because I've been busy... Has been quite some time since I last ate dinner at home. Usually its lunch and then I'm off... then when I come back... its the end of the day liao.... Is that what happens when u are busy working? I duno... I've never been as busy as I'm now. I longed to be busy last time... cos I was really bored... I thought I would be happier when I'm busy.... But am I really happy? Well.. I guess so... I only feel sad cos the time is short... All ns fault lar... haha... cos yar... whenever I come home... then I realise my day is just gone like that... then I sian liao... hope that after I ord... I wun feel the time restrain anymore :) And I would be even happier!

K lar... I'm working towards my new year resolution... to meet more people and improve my social life. I'm making good progress... so yar :D Must cheer myself on :D

thats all for now lar.... gonna try to sleep now... shorten my misery.... just sleep and the resign to the fate that I'm gonna be stuck in camp for another 5 days before coming out again... Looking on the bright side... thats another week nearer to ORD... haha.... bye~
wow... I am really impressed by a portfolio done by my friend. Its really nice. Has been a long time since I am so excited about a design. Its truly innovative.

Do visit it. The navigation of the site is very well done.

haha... here I am trying to set up my own design studio... thinking that I'm good... but after looking at his portfolio... I think nah.. lol... I still got a long way to go.

But then nvm... I seem to move away from that idea already. :S haha... I think designing is not my main competency. I got other plans... and I hope it will work :) lol... I guess I can't stay with a idea for long. I just keep generating ideas and then get excited about them and forget about my old ideas. Haha... maybe that what I do best lar... generating ideas... lol... but not staying commited to them...

Gonna spend the next week rethinking about when I am going to do... organise my thoughts abit... cos its really in a mess now... I got like 3 projects that I want to do on hand.... so yar... have to decide which one to focus on. :X

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Hmm.... seems like blogger has merged with google...

anyway... I wanna spend some time blogging about something. Its about the education system. Not too long ago was the release of the A levels results. There were many articles about how people in the top JCs were unhappy because they did not score the perfect score.

Well... that may not concern me directly but then an incident happened right at home that compelled me to write something about this issue of unhappiness created by our education system.

To cut the story short, my sis changed one of her subject to Art, and my mom is very against it. So yar... some things happened at home lar. Don't want to say too much... as the saying goes "dun wash ur dirty linen in public"

At first I was also very against the idea of her changing the subject, as I see that art is not an easy subject and from what I see is the standard of my sis, she wouldn't really make it. But then, just in the afternoon, she came to me and showed me her first assignment. It wasn't really very well done... but she was happy. And I guess that is really what matters. To be happy. Whats the point of having her stick to her original subject when she's not going to be happy even when she score good grades?

When I got my A levels result... I was really really happy... I even got to collect my result on stage. It became such a big affair... I really thought I was smart... haha... but then... now... thinking of it.... my result is nothing.... there are tons of people scoring perfect score.... and many others near perfection... so what is my result compared to them?

But at least I was happy... and I think this is why my results are more valuable than the others.

So yar... lets all make choices that will make us happy! :)

Life is short.... make it a happy journey.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Haiz... sunday night again... tmr booking in liao... suddenly the weekend seems so short.... Been too used to having long weekends... now... haiz.... coming week will be one full week... no more off or leaves liao... not even public holidays... haiz... but okay lar... at least got something to celebrate this friday.... Haha... My 1 year soldier!!! lol... finally... I completed 1 year of service already... 1 more year to go!!!! Come on!!! Haha... :D

Been rather tired recently... duno why... but really tired... both physically and mentally as well. My eyes are pinkish... dark eye rings are darker than usual... I duno is it the lack of sleep or not... but then I should have enough sleep wad... slept for like 9 hrs yesterday... okay lar... maybe the sleep debt I owe is too much for it to be repaid with 1 or two days of longer sleep.

Tmr going to start chalking up a whole week of sleep debt again.... Hate my bunkmates... Every night so late then sleep. Then I am the kind of people that can't get to sleep easily.

K lar... 1 more year to go... then I dun have to sleep with those irritating people again. Haha... guess this might be the last chance I get to sleep with other people lar. Cos next time I wun have any Halls of hostels to stay in. So yar... wun have this kind of problem anymore... Argh.... just bear with it for ONE MORE YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thursday, March 01, 2007

Hey... I'm trying to get a christian name for myself. So as to facilitate my introduction next time when I meet people. I've been thinking for quite some time and Desmond seems like a nice name :) Haha... what do you think about it? Or you all got any better suggestion?

Monday, February 26, 2007

Haiz... feeling very lousy now... suddenly I feel like there is so many things bothering me... I feel very stress... My mind is under a lot of pressure... There seem to be alot of things bothering me... but I can't pin point it. I think I have to start reorganizing my life again. Argh... can't take it... Gonna sleep early tonight... hope tmr will be a better day :)

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Its chinese new year eve! haha... Well... time for another fresh new start :D Lol... Quite nice hur... after making a new year resolution on 1st jan and if things dosen't work out... the next new year is just 2 months away... haha...

Anyway... yar... its the start of a new year again... Things that I wished for on 1st jan didn't change. Rather, its gaining momentum and is progressing smoothly. Which is good :D Haha... hope it will continue like this and have a fruitful year ahead.

Been rather tired lately... duno why... kept feeling sleepy... But I slept alot liao leh... hmm... maybe its the huge sleep debt I incurred over the past months... Hope that I can repay all the debts during my block leave next week...

Yar... nothing much lately lar... things are going fine... All the best for the new year :D

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Hello... long time never blog le... Had been busy lately. This weekend is an especially tiring one as so many events just happens to coincide. Yesterday morning was in camp for RT... then book out for CVD then went to take a look at a company after that met my parents for dinner. Then today went out with the NS guys as well... So yar... Duno why my events always like to happen at one shot. After that is nothing all the way... so sian... why can't it spread out over a period of time -_-

Yar... went back to yj yesterday :D haha.. quite nice lar... met up with the teachers, long time since I've seen so many of them :) Feels good to go back to school. Haha... maybe just to help promote YJ abit... The place is really conducive for studies lar. Dun let their past ranking defer u from choosing this school.

Recently also met up with a group of people from a company with regards to my litbud. Things are too complicated to be blogged here. But yar... in the end I didn't join the company. But still like to thank them for helping me revive my enthusiasm and passion for it. Cos yar... after sometime I lost direction for the development of litbud. Been quite some time since I last updated it... But now... things are going to change. I can't be so laid back anymore. If I want litbud to succeed then I have to work for it... So yar... be prepared to see rapid advancement of the development process in the next few months :)

Thats about all for now lar... felt that there is more that I want to blog about, but then just duno how to put it in words... haha... K lar... CNY coming soon... :) Hope u people will have a nice week ahead :)

Sunday, January 28, 2007

once again... its the end of the weekend already :) It also marks the last weekend of the month :) yay... haha... the next weekend would be in feburary le... Well... its a pity that I let time pass just like that... but... haiz... too bad.. haha...

Anyway... there is something bothering me lately... I hope it will pass and something good will come out of it...

thats all for now lar... not in the mood to blog... at first I wanted to write about the campaign for real beauty by dove... but maybe I shall leave it for next time lar...

K lar.. see ya...