Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Lets rewind back to the entry that I wrote at the end of 2007 and take a look at my resolution for the year 2008. *reads last year entry* Actually, it wasn't much. Haha... Last year at this time, I'm still stuck in the army. So I was still wishing for my ORD date to come soon and to stay happy :) 2008 is quite a eventful one. It witness my ORD, 3 months of working, and start of my University life, oh and also, getting my driving license :D
ORD is one of the best thing that has happened to be this year. Haha... Finally after 2 long years I'm able to get out of army. The air is much fresher outside the gates of the camp. :D I've also worked for more than 3 months before I started school. That period of time is quite tiring. I have to teach tuition everynight, except for one, after work. So it wasn't a very pleasant time. But still, I did not regret it. Cos I earn lots of money. Haha... But then... it was all being offset by my Litbud and my driving lessons. So in the end all my hardwork was just to break even my spendings. Oh well... its still better then having a deficit in my savings. Haha.... After that I started school at SMU :D Although its far, inconvenient and EXPENSIVE... but still I do not regret my decision to study there. I really enjoyed my time there. :) By right I'm supposed to continue with.. "I'm looking forward to school"... but somehow I wasn't really. haha... sound so contridicting. :P I've also gotten my driving lesson quite recently :D So happy! But still dun have car to drive... :S Haiz... have to wait till I graduate and start working. :)
Life has been great so far. But still, I don't think I'm living it to the fullest yet. Life is short, every seconds counts. However, at many instances, I still find myself wasting time. So my new resolution for year 2009 will be to fully make use of my avaliable time. I need to participate in more activities, gain more experience, and make my time as enriching as possible. But that would mean that I'll be very very busy. Haha... Oh, have I mentioned it here before? The other day I went to check my horoscope and zodiac. Both of them says that I will have a very busy year. I think its going to be very true with me taking 5 mods next term. Oh well. Being busy is a good thing as well. I've lived much of my life quite leisurely so its good to have a change. :)
I've actually more things to do now, as seen from how I passed this holiday. Although I cannot exactly name what I have been doing for the past month. But its the first time where I don't really feel bored during the holidays. Holidays in the past was quite boring for me. I would finish whatever I want to do during the first 2 weeks of it and would be bored to death for the rest of the holidays. But this time round, I still have things that I didn't have time to do. So its a good start. I hope this will continue or even improve next time :)
So I think I'll borrow a motto from M1 for this coming year. One life, Live it. :D I wish all a happy new year, and enjoy year 2009!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
A couple of things worth mentioning happened in the short span of weeks after my last entry, which was the exam week. After the exams at SMU, I took my Driving test the following week after. And yes, I passed :D I got 14 points for my mistakes that includes not checking my blind spot correctly (2 pts). Strike Kerb (4 pts). And another long mistake that I couldn't remember the exact name, but still cost me 8 points. Its something like causing inconvenience to other road user or something of that sort. But nevertheless, I passed. :D The total cost came up to slightly under 2K. Which is alot compared to a private candidate who told me that he only spend half the amount I did to get his license. That half the amount is actually a hefty 1K that I could have spend it on some other things. But it doesn't really bother me that much. As long as I could get my license. There is this aunty who was taking her 3rd driving test on that day. And sadly she still didn't make it that day and had to book for her 4th. I guess she must have spend well over 2K, close to 3K in fact for her many attempts. I've not seen her drive before, so I couldn't really say if she was really so unlucky to always get the worst test routes, or she is just plain incompetent. Anyway, still have to wish her all the best.
Although I got the license, but no car for me to drive. Haiz...
Anyway, I've also gotten back my result and GPA for the first sem at SMU already. It was quite average with a GPA of 3.4. I know its already not bad. But still I believe that I could have done better if I had put in more effort. I got a B+ for my stats. If I could have put in more effort and not lag behind lessons. I could have done better. Another regret is my management comms. That one was a bad mistake on my part. I think I screwed up my final individual presentation. Due to the bad timing of the presentation. I didn't have any time to prepare for it. Considering that I am very bad at presentation, the lack of preparation really screwed it up. I got a B for that and this is one thing that I could really have done better. My other 2 subject were fine. Got a B+ for Biz law. This one I'm actually quite happy with it. Well, many not happy, but no regrets for it. Cos all along I didn't do very well for Blaw.
But... anyway... whats over is over. At least its not beyond salvation. I can work harder next sem. But thats another problem. I got like 5 mods next sem and they are quite heavy. So it will be hell when school starts. Compared to the 2 days week and 2 final papers last sem. Next sem everything will more than double with a 5 days week and 5 finals papers. :S
K lar... feeling abit sleepy already. Will blog more if I have the time and of cos, must also be in the mood too :) See ya~
Sunday, November 23, 2008
I have already stopped studying about since yesterday morning liao. Its only a occasional flipping through. I think there is no point carrying on. I have already been stuck at this stage for a long time. So if there is somethiing to be done, I would have done it long ago. So now I just need to relax myself and rest for the exams. Getting too stress out is bad for the exams as well. So since I can't really do much now, I can at least get my mind to properly relax first.
I think I might also be giving myself too much stress. I am expecting myself to get an A. And nothing less than it is acceptable. In the competitive environment. I guess its hard not to feel this way. But then in the mist of all these competition. I might have forgotten that as long as I had tried my best, it is good enough.
Really, I think I had never given myself so much stress before. All along, I just do my best and hope for the best result. And even if I don't get it. I wouldn't feel bad. But then this time round. I have this mentality that I need to get an A. Yar... I think this is why I am so stressed now.
Now that I have realised this, I must stop it. I cannot let this kind of things affect my performance. It never had, and should never be the case. Haha... so yar... I guess I am feeling much better now. Writing down, or perhaps typing down my thoughts into words is a good way to reflect and identify problems. I have gotten too obsessed with getting an A that I end up giving myself too much stress.
But anyway. I think I have already screwed up one of my mods liao. Based on the result that I gotten back. I can at most manage a B. And then, if there were to be moderation. My B might not hold and may drop to a C. Although moving up the grade is also possible. But then I am not very hopeful about that as there are quite a number of strong players in the game. Haha... but oh well... B isn't too bad a grade. Considering that my english is not fantastic and my presentation skills suck to the core. To be able to get a B for management communications could already be a great achievement. Haha...
Its already 10.30pm. By right I should be sleeping already to prepare for exams tomorrow. But then, because I wake up late today and also took a small afternoon nap. I won't be able to fall asleep so early. So might as well spend the time doing some other things to relax my mind. Afterall, tomorrow's exam is in the afternoon. So I need to wake up early.
So, perhaps I shall take this opportunity to blog more. Haha...
I have already confirmed my timetable for next term le. Actually it was confirmed long ago, but I was just lazy to blog about it. Haha... I taking 5 mods next term, which is one more mod than what I am doing this term. I think that for this term I am rather slack. Perhaps its also because of the mods that I took which isn't too heavy. Take for example now. I only have 2 papers to prepare for the finals. But then next sem. Things will be different. Some of the mods are quite heavy and time consuming. Then for the final exams. I got 5 papers to prepare for. Which is like more than twice the number I had for this sem. So yar... think I going to die next sem.
But then, maybe the more busy environment is good for me. Cos I think my this term is too slack liao. So my engine hasn't gone running yet. My intention for this term is to first warm up my engine and gain momentum. It has been 2 years since I last studied. So yar, don't know still can cope or not. Also I need to first try out how heavy a module is. Otherwise, I might kill myself in the first term by taking more than what I could handle.
So yar, hope next term will be better ba. Anyway. Its only 3 more days and 2 papers before I clear everything for this term. So yar. Very fast one :D After that I can switch to holiday mood again :D It has really been a hectic journey. Must take a rest first. Haha... woho~ long time never see such a long entry liao right. :P Bye~
Sibeh sian... dun feel like studying. No mood liao. Can no longer study like how I did for A lvls. :S
Haha... but someone say its okay not to study like that. A lvls is 2 years once, this one is half a year once leh. If study like that will die. Haha...
:S Aiya, I finish my preparation for the exam already. All I can do now is keep practising and practising. But then. Not in the mood to practise lar. Heck care. Will see how the result turn out ba. This time round the feeling is kind of different. For A lvls I can say that I was really confident that I will do well. Cos there was a lot of preparation work involved. I did like countless past year paper before the exam. But this time round, I only did like 2 past year paper. The older ones are not very relevant. So... I'm like so under prepared :S
Argh... not matter wad I hope to get this over and done with soon. :D
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
The session in the morning went well. I was alert and could react effectively. The sun was bright and the weather was warm. So the whole session went on quite well. I thought I finally can have confidence to pass the test. But haiz... the afternoon session drowned all my hopes.
Oh well... I still have another session tomorrow morning. Hope I can do better then.
Anyway... it seems that I haven't been blogging for quite some time. The early few weeks was because I got too much school work to prepare. So yar, I didn't have time. But starting last week. Everything was cleared. But I was just lazy to blog. Haha... so yar.... drag until today.
I've cleared most of my work already. So now just need to prepare for the exams. But the thing is that I am not really in the exam mode yet. :S I study abit here and there, and then very soon be distracted to do other things. While it is still okay for this week. I'm not going to let it happen next week. Next week I'm really going into mugging mode liao. Have to catch up and grab back all my As. Although must of it is gone, but I still must try to grab as much as I can.
Why do I say much of it is gone? Because, I haven't been putting in my best for all my other assignments. So now, its very hard to catch up as the major part of my grade is already decided. Now what I can do it just to try as best as I could to grab as much as possible. I came to the realisation of how important my GPA for the first few sems are. So now... my term 1 is gone already. What I can do is to work harder for the next coming sems.
K lar, see if I got time then I blog again. See ya~
Thursday, November 06, 2008
But haiz... I think I'll need a lot of effort for the preparation. I've been lagging behind both the subjects that are subjected to final exams. Which is.. biz law and stats. Biz law still okay, can still handle on my own.. But stats is the killer... I'm lagging very much behind and I have a hard time trying to catch up.... 2 more weeks left... I hope everything will turn out okay.
K lar... blog another time... haha... I know this entry also very short..
But I need to go have my dinner le... See ya~
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Having my mid term break now. Not really a break as everyday is still packed with activities. For the past 3 days I had been helping out at a old folks home as part of my LTB project. Then I've also tried to chiong for my driving test. I only realised today that I can no longer cancel and rebook a test date without forfeiting the payment. This new policy started just this month, October. So yar... that leave me with no choice to try to chiong for my current test date. Cos no matter whether I pass or fail, the money will be gone.
I'm having 2 lessons tomorrow. Quite sian... cos I have to space out the 2 lessons and inbetween I got nothing to do. Guess I'll bring some work and my laptop for Mcdonalds and camp there. :S
Oh well... must really enjoy this term break before school starts. I'm so lucky to have all my mid terms before the break. I see friends who have it after the break all still so worried about the exams. K lar... all the best to everyone. :) See ya~
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Oh.. I just thought of a apt explanation for my feeling. For stats... I know what I don't know and can work on it. But for biz law, I don't know what I don't know... so how am I going to work on it? Furthermore, there hasn't been any class assignment that I can hand in for my prof to grade. So all these while, I'm just looking at other people's presentation and have no idea how many marks can my answers garner.
Oh... anyway... I just realise that my biz law test is only 15% -.- Which is kind of little considering that class participation mark has the same percentage. So yar... at this if I screw up this time, it won't be that bad. And I think my class part marks won't be that bad. Haha... considering that out of all my modules. I speak up most during biz law. So I just hope that my prof can remember my face and award the marks accordingly. Haha...
Argh... then still got the stupid comms assignment. A one page letter will cost me 20% of my module grade. Thats like woah!!! One letter only leh only a maximum one PAGE and it cost 20%!!! Thats a huge percentage on such a little assignment lar. Really worried.
K lar... all will be well after tomorrow :) Tomorrow night I going for MIC movie night :D So can chill out after one long day of 2 test :) K lar.. see ya~
Thursday, September 11, 2008
I'm seriously considering whether I should just renew my membership and spare myself the torture. Because having 10 lessons a week, while it is not very physically tiring. But I'm worried that I cannot learn as fast, and I'm not optimising the time spend in the lesson if I keep repeating the same mistakes. Other than that, the twice a week lesson during my school days is also another problem. I do not know if there will be projects that will need my attention. Somemore the final exams will be round the corner. And the worst of all... I might not pass at the first try, so in the end, I might still need to renew the membership afterall.
Argh... sian ar!!!!
I've also joined the poems stock challenge! Haha... very sad leh... wadever stocks I buy all fall :| Guess I really cannot play the stock market.. Anway, there is a ranking for the Top losers... Hope my name dosen't show up there. Haha... I'm currently around 20 places to getting inside. LOL... which is really close lar.
Oh well... wondering why am I blogging at this time of the day? Well.. I've kind of finished my assignment :D Wee~ Haha... so can slack abit. Today is only thursday. Later going to do some biz law reading then I'm done for the week :D
I think friday is my favourite day. Haha... Morning got LTB meeting, but okay lar, its not that heavy and its actually quite fun. Cos don't really need to use alot of brain power to get things done. After that got MIC! Haha... its kind of like a karaoke club. Quite cool right. Like at the end of the week you just go there, chill out, talk to people, listen to them sing song. Somemore its not very expensive. $10 for a year membership. haha... Its a good way to end a week :) Then after that is the investment club lor. Go there listen to lecture, which is kind of sian lar.... haha... but its still okay, if sian just don't listen lor. No penalties. Haha... Just that I feel abit bad for the speaker lar when he is trying to teach and I just don't listen. :P
So yar, life is great :D But hor, I think its just for now lar. Cos I think I've been taking things very lightly these days. Perhaps after 2 years in the army ar, I think I'm god. Haha... cos there is no test that you can fail in the army. Like everything can just bullshit and pass. But now back to the school environment hor, I still can't get rid of the mentality. So I think I'm gonna get a shock during mid term. After that then I will start to feel the pain. :S Now I'm trying to minimise the possiblilty of that happening lar, so I'll still continue to read. But then, I sometimes I just cannot control the urge to slack. Haha...
K lar, thats all for now... See ya~
Sunday, September 07, 2008
Anyway, since the start of school. I've been doing all the school stuffs and my and driving got neglected. I'm putting my litbud on hold for the time being until my term break. But my driving is the headache one. My membership expires this coming december and I've book my driving test date already. So I don't have much time to complete all my lessons. If I can't complete in time I would have to postpone the driving test and extend my membership. Thats gonna cost me another sum of money....
Oh... I've also been putting on a lot of weight. Haha... my waist line is increasing exponentially. I think I'm going back to my pre army enlistment size liao. All the fats that I lost in army are all coming back. I plan to start running from next week. Hope it can stop my waistline from increasing further or hopefully decrease abit. So yar, please don't rain in the morning next week. Wait till I finish my run and you can rain all you want. Haha...
Thats about all for now lar... See ya~
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Life has been good. Schoolwork is still manageable, in fact it is very manageable. I see my other friends like complaining and struggling with work but somehow my work load is quite light. Other than school work. Life in SMU is quite nice too :)
Oh no... I wanted to make this a proper blog entry but somehow I run out of things to write. So sorry.... I think I'll blog again next time ba... See ya...
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Oh well... first week of school is almost over. Actually its quite over since tuesday because I only have a 2 day week! It really feels good to not have any lessons after that. 2 days passes very fast, so it seems like the week ended just like that. Although I still have to go back to school for projects, the feeling is quite different. Its is very much more casual and relax.
First week of school, everything went on smoothly. It was better than expected. At first I was quite worried for some lessons like comms and biz law. But after the first lesson, it seems quite okay. Biz law is still quite comfusing but I think I can get over it soon.
All in all life is still going good :) Blog another time~
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Sunday, August 17, 2008
K lar... not really in the mood to blog now... argh... will try to sleep now. Hope tomorrow will be good :) See ya!
Friday, August 15, 2008
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
They wasted almost half the time in the beginning talking about MLM, which is not much of a interesting topic or rather it is totally boring. Then the next half they try to act pity on the topic of ageing. They tried to make it a touching movie. But, I think they failed. What they did was to make the actor act pityful, but without a solid storyline, they didn't really touch me.
All in all, I think this may be the worst movie that Jack neo has made. Really dissappointing.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Starting school in less than a week time. I just went to see the course outline and some seminar questions for week 1. Totally tio stunned. I'm so not prepared for school. Anyway, 船到桥头自然直。 So hope everything will be alright after the first week :)
Saturday, August 09, 2008
Anyway, after that the activities are more tone down. We went geylang for supper, sentosa to play games and we had a drinking session the last night. Our team didn't drink too much, so we were more or less sober, but we heard alot of stories of those who drank over their limits.
It was quite a nice experience. But I think I should have been more enthu abit and talk more. Somehow I was very quiet. But overall, I still enjoyed the camp.
This would most probably complete my orientation experience. For the past weeks its really having fun all the way. I guess its part of the university experience and I'm glad that I didn't miss out the fun. Haha... And I'm like super tanned now lar. After spending so many days out in the sun.
K lar... will blog again when I'm free. Bye~
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
This time round I'm not feeling as sian as before FTB. Cos I know I'll be staying in school, at least the accomodation is much better. Haha... So now I just hope that the activities and the team members are fun.
Its the final big event for me before school starts . 2 weeks after this would be the start of school already. When school starts, I think the feeling will be quite different. I've been like in the orientation mood for the past weeks. Like just go school and play games. HAha...Its really a long long orientation. So since this is the last major event, I really hope it will turn out great. Haha.. I have high hopes and expectation for this camp,especially after my FTB. Haha... I hope it will be even better than it. So yar, must not dissappoint me okay.
Hmm... k lar.... its gonna be a long day tmr. Think I should get some rest. Bye~
Monday, August 04, 2008
I logged in to BBDC website hoping to be able to change my Final theory date to an earlier one. Because its very very overdue. I should have completed it eons ago, but because of work I haven't done so. My original date was in sept, but just now I managed to bring it forward to Aug, about 1 month earlier! I'm going for the evaluation tomorrow. Hopefully I can pass, or I should say, I must pass it tomorrow. Otherwise the test date will be void. This something irritating about enrolling in a school. I'm like so so happy now. Because this means that my time line won't be that pack now. I have to complete everything by december otherwise I will need to extend my membership with the school. Pray hard that I can go through this in one shot, afterall its all theory, either I'm right or wrong. Very straight forward, so the chances of passing should be under control.
I've also gotten my school time table today. Well... they only allocated 2 modules for me. -.- That means that I need to bid for 2 more... So troublesome. Anyway, the 2 modules that I got. One has lessons at 8.30 on a monday morning... another has lesson until 6.45 on tuesday evening. Kind of extreme... I dun want to wake up so early on a monday morning, and I don't want to go home so late, not only for tuesday, but everyday. I was hoping that I can make it home for dinner everyday. One thing is that the expenses for eating out is high, especially in town area. Another thing is that I don't like to stay in school until so late. The night is for me to relax, watch TV, surf net... Its my personal time. Oh well, since it was allocated, I guess I will just have to bear with it for this first sem.
Thats all for today... bye~!
Saturday, August 02, 2008
Anyway, since its all over I wouldn't want to say too much already. Overall, its still a good experience lar.
With that, there is still a final event before everything is more or less settled. Thats the bondue camp I'm going next week. That is my last major and troublesome event before school starts... Haha... hope it will be fun and I get into a good team too, just like FTB :)
Thats about all for now :) Bye~
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Tomorrow morning I'm finally going for my first driving practical lesson. It was really a long break since I'm first eligible to start lesson. After my Basic theory, I went working and until now I haven't got time to start my lesson. My PDL is expiring very soon so I had to get it renewed already... I'm hoping that I can finish everything before my membership for school expires in Dec this year. Otherwise it would be another sum of money to get it renewed. Kind of excited. Haha... I'm finally able to drive. I guess the feeling would be quite nice.
Alright, thats about all for today. See ya~
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Argh... blog another time ba... not in the mood liao... haha... just wanted to come and complain here... :P Bye~
Friday, July 18, 2008
I think it would be an interesting read. Been a while since I last read a book. A small quote from the back of the book. ' I returned home to discover that one of my goldfish was very unwell. When my partner came home, he just wanted to flush the poorly goldfish down the lavatory. Having discovered that our views on the sanctity of life are so far apart. Should I leave him? '
Interesting right? Haha... wait till I finish the book and then write a short review for you guys :) For those who are interested, you can go buy the book or borrow it from the library. When I last check there are still like 5 to 6 copies available in other libraries. :)
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Other than that I also watched Red Cliff the past Sunday. Thats another nice movie. Their army formations reminds me of our NDP. :S Haha...
Today is a break from 2 consecutive days of StarringSMU. It was very tiring... On tuesday we had to go around collecting photos of people for the Pledges for the Nation. Its really hard work. I think its even harder than flag day. Cause for flag day, you hold the can and people will know what you are doing. But for this, we had to explain to them what it is about and so many people are just camera shy. Their faces won't be splashed all over singapore. Just a tiny tiny photo in a col large of 30,000. I think if I were the one being approached, yes at first I would reject them, but after learning what it is about I think I won't mind having my photo taken.
The next day we had to learn some drum rhythm and dance moves. Haha.. that was the most silly and funny part. It was then that I realised what I big wooden block I am and I got some serious psycomotor problems... I totally cannot coordinate my hands and legs and they are so stiff and inflexible. I look so silly when I am dancing... Haha.... I wonder how I am going for the samba walk :S Total embarrassment... haha...
Well, so after 2 days of activity I can finally have my rest until next week for the car wash.
K lar, thats about all for now :) See ya~
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Went for the team building session for community service today. Had quite some fun. It has been a while since I had so much walking around. Haha... My legs are now aching. Although our group wasn't the most enthu around, we still managed to smoke through alot of stations and completed quite a respectable amount of station in the limited time slot. :) Hope for the coming 8 days we can have more fun together :)
Alright think thats about all for today. Won't be writing long entries like while I'm still working. Haha... Now no more time in the office to slack around. I hope they are doing fine back at my previous office. Praying hard that I do not leave too much errors behind otherwise next time also no face to go back and visit them :) Also don't want to spoil my good reputation :P OKay, so I shall blog again... See ya~
Sunday, July 06, 2008
Sunday, June 29, 2008
K lar, don't feel very well tonight, think partly because of work tomorrow, and partly because I slept in the afternoon. Will blog another time. Bye~
Saturday, June 07, 2008
Hope you like it :D
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Anyway, its still good news for you people that you have a easier time reading :)
Oh.. just an interesting note, I got a little surprise when I saw the archive list. Woho, I've been blogging for 4 years already :D I wonder how long more it will go :)
Alright, I finally decided to blog during office hours. Actually I had written a entry before, but I deleted it away due to the lack of content. But I decided to try again this again because I think that I could write better entries than I do at home. When I'm at home, I don't really feel like sitting long hours in front of the computer to type out entries that don't seem as long. In the office, I'm spending even longer time in front of the computer, so I guess I have more time to think and edit my entry. Its not that I'm slacking during work, but there aren't much I can do without any input. I'm more like a human scanner. I receive pieces of contracts which requires me to seek out the data and compile a report. So after 3 months of working here, I think I'm customized to handle such task. All the bugs and errors in the earlier time are gone, okay not gone cos I still make mistake, lesser. Last time due to the slow processing, when the input comes, I can't output as fast, so work at the input piles up. But now, my output is many times faster than the input, so that leaves me with lots of time to do other stuffs. Like day dreaming... and of course blogging. I guess other than blogging for eh.. blogging... blogging also helps you look busy when you are furiously typing on the keyboard. The tapping and clicking sound of the keys adds to the effect.
I guess you can really see the difference just by the amount of text there already are just on this topic alone, as compared to what I usually type at home. So lets start~
After weeks of consideration, I've decided to give up one of my tuition student. I really have no interest in teaching him anymore. He likes to ask very specific questions that is so hard to answer. I am not a encyclopedia, how am I going to remember how many Joules of energy a body has or the circumference of the earth, or the height of mount everest. OKay, maybe I should admit that I am not very knowledgeable, so I guess also that it is better for him to get another teacher. I can't try to smoke myself out every lesson. But by doing so I am cutting off a good source of income. Teaching him is very easy. You don't have to worry about any exams because he studies at a international school and the school haven't even start to teach science yet. So there is really no pressure. Just go there feed him with information and then leave. If I really don't care if he learnt anything every lesson, I can still carry on to 'teach' and continue this income. But I feel that since I am not up to standard to teach him, then I guess it would be best that I leave and let someone better take over. So thats another problem off my mind. This has been bothering me for weeks.
Meanwhile, I will still continue to teach my other pupil. Although this pupil is not as clever, but somehow I still feel motivated to teach him. Perhaps its because he dosen't ask so much irritating questions. Talking about my other tuition kid, he's also another headache. He takes a very long time to get a concept. Really worry about him. Hope he can do well for his CA2, otherwise I also dun have face to continue teaching him.
I am recently introduced to this concept that actually, the reason to go green is not because the earth is dying, its actually us, humans that are dying. The earth will never die, when the conditions on earth become uninhabitable, human will all die off, and earth will regenerate itself. millions of years after human dies, the air will become fresh, water will become clean and life thrives again. So earth never dies, what we are afraid of is us dying. So I'm thinking, would it be better if the campaign to go green is targeted at saving ourselves then saving earth. We can maybe show how people are suffering due to the unnatural climate change, how the crops fail, how people are starving, how food prices are increasing. I think that are many more examples of the actual sufferings that we humans face . So yar, lets try to be more environmentally friendly, not for the earth. But for ourselves. Although having said all these, I know I'm still not very friendly to earth. But I can say that I am the friendliest in my family. Haha... Well.. In some instances where it is convenient, I did my part to help :)
Yay... its about time to knock off, well another hour to be exact. But still feel very happy. Haven't been doing much after lunch. Cleared most of my work before lunch, and no new work after it. So been wasting my time away blogging here. K lar, I think I shall end the entry for today here le. Gonna send it to my mail so that I can copy and past it at home :) Of if you haven't know, I'm actually typing this in a text document first before I upload it at home. Can't expect me to log on to blogger and typing away in the office right.. haha... Alright then see you.
Today feels kind of weird, I supposed it due to the morning's rush that screwed up my mood. My minds feels kind of giddy and heavy, like its under alcohol influence, but minus the high and happy feeling.
I seemed to have the feeling that I've done alot of work today, which I believe is partly true. The whole of this morning I didn't have any time to day dream. Its one of the busiest morning I had in recent weeks. I hate it when it comes to the end of the month. The trade volume is the highest among the 4 weeks. But luckily due to my relatively superior processing power as compared to when I first came in, I still managed to clear the work way before the deadline. However, that dosen't mean that I am having a easy time. Yes, things are done faster, the effort used is no lesser than before. Anyway, its another 4 more weeks to go, excluding this week and I will finally end my contract. And this time round, it will really be the end, no more extension. The time now is 4.18pm, about 1 hour more before I can go off. Boss is having a discussion with another colleague, so that leaves me with less supervision to do my own stuffs. Even though I think my boss won't really mind me doing so, but I think its still no so nice to do it blatently when he is around. So I still try to act busy when he is around. Haha... Oh one interesting thing to share. Me, my boss and another colleague share this one big cubicle, and we are seated back facing each other. We totally cannot see each other while we are working on the computer. In order to effectively spy on my boss to see if he is looking in my direction. I have tilted my monitor to an angle such that one shiny part of the monitor is actually reflecting what my boss is doing behind. Haha... As the chair he sits on is squeaky, any major movement of his will come with a sound alert. This way I just need to glance at the side of my monitor to effectively keep track of whether my boss is looking at me. Haha...I know this is totally uncalled for, but its always good to know who is looking at you behind your back, furthermore, he's still my boss no matter how nice he is. :P
Alright I really love blogging here, especially when boss is away, I can just continue to type endless lines of text onto the screen and time just pass as fast as the words appear on the screen. It really helps me to kill time.
Oh, on the topic of killing time. I've just realized that I really need alot of free boring time for me to generate ideas. Litbud was conceived during a boring lesson in school. And now, recently I came up with another character :D Its done on a boring afternoon in office. This character will make its debute on Drawing Day! Oh, if you haven't heard, there is this event that aims to create one millions drawings in a day. You can log on to for more information. Hope you guys can join in the fun and make some drawings on the day. :D
Alright, I think I'll end here for today :) Spend a good 20 minutes on this entry. :P Although not very long, but at least thats 20 mins off the 'boring' time. Haha... See ya~
-----------------------------------After weeks of having so much free time on hand, it is automatically assumed that the time is MINE. So when one day someone decides to take it away from you. You feel kind of reluctant. But the time isn't mine to be taken away in the first place. That is what's happening now. The people upstairs ( literally upstairs, they are on the 16th floor, while I am on the 2nd) are complaining that I take too much time to produce the report. In my point of view, it is not me that is slowing down the process. I have so much time on hand, so it is not that I am slow, its those who are creating the input for me to process. So to be exact, they should blame others not me for the long delay. But me, as just a temporary staff, am lazy to go and argue with them or complain to those creating the input to work faster. Its only another 4 more weeks. I just thicken my skin and bash on... 4 more weeks later, none of this will ever concern me forever. Well, I shouldn't say forever, many things can happen and it could make a big round back to haunt me. So yar, in the meanwhile, I'll just use another source of input for my work. A more unreliable one, but heck care, if they want it fast, they will have to comprimise on the quality :)
Alright, can't blog much today, got things to do. Anyway its about time to go home. No tuition for tonight, so can take a good rest :) See ya~
Saturday, May 31, 2008
This the the crystal I've been growing for about 2 months :D Nice right? It is made from epsom salt. ie. Magnesium sulpate. You can get the salt from the pharmacy. I've long been fascinated by crystals. During secondary school I took part in the crystal growing competition. At that time I lost very badly, the largest crystal that I grew was smaller than a M&M. So now I finally get the technique right :D
So enjoy the pictures~ :D Bye~
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Although I have been complaining about work, saying how much I dread going to work, I still extended my contract. :S I guess, the lure of money and the dread of boredom has a greater hold of my mind then my laziness. So, thats means another 6 more weeks of waking up at 6.30am, thinking that I should never had extended the contract. Another 6 weeks of taking the long ride to office. Another six more weekly reports. Another 24 nights of giving tuition with a half dead mind. 6 more weeks. I hope I can survive.
Anyway. I just watched the charity show for the earthquake. Looking at all the footage and the stories, I really felt very sad for them. I was especially touched about this story. Its about the mother shielding her baby from the rubble during the earthquake. The mother died, but the baby survived because the mother's body had cushioned the impact. What really made me felt the sadness was that she typed a message on her handphone and left it with the baby. The message says that, If the baby survives, she wants him/her to know that she loves him/her. I was almost brought to tears when the last line of the message was shown on the screen. I could imagine the scene where during the earthquake. Everything is shaking violently, the mother is down there, over the baby trying to protect it. She knows that she might not survive the event. All she could do was to hope for the survival of the baby. And in that kind circumstances, she still took out her phone to type a very last message. There is no way a baby could read the message, so that action would quite possibly be meaningless. But she still did it, and I guess she probably felt that that is the only thing that she could leave behind for her child, a life and a declaration of love. When the child grow up, s/he would still feel the love of the mother even though she is not longer living.
So I sincerely hope all the best to the victims of the earthquake.
Alright, its almost 11 already. Got to catch some sleep. Its another long day tomorrow. Argh... why did I prolong my suffering?!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Had a early celebration and cake cutting on saturday with my relatives, so there arn't any celebration today. In fact, it was a normal working day for me with the day ending late with tuition. But I would like to thank all who wished me a happy birthday :) Thanks!
Well... I'm getting old... 21 yrs old already!!! Looking back, I've come a long way since my very first day 21 years ago when I first came to this world. Many things has happened. But still there are many more yet to happen.
HAha... kinda stuck here... Don't know how to continue writing. Oh well... thats all lar. Life goes on. :D Perhaps will blog more another time. Another working day tomorrow, so have to get some rest :) See ya~
Monday, May 19, 2008
Oh, I celebrated my birthday with my relatives on saturday. Had a BBQ at my home. Would want to thank my parents for organising it. A lot of effort was put in by them to prepare the whole BBQ. :D
Thats about all for tonight. Start of another working week tomorrow. To all those who are also working. The weekend is one day nearer :D Just bear with it! See ya~
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Talking about shopping... Had wanted to go shopping for a long time already... But everytime when the weekends come... I just feel lazy to go out. After all the work during the weekday.. I just want to stay at home... do nothing... and then pass the day....
Oh... by the way... I'm thinking of blogging in better english... Haha... cos I realised that my english deteriorated by alot. My grammer is in a total mess... So yar... From the next paragraph onwards... I shall use lesser of 'So yar' '....' and 'haha'.... OKie~ So lets start.
I guess it would be easier for the reader to read too if I write in proper english. Alright, my english is still broken, but at least I tried. :)
Start of another week tomorrow. I've been kind of counting down to the end of my contract. I don't know if it is the job that I'm tired of or the working life. Work wise, I have to admit that it is quite tough because the work requires me to go face to face with my shortcomings. I have a hard time controlling myself to not make any mistakes. It is very tiring and stressful to live under this kind of pressure. I am very lucky to have a boss that is understanding. If not for him I would have been fired long ago.
The coming week would be the first week of my extended contract. 3 more weeks to go after that. I am still considering whether to accept another extension if offered. I really want to stop working, but I can't bear to part with the money. I have many things that I want to buy so its hard to decide whether to give it up or not.
Well, perhaps its still early for me to worry. I might not even be offered another extension. Haha.
Lets talk about other things. Recent excitement about the EPL final few matches had got me interested :D So I decided to join in the fun and place some bets :P I don't watch soccer, its boring, so the only way for me to get some trill from the game would be through soccer betting. But I don't bet much too, just enough to make me interested and join in the excitement :) I placed some bets on some unpopular results. I have this feeling that these kind of big matches, the results always surprises people. So I chose not to follow the crowd and bet on the popular choices. Although the chance of winning may be lower, but its only a small amount. I just take it as paying for some entertainment :) Hope to see some good results tomorrow :D
Okay. Think thats all for today. Have a nice week ahead :D
Sunday, May 04, 2008
Last week was great... having a may day holiday really shorten the week. Haha... But that also means I got lesser time to clear my work. Running a little behind time now. Tmr will be a busy day trying to clear the stuffs. I've also got my contract extended :D Haha... so will be able to continue working for another month. That will bring me to the first week of june le... time passes very fast. If things goes well... I might be offered another extension after june... but I am still considering whether to take it or not cos it will be in July when the contract ends... very close to the start of school le. So yar... might want to relax and do some things that I always wanted to do.
K lar... nothing much to blog about... feeling abit tired... but somehow can't get to sleep... Gonna have a hard time sleeping later cos I took a afternoon nap. It always keeps me awake pass midnight... haha... But okay lar.. coming week I got 2 lesser tuition lessons :) Having a break when the kid finished his exams. :D So should be quite a relaxing week :D
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Duno is it because of the discomfort... I feel very tired. Especially on friday. By friday afternoon.. I was really not in the mood to do anymore work. My mind feels like of pressured and I needed rest. Hope I can recover my energy after this weekend. We shall see about the tomorrow :)
Went out on saturday with the old mec gang to watch the forbidden kingdom. Finally can join their ORD gang le. Haha.. cos last time everytime we meet I'm the only one still stuck in the army. The largest gap between me and the earliest of them to ord is more than 1 year. HAha... Still remember the last time when we meet, we were playing lan games and I had to leave early cos I needed to book in that night.
Well... my review about the forbidden kingdom. The storyline is kind of crappy. I think its because although it look quite serious in the trailer, it actually quite a comedy. Haha... Its some sort of western fantasy idea of chinese kung fu. But I find the fighting scenes really nice. And there is no lack of it throughout the movie. So yar... the storyline aside. Its quite a fun movie to watch... for the comical parts and the fighting scenes.
Tomorrow have to start another week of work. Haha... and Pay day!!!!! Woho~ Well the rest of the company already received their pay check. But cos I'm a temp worker... my pay day is at the end of the month. After weeks of hard work I finally see my reward liao... haha... And I think my boss is going to extend my contract further :) But that is still not confirmed lar. Haha... have to wait till the day of my contract renewal before I can confirm that he will renew my contract.
But I have reasons to be optimistic about it lar. Cos the other day another colleague was asking him about my employment. Then he replied that he wanted me to work perm for him. But too bad I need to further my studies. HAha... so with that I was hoping that he will keep hiring me until my school starts :D
Duno why although work is not hard... but I always dread going back to work. Maybe because it will take away my personal time ba. K lar... thats all for today... bye~
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Well... I was first told they would extend my contract for another one month only then I had to leave liao. But recently.. they said they might extend it for another few months. :D Haha... So happy. Cos if they do not extend it anymore... it means that I have to job hunt again. Other than the inconvenience. I might not be able to find another job as nice as this. I really don't mind to continue working there.
I have adapted to working at the place already. It was tough for the first few weeks as there were a lot of things that I do not know. Then I had to spend a lot of effort to go through all the work. But now... I am very comfortable with my job scope. I began to understand the work flow and I no longer had any problems handling it. I even can do the work in a short time and get to slack around when I'm done with it. Colleagues are also nice people... and best of all... my boss is nice. Haha... He could happily make me his god son... haha... So I pray hard that I can continue working there till school starts.
Recently I also start to have more worries about my business.... Its kind of picking up its pace liao. The goods are coming in... and there are alot of things to handle. Its no longer like last time where I could take my time to do things. Things are gaining momentum and I hope this momentum will continue... but... by that... it would also mean that I got more work to do. Haha... Now I'm waiting for the goods to arrive safely in my hand before I take a break and consider the next step to take. Wish me luck :)
My tuition kid is also another headache... Haha... Really duno wad to do with him. Its not that he is stupid leh... he is actually very clever. But that when he does questions. he is very impulsive. He dosen't take time to understand the question before answering it. So he will just anyhow pluck the numbers and randomly use them. Haiz... coming lessons I'm not going to joke with him anymore. He better get good grades for this coming exams....
I can't wait to start school. Can't wait to go back to the time where I only need to worry about exams. To the time where I have my free time to do whatever I want. My working life now isn't hard. But there arn't many personal time left for me. Everyday I wake up... I go to my office... and get stuck there for the rest of the day. Then after work.. I eat my dinner and have a few minutes of personal time to walk around lot 1... after which I need to go give tuition... and by the time everything ends and I reach home. I'm already tired and need to sleep le..... So yar... I wan to start school soon....
K lar... thats about all for now... bye bye~
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Muahaha... Was walking around IKEA after dinner with my family just now and saw this cage full of orange crab soft toy! Haha... They look kind of cute all packed into one cage. Then... I had a wonderful inspiration.. haha... and I decided to position a few of them into something interesting. And tada~ I got this... LOL...
I didn't seperate them after I took the picture... Haha... wonder if anyone will notice these little crabs in such scandalous position... Haha...
Oh well... Tmr have to go work again... Sibeh sian... Same feeling as in army... haha... now abit worried leh... next time if I really go out and work... will it be the same as what I am doing now or nt... Duno is it just this company or wad... I think I am not very suited for office work leh... I can't stand the office environment. Like u stay in ur cubicle and work and work... Duno leh... its quite a different experience from the previous sales job I have. Haiz... will see how as time goes by ba...
Tmr start of another busy week. Actually time passes very fast when you are so busy everyday. Like for last week... it was really fast. Duno lar... dun wan to dwell too much on such topics... since will still have to report for work tmr... why do face if with a open mind and hope that things will turn out better :)
See ya~ and hope you enjoyed the picture :D Haha...
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Bought some stuffs yesterday. Went to rent a HK drama series to watch. Wanted to rip it into my phone and watch on the way to and fro from work. But it seems like not worth the effort. Haha... cos for a 1 hour show.. I need to use almost a equal amount of time to transfer it into my phone. So yar... in order to prepare like 1 episode to watch a day for the week. I need to spend 5 hours at home converting the files.
Anyway... today is the end of the long weekend liao. Kind of sad... tmr have to go start work again liao... No more holidays until may... So sad... But actually okay lar... keeping myself occupied isn't too bad a thing. Starting to adapt to work liao. Just hope that they wun take away my internet connection anytime soon. Cos there is a shortage of cubicles in the office. So maybe in a few weeks time, when new people come in. I might not have a cubicle to myself. I duno how they are going to arrange a place for me. But I just hope that there will be a connection wherever I might be sitted. Haha...without msn I dun think I can survive long. :S
Duno why.. sunday afternoon always seems to be alot warmer then other days. I can just feel the heat radiating from outside my window. The fan dosen't seem to do any good as its just the warm air being circulated round and round the room. My fridge also dun have anything nice and cooling.. haha... Hmm... wait... maybe I go see if I can find anything again.. haha...
K lar... blog another time :) Bye~
Friday, March 21, 2008
I found out that if I can knock off on time, then everything will be fine. I'll have time to enjoy my dinner slowly... take a leisure walk around lot 1 before going for my tuition. I was having a hard time during the first week cos my work was behind time so I had to stay back a little bit later to finish it up. So last week things were better as my work starts to clear faster. Also cos I've started to understand the flow of work better so it makes my work easier.
But although my time is not as packed as last week. But I still feel the tiredness. Not physically but mentally. Sitting down there with a bunch of numbers really drains your brain juice. Your mind get so dried up after work that you just want to let it rest and sleep. But then I still have to rush for tuition. So by the end of tuition... my brain is almost totally drained and dead. Then I sleep and the next day the whole draining process continues again.
Well... although I've been complaining about how busy I am, how little time I have for myself. But when I finally got time for myself, I duno what to do. Like today... Haha... my life is really boring. So yar... its not a bad thing to work actually. I just sit there, work a little... at least it keeps me occupied.
The thing that save me from totally giving up on my work is MSN... lol.. Thanks to MSN I can chat with friends while working. Haha... Almost everyday I talk to dong and ler. Dong is working all the way in HK and I still get to chat with him at work everyday. Its nice to do so. Just like for the past 2 years we have been chatting in the sungei gedong medical center. This is how amazing technology is, no matter where you are, with a internet connection. Its feels as if the other person is just next door. Ler is also another one. Haha... doing relief teaching. So yar.. if you take away MSN.. I think I wun be able to survive at work.
Now back on the topic of work.. Hehe... although I tried my best to be careful. But duno why I just won't get things out accurately. I think its just me lar.. I'm not a person into details. I shouldn't be working as in the accounts department in the first place. Haha... But I think I shall just hang on to this job ba. For the past 2 weeks... okay lar... to be honest... I've tried to do the best I could lar... but there are still some numbers that I sweep under the carpet... LOL... I think these things will come out and haunt me again soon. Haha... Hopefully I wun stay long enough for it to come back to me. Also hopefully that wun give me too much work cos I'll end up screwing up their accounts.. lol... But really... sometimes you just get so frustrated that you just want to give up.
OH well... at first I was really feeling guilty about my incompetency. But then recently I got an enlightenment. I should worry so much, cos I'm only doing a temp job. Others are being paid almost thrice my pay... so just let them worry about it. Haha... I just come to work on time. Process anything that comes by and then leave work on time. I think thats my purpose as a temp worker there. To just help them process all the sai kang i.e. manual work. I shouldn't think too much :) haha... Just as long as I have a computer, a internet connection, and MSN... plus I can work at a comfortable pace with enough time to chat online. Then I guess I will have no reason of leaving this job before they want me to leave. Haha.. Not as in they fire me lar... like when they do not need a temp worker to help them process work anymore.
K lar... all in all... still quite okay with my life now. Though its tiring. But it keeps me occupied :) Hope that things will keep changing for the better in days to come :)
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Well.. although I am out of camp... I still feel the loss of freedom and personal time. Cos I still don't have much personal time for myself. Everyday I wake up I go to work... after work have to rush to give tuition. After that go home already almost 10 liao... take a shower and then sleep le... The next moment I wake up... the whole cycle continue again... So during weekdays I still don't have time for myself. Its only in the weekend where I have time to stone around at home and not do anything. Haiz... just have to endure for 2 months... then see how lo... see if can get a easier job...
Oh well... nothing much lar... bye~
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Everyday I get drowned by a tsunami of numbers... LOL... accounting is really not my cup of tea. Haha... really... I realised why my superior is an account... lol... he really like accounting very much...
Today we were sorting out some accounts... then we met with a problem... For me... it was so fustrating cos we need to recheck everything again to make sure that it balanced... I almost wanna just take the laptop and slam it into the wall... But then he... instead of being fustrated.... he was actually excited about it... LOL.... he tells me that he sees it as a mystery and feels motivated to solve it....
I was like -__________- """"
Really... I was suffocating in the sea of numbers... but there he is happily swimming around.
So yar... that makes me realise that I am not build to be an accountant... I never thought accounting would be that tough until I started on this job... :S Wish me good luck man.... still got at least a month before I can get out of this sea of suffering... haha... See ya~
Monday, March 10, 2008
Friday, March 07, 2008
Well... for the past 2 years I've been praying hard for this day to come soon. But then now come to think of it... I will kind of miss army life... Haha... Well.. not to suan those who are still serving... but... really....
The buildings that I live in... the people I see... they are all gone... just like that. When I say bye to the people today... I have no idea when will I be able to see them again. I might not be able to see some people for the rest of my life.
So yar... although its a sucky place... I think you will still get that kind of feeling when you leave a place and change to a new environment.
Oh well... Would like to thank some people who have helped my throughout my army life. I dun think anyone will see it... but then... just want to record this in my blog :)
From BMT... My bunk mates~ Haha... went through lots of shit with them during bmt...
Then medic course.... It was heaven down there... haha... Miss my bunkmates as well... lots of fun partying at night... My spec there also... very nice people....
Finally... In A E TC! Haha... Well... I spend 3/4 of my army life there.... went through alot of things as well... I especially will miss my group of medics! Haha... well... I think its very nice of us to be able to stay so cohesive. Not like some places where there are a lot of internal politics.
Oh well... I have finish the army phase of my life already.... time to move on to greater things... The past 2 years will always be a part of my memory... :)
Thursday, February 28, 2008
All because of one person's decision it makes life difficult for so many others... Words can't describe how much I hate him... Its like even torturing him with the world's most deadly torturing technique won't appease my hatred for him.
I think its only in such a organisation like the army that such people can exist and survive. Nobody under him likes him... but he is still able to promote cos the top like him. And the bottom have no means to complain to the top that he sux. Actually this situation may still happen in the other workplace. Whats different is this.
Outside the army... if you are not happy... you can quit... so even if the top likes him... with no one at the bottom to support him.. he won't be able to continue to succeed. But in the army... we can't quit.... we can only suck thumb and follow... so these people dun care... once they get on top of you. They can step on you and make your life suffer, and you have no means to retaliate.
Anyway... there isn't much impact lar... its already the last week for me... that few days is nothing to me.... what is supposed to come will come... Maybe the reason that I feel so angry was because I got quite a shock when the news was broken to me. I had always thought that I will be able to go... so when I was told about it... I just couldn't accept it...
K lar... I had my fair 2 years share of such shit... Its over and done with already... no need to face such person anymore. Coming friday... Total Freedom....
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Well.. next week ORD LOH!!!!!!! haha... I supposed you can tell from the background of my blog how happy I am to be so close to getting out of the army. HAaha.... I thought its about time for my to change the arm looking background to a more livelier one since I am also moving away from army life liao...
As I leave my army life behind... I enter the civilian life... and the problem of deriving income. For the past 2 years I have been happily slacking and getting allowance from SAF... now that the well is almost dry.... I have to dig another one soon.
I have been digging for the past weeks but all effort are futile... Haha... can't get a good paying job. Still got 1 week to go before I ord... have to find a job quick... If really worst come to worst... no choice but to take even the lowest paying job.
Well.. even if I can't get a job.. I wun starve to death as yet... cos I found a little stream that can supply me with crystal clear water. Although little... its good enough to sustain life. Haha... I'm teaching tuition now... A primary 4 kid... Haha... he's a smart kid lar... the problem is he dun take his time to think.... He just see the question and quickly want to solve it so he jump into conclusion very quickly. So yar... I have a hard time trying to make him slow down and pay more attention to the question and not just anyhow answer...
He just finished his exams today... Hope he will make some improvement... I dun wan my stream so dry up so fast ar... haha...
Other than that... is also making good progress :D Some of you might have already seen the sample product that I have for it already... Haha... well... I won't upload any pictures yet. I will try to get everything settled then I will put it up on the website. Everything will take another 1 month or so ba... So yar... watch out for it :D
Tonight going back camp... doing clearance tomorrow... haha... if I can finished everything by tomorrow... then next week I dun have to go back anymore other than getting back my pink IC... haha....
So yar.... Will blog more about my ORD feeling after I have ORDed ba... haha...
See YA~
Monday, February 11, 2008
Like now... I'm gonna complain and lament again~ lol... sian leh... got called back for IPPT.... Argh... can't take my off in peace... Guess its gonna continue until the day I finally ORD.... 1 more month to go!!! Argh... Its gonna be a very long month it this keeps happening.... There is soc this thursday... I hope I wun be called back... if they really do so... I have to be prepared to the worst liao.... I only agree to come back this once ar... anymore than that I will do stunt liao....
Haiz... although I know that its their job to screw us... and our job to evade... but then... I just can't help to feel that they are all fuck up... although everyone is just doing their job...
Really cannot take army life anymore.... Haiz... just have to wait for this very long month to pass....
Sian... spoil my mood for the whole day....
Sunday, January 20, 2008
2 weeks... not a very long time.... by the next time I book out... there will only be one last week left.... But then.... I just can't help but to wish for it to come sooner.... Although it just 2 short little weeks... there are many things happening.... I still have to wake up for 5BX... go for run everyday... and Rt at night.... ARgh... why can't they just let me off...
K lar... enough of the complains... Just hope that this week will pass fast...
Haiz... no mood to blog about other stuffs liao... haha... think those reading my blog... ( if there is any :S haha ) are already bored to death... after reading entries after entries about me complaining... haha... Hmm... hope after ORD life will be better and I'll write more interesting stuffs :) Bye~
Sunday, January 06, 2008
But then... January won't past as fast as I wish it would... Its quite an eventful month where I have quite a few covers and ampt... Well.. ampt is slack... just that I need to spend some effort revising all my work again.
Hmm... today is already the 6th of Jan already.... One week less of Jan... Its a mental torture to have something already so close.. but u can't just reach it yet.
Well... just have to push forward ba....
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
Yes~ Its 2008!.... Well... advanced onto the next calender year already. Life is short... Every year brings us a lot closer to the end... At this turn of a year... I'll do some reflection of what has passed in the long year of 2007....
Year 2007... well... an entire year spent in the army... Hmm... just start of this year... I've only just settled down in my unit. With an entire year to go through before I can finally see the light of ORD... Life was hard... but we still hang on... suck thumb... haha...
It was a year of IPPT... SOC... and Outfield... Life really sux... We also went through alot of turbulent times... haha... I guess not many people will get to experience the kind of things that the group of us in my unit does. We went through mergers and separation... the right to own us medics got transferred from one to another.... Haiz....
Oh well... the army days are going to be over soon... Very soon I'll be able to embrace my civilian life~! Haha... really can't wait for that day to come... Hmm... 2007 is quite a boring and mundane year... as with all the other years... haha... okay lar... as in... there arn't any milestones or highlights in the year... Like last time there is my enlistment to mark the year... and the previous year my A levels... But year 2007... it seems just like a year for me to endure and push through my army life... hmm... lets do a check over the events for the past year... haha... this is a good thing about blogging.... I can look back at my archives for things that I may have totally forgotten. My memory really getting very bad... Anyway... here it goes....
A quick look at last year's resolutions.... well... haven't accomplish any one of it... LOL... Kind of pathetic... haha... Hmm... its like 80% of all my blog entries this year is complaining about booking in to camp... haha... K lar... after reading through.... really... there is nothing much about 2007 haha... Guess I'm really just waiting for the year to pass and my army life to end.
So I shall officially declare year 2007 closed.... lol... well... 2007 has been a thing of the past now... Right after 2007 comes 2008! Woho~ This is a year that I've been looking forward and anticipating... This is gonna be a very eventful year! Haha... Two super major events in the year 2008... My ORD... the start of civilian life... and more importantly... start of my Uni life :D Woho~ really can't wait man... Finally I can live the life that I wanted!
2 years of army life really makes u appreciate civilian life a lot more. The kind of freedom that u get.... the kind-of-people-who-will-not-survive-in-the-civilian-world-
and-so-signed-on-and-make-us-suffer will not be there anymore... The air will be fresh and the sun shines bright. Thats the life man....
For 2008... well... nothing much to ask for... just want to stay happy always... haha... Actually... just being happy is actually a lot to ask for... haha... cos everything we do has the common motive to make us happy... so if u pursue happiness in the wrong route... you may end up being even more unhappy. So well... what I wish for is simple happiness. I guess sometimes I demand too much... so this year... I want to learn to be contented with what I have and what I can achieve.
K lar... For now... I'm just looking forward to my ORD... something that I spend 2 years waiting for is finally going to come... I couldn't imagine the kind of joy I would feel on the day of my ORD.... Its gonna be awesome....
Haha... oh well.... life still goes on... later still have to book in... sibeh sian... Just have to endure through this lar.... the end is near... haha....
Okay~ I shall now close this entry... Year 2008... I wish all to be able to spontaneously fulfill your joys.... Haha... a concept from a book that I read... Make our joys spontaneous and abundant :D
Happy 2008!